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FF14 fails to make top 400 purchased games on Xbox

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:kaz: And people keep wondering why Square and Japanese games in general skip Xbox....





Shit is flopping so hard that they probably aren't going to make the money back they made porting it to ShitBox because lems don't buy games :mj:


There are retards here that still believe FF7Rebirth would do well on Xbox and are wondering why Square Enix skipped porting it the ShitBox this year  :RISITAS:

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8 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

TCHBFR :tom:

Yep, "TCHBFR" because a Square Enix game that retards like you cried for is flopping on Xbox.


MalaRetard logic :hest:



When the next big Square Enix game Xbox again you retards will start saying Sony money-hatted them. There's no money-hat, you broke bitches just don't buy games.



It's why your console is on life support and MS is porting even their own games to PS5 and Switch :mj:

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1 minute ago, JonDnD said:

SE - we are now going with a multiplat approach

DumboPower - NO 😭

Their multiplat approach has already failed with the first big port SlowJon  :kaz:


:cruise: Their next games will be multiplat on everything minus ShitBox at this rate.



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Theyll prob be on everything that can run them. An old ass game you have to sub to isnt any indication of anything.

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