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MVK: Xbox has lost its way

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No wonder the lemming defence force has been working overtime today, the media has finally snapped at Xbox. This shit is going into freefall soon if not already. 



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Posted (edited)

:luff: LMAO, no wonder Cuckstz and Lemij have been working overtime to deflect from the fact that Xbox is now a laughing stock even for the gaming media and devs.

Lemij making several backfire threads for a 4 year old PS4 port and Cuckstz trying to predict how long the PS5 will remain successful while ShitBox is imploding:cruise:



:lawl: These are the same retards that assured us last year that this year would be Xbox’s year, LMAO! Everything these retards say comes back to bite them in the ass. No wonder they are on suicide watch.



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Xbox certainly has lost its way... from their console gamers...


...and right to me.  In other words.. they came to my house because I wouldn't go to theirs... just like Sony  :juggle: 

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2 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

Does anyone seriously believe their hardware will sell even if they who've steam in there?

Nope, i don't even think MS themselves believe they can push hardware even if they get Steam.



They are completely toast when it comes to hardware going forward.

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