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State of Playstation thread (starting in around 10min)

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  • Remij changed the title to State of Playstation thread (starting in around 10min)

MH: Wilds looks great.  Astro Bot looks great. GoW:R on PC looks great.  Path of Exile 2 looks great.


Until Dawn was a good game, but I dunno... these enhanced visuals just don't hold up to my memories of the original.  Maybe because I just came off playing Hellblade 2? :wonder:  I dunno..



Concord looks like a complete ripoff.  Overwatch + Guardians of the Galaxy pretty much.  Some of the other games looked like they could be neat I suppose, but nothing that great.


7/10 is what I'd rate this I guess.

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-The PSVR2 games actually look pretty neat. Alien Rogue Incursion is going to be fucking intense.

-Ballad of Antara has potential

-SH2 looks like something that could have come out 10 years ago. The character models in particular are so outdated

-Astro Bot looks good, looks like a fully featured 3D platformer which is nice


didn't care for anything else


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Astro Bot not being VR is fucking stupid. 


Behemoth looked cool. Skydance owns. But still, completely disappointment for PSVR2. Temporary price drop and some games on PS plus is not putting any effort into that thing. Fucking morons. 


Bunch of Souls like, multiplayer trash and Monster Dumpster. I don't care.


Also, gonna sell my copy of Until Dawn asap. 

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Just now, Remij said:

MH: Wilds looks great.  Astro Bot looks great. GoW:R on PC looks great.  Path of Exile 2 looks great.


Until Dawn was a good game, but I dunno... these enhanced visuals just don't hold up to my memories of the original.  Maybe because I just came off playing Hellblade 2? :wonder:  I dunno..



Concord looks like a complete ripoff.  Overwatch + Guardians of the Galaxy pretty much.  Some of the other games looked like they could be neat I suppose, but nothing that great.


7/10 is what I'd rate this I guess.

I was thinking more like 6/10, but another game that looked pretty interesting was Where Winds Meet.

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Just now, David P said:

Astro Bot not being VR is fucking stupid. 


Behemoth looked cool. Skydance owns. But still, completely disappointment for PSVR2. Temporary price drop and some games on PS plus is not putting any effort into that thing. Fucking morons. 


Bunch of Souls like, multiplayer trash and Monster Dumpster. I don't care.


Also, gonna sell my copy of Until Dawn asap. 

Yea, what the fuck is up with that? :smilecry: 


Astro Bot not being a PSVR2 game is pretty much confirmation that the PSVR2 is on its death bed.  They had no faith in the POS and it shows.

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Thinking they were going to keep Astro Bot behind the PSVR2 paywall is just being ignorant. Sony wants to expand that franchise to compete.

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Just now, Remij said:

Yea, what the fuck is up with that? :smilecry: 


Astro Bot not being a PSVR2 game is pretty much confirmation that the PSVR2 is on its death bed.  They had no faith in the POS and it shows.

The gameplay was like the first game but with more gimmicks, so this is something they could most likely easily integrate in VR. The fact it's flatscreen only is quite the slap in the face. 

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1 minute ago, lynux3 said:

I was thinking more like 6/10, but another game that looked pretty interesting was Where Winds Meet.

I was trying to decide between a 6.5 and a 7.. and I just decided to go with a 7 because despite not having any real big announcements outside of Astro.. there's quite a few games there that I'm looking forward to.. they're just known quantities at this point.

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1 minute ago, lynux3 said:

Thinking they were going to keep Astro Bot behind the PSVR2 paywall is just being ignorant. Sony wants to expand that franchise to compete.

Just add a VR mode. Problem solved. If Capcom can port RE4 on PSVR2 in 9 months, anything is possible.

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Waiting for CuckTardPower and DelusionalSan to come in and tell us CUCK RETARD LEMMINGS HVAW BEEN RAPED! 10/10 SHOW , RETARDS

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2 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

Thinking they were going to keep Astro Bot behind the PSVR2 paywall is just being ignorant. Sony wants to expand that franchise to compete.

Yea... if you've already conceded that PSVR2 is dead and that they never really cared about it.


Astro for PSVR2 should have been the first thing in development and one of the games that was literally driving the technologies they adopted to create the PSVR2.  It absolutely should have been a game to push PSVR2.. but it's quite abundantly clear now that they've given up on it first party-wise.


They're simply not going to divert any resources to PSVR2 specific development anymore.  I'd be pissed if I owned that trash :D 

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