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So if gamepass can't sustain AA games what was the point of this business model?

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GamePass is a total failure. There is no logic behind it because it was conceived by retards. It serves no purpose but to buy time for Phil Spencer to fleece lemtards and Satya Nadela. Now that Satya has run out of patience we are now seeing GamePass crumble and the studios that were bought to sustain it are eventually going to be closed.


I kept asking for years, how GP was sustainable and lemshits kept parroting Phil Spencer’s lies and talking points. Everyone knew Phil Spencer was full of shit including lems but they wanted to believe the lie because it was giving them shitty games on a cheap subscription service. Now we are seeing the results of years of lies. 

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They have plenty of game studios but cannot manage them. If all the studios were competently led, GamePass would be popping with new good games all the time.


So instead of doing that....


They close down studios, lay people off and cancel games. No wonder GP isnt growing, it has NO 1p games because MS cannot make them. Those small AA games are what makes GP great. So take it away.


Now they want to focus on the big AAA games that take 5+ years to make? And under MS, more like 7 or 8. So GP will have no content. Nobody buys Xbox and the current GP users are just going to stop subbing.


Xbox is dead and ran by con men in gaming t's . MS Sucks! I Hate It :mad:

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2 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

GamePass is a total failure. There is no logic behind it because it was conceived by retards. It serves no purpose but to buy time for Phil Spencer to fleece lemtards and Satya Nadela. Now that Satya has run out of patience we are now seeing GamePass crumble and the studios that were bought to sustain it are eventually going to be closed.


I kept asking for years, how GP was sustainable and lemshits kept parroting Phil Spencer’s lies and talking points. Everyone knew Phil Spencer was full of shit including lems but they wanted to believe the lie because it was giving them shitty games on a cheap subscription service. Now we are seeing the results of years of lies. 

GP IS sustainable if the content is there to drive subs. The content isnt there, or, is there but sucks. If you cant sell Xbox you cant sell GamePass. How do you do both? Good games in a timely manner. So what do you do with the good games? Fire the people that made them.


I feel like Phil is secretly paid by Sony to sabotage MS. There isnt really any other explanation to how to leadership at Xbox sucks so fucking bad.

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By itself it's not bad but it's run like the movie streaming platforms seeking short term results. It doesn't work like that in the gaming industry. 

Games take time to make. 

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everyone all over the world watches movies/tv and you can get netflix on basically anything (how successful would netflix be if you could only get it on xbox?).  and even then, every other movie/tv streamer is crashing. chasing a netflix for games service is a fool's errand. the audience is too small.

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7 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

GP IS sustainable if the content is there to drive subs. The content isnt there, or, is there but sucks. If you cant sell Xbox you cant sell GamePass. How do you do both? Good games in a timely manner. So what do you do with the good games? Fire the people that made them.


I feel like Phil is secretly paid by Sony to sabotage MS. There isnt really any other explanation to how to leadership at Xbox sucks so fucking bad.

It’s sustainable but only if it gets hundreds of millions of subs. Even if they get tons of good games, the 30 million or so subs isn’t going to sustain it unless they can increase their sub numbers by a lot more. Netflix has like 200 million subs and they are constantly in debt. Videogames are a lot more expensive to make and take much longer to materialize than TV shows/movies and would need a lot more than 200 million subs to sustain AAA games. At best GP is good enough to sustain indie and some AA but I don’t think it was ever going to be big enough to sustain AAA games.

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1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

It’s sustainable but only if it gets hundreds of millions of subs. Even if they get tons of good games, the 30 million or so subs isn’t going to sustain it unless they can increase their sub numbers by a lot more. Netflix has like 200 million subs and they are constantly in debt. Videogames are a lot more expensive to make and take much longer to materialize than TV shows/movies and would need a lot more than 200 million subs to sustain AAA games. At best GP is good enough to sustain indie and some AA but I don’t think it was ever going to be big enough to sustain AAA games.

I dont think they need anywhere close to 200 million. I bet 50 would finance just about anything with plenty on top. 

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1 minute ago, Quad Damage said:

everyone all over the world watches movies/tv and you can get netflix on basically anything (how successful would netflix be if you could only get it on xbox?).  and even then, every other movie/tv streamer is crashing. chasing a netflix for games service is a fool's errand. the audience is too small.

Exactly. The market isn’t big enough to sustain AAA games on a sub service. Movie streaming services like Netflix and Disney Plus are struggling and they have hundreds of millions of subs on top of the fact that movies/TV shows are a lot cheaper to make than games.


When you couple this fact with there knowledge that videogames aren’t passive entertainment like movies and music and need a lot more time and engagement to consume you realize that GamePass was always doomed to fail. There’s no way it could have supported AAA games. Maybe a few AA or indie at best but there’s not enough gamers in the world interested in sub services to sustain all the AAA games that Phil was trying to trick us into believing that GP would support.

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2 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

I dont think they need anywhere close to 200 million. I bet 50 would finance just about anything with plenty on top. 

50 million subs? LMAO. Don’t make me laugh. 50 million is nowhere near close enough to fund AAA games nowadays that can cost anywhere from between $100-200 million to make for one. The price of individual subscriptions would have to be extremely high to support a service with a constant stream of AAA games. It would be so high that it would nullify the whole point of having a subscription in the first place.

Keep in mind, you not only have to pay for your own AAA games in such a service but you’d also have to pay third party studios and publishers enough money that they would want to publish their games in your service day and date. The price of such a service is just too much. No way 50 million subs can cover the cost especially at the current price GP costs now.

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1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

50 million subs? LMAO. Don’t make me laugh. 50 million is nowhere near close enough to fund AAA games nowadays that can cost anywhere from between $100-200 million to make for one. The price of individual subscriptions would have to be extremely high to support a service with a constant stream of AAA games. It would be so high that it would nullify the whole point of having a subscription in the first place.

Keep in mind, you not only have to pay for your own AAA games in such a service but you’d also have to pay third party studios and publishers enough money that they would want to publish their games in your service day and date. The price of such a service is just too much. No way 50 million subs can cover the cost especially at the current price GP costs now.

Im aware of how GP works. If you had a consistent 50 million subs at 18 bucks a month you have over 10 BILLION dollars annually. That can fund and pay for whatever they want and theyd be eating on yachts too.

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40 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

50 million subs? LMAO. Don’t make me laugh. 50 million is nowhere near close enough to fund AAA games nowadays that can cost anywhere from between $100-200 million to make for one. The price of individual subscriptions would have to be extremely high to support a service with a constant stream of AAA games. It would be so high that it would nullify the whole point of having a subscription in the first place.

Keep in mind, you not only have to pay for your own AAA games in such a service but you’d also have to pay third party studios and publishers enough money that they would want to publish their games in your service day and date. The price of such a service is just too much. No way 50 million subs can cover the cost especially at the current price GP costs now.

You're retarded.  50M subs is absolutely enough....  Do you realize how much money that is per month..  MONTH... not year.. :drake: 

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Remij said:

You're retarded.  50M subs is absolutely enough....  Do you realize how much money that is per month..  MONTH... not year.. :drake: 

Says the retard that argued for years that GP was sustainable in its current form. GTFOH you moron, retarded lemshits like you were championing Phil up until this year when everything at Xbox imploded. You have no room to talk with your idiotic posting history. You are a clueless moron, and that’s why Phil was able to take you for a ride all these years. Everyone kept telling you lemshits that GP wasn’t the answer and that Xbox would go belly up if it went that route but you foolishly went full speed with Phil until you hit an iceberg  :kaz:

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1 hour ago, JonDnD said:

I dont think they need anywhere close to 200 million. I bet 50 would finance just about anything with plenty on top. 

The problem is MS spent so much money buying dev houses that they must be itching to get those results really fast.

Like I just said, you simply CAN'T do that in the gaming industry.

Good games take time to make, unless they go the AA route.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

Says the retard that argued for years that GP was sustainable in its current form. GTFOH you moron, retarded lemshits like you were championing Phil up until this year when everything at Xbox imploded. You have no room to talk with your idiotic posting history. You are clueless moron, and that’s why Phil was able to take you for a ride all these years. Everyone kept telling you lemshits that GP wasn’t the answer and that Xbox would go belly up but you foolishly went full speed with Phil until you hit an iceberg  :kaz:

GamePass IS sustainable in its current form retard... the problem is MS not releasing quality games in a competent and timely manner...  Jesus christ how many times do you have to be told that... and how many times have I said throughout this entire thing that MS was continually dropping the ball.  Fucking moron.  Not my fault you never listen to the words I say and can't get the lemming you imagine I am out of your fucking head.


Idiots like you can't separate the model from the idiocy of Microsoft and their studio management issues, because you're THAT much of a fucking psycho fanboy retard.  If they had actually had great games come out at a consistent pace... there would be none of this conversation moron.  THAT is the issue with MS.. STUDIO MANAGEMENT ISSUES... not GamePass. :lemming: 


And dipshit... I game on PC.  The only thing Phil did to me... was give me all of Xbox's games... just like Shawn Layden, Jim Ryan, and this new guy.. are going to give me all of Playstation's...so fuck off :cruise:  

Edited by Remij
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45 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

Im aware of how GP works. If you had a consistent 50 million subs at 18 bucks a month you have over 10 BILLION dollars annually. That can fund and pay for whatever they want and theyd be eating on yachts too.

You clearly don’t know how it works. What makes you think $10 billion annually would be enough? You guys don’t seem to realize the more popular GP gets with gamers the more money you would need to pour into it to keep it going. As gamers stop spending money on publishers’ games on your platform you will have to pay publishers way more money to subsidize the lost retail sales and keep their games coming to your service day and date. MS would not only be paying for their own AAA games but they’d have to pay for their partners’ games as well. Thats why GP imploded in the first place. The service got more and more popular with Xbox gamers to the point they stopped buying games and MS needed subs to keep growing exponentially to offset the lack of games being sold on their platform. Unfortunately for them, the subs dried up and that’s why we are seeing both Xbox die and MS shutting down studios.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Remij said:

GamePass IS sustainable in its current form retard... the problem is MS not releasing quality games in a competent and timely manner...  Jesus christ how many times do you have to be told that... and how many times have I said throughout this entire thing that MS was continually dropping the ball.  Fucking moron.  Not my fault you never listen to the words I say and can't get the lemming you imagine I am out of your fucking head.


Idiots like you can't separate the model from the idiocy of Microsoft and their studio management issues.  If they had actually had great games come out at a consistent pace... there would be none of this conversation moron.  THAT is the issue with MS.. STUDIO MANAGEMENT ISSUES... not GamePass. :lemming: 


And dipshit... I game on PC.  The only thing Phil did to me... was give me all of Xbox's games... just like Shawn Layden, Jim Ryan, and this new guy.. are going to give me all of Playstation's...so fuck off :cruise:  

:kaz: Look at this retard coping. Up until Starfield came out and became the flop of the gen you were still believing MS would come out on top. You’re a fucking retard with zero business sense and that’s why MS was able to fleece you and your retarded lembros for years.


Phil has taken you regarded lemshits to the cleaners and you have nothing to show for it but flops and all your games going to PS5 and Switch. GTFOH clown. How anyone can still be defending the soundness of GP business model after such a spectacular failure is beyond me. Only a retard like you can still be arguing that GP could have been sustainable after what we have seen. You are a lemming Lemij, save the lies and Copium for your fellow retards. No one believes you’re actually a hermit  :hest:

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