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9 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

More of your convenient thinking. Where the left does bad things, and the only time the right does something bad it's also something that the left does as well so they cancel each other out in your mind. This mental filter that always leads "independent free thinkers" to constantly defend right wing rhetoric and pathetically lie about equivalencies on the Left that dont exist. Who talks about body dysmorphia more than conservatives? Who talks about Trans people more than conservatives? Who talks about abortion more than conservatives? Well, now it's the left but that's because right wingers spent 50 years chipping away and plotting to overturn Roe v Wade. Who talked about fucking Bud Light for a god damn fucking year? Who was in Lego stores calling teenage employees pedophiles? Or Target? Who were shooting up cans of beer in their backyards? Who were burning their Nikes in their backyards? Where are the insane Lefties doing the stupid shit on this level? 


Where is the left version of MAGA? or Qanon? You know which party is represented most by Flat Earthers? Yup, right wing conspiracy theorist. 


Which Leftist politicians are on the level of MAGA republicans like Boebert, MJT, Gaetz, Santos, Tuberville, or De Luna?


The wide berth of retarded bullshit the Right gets to enjoy because braindead aggrieved white guys are fine with all levels of bigotry, lack of ideas, non-existent social progress, and ever changing conflicting ideology as long as some random personal gripe of theirs is being championed. 

This has nothing to do with right or left. I said earlier that the right fuel the argument being part of the issue. 


Yeah bringing up an annoying online trans influencer to market bud light, a piss beer mostly drank by insecure men who wants to fit in a certain image, wasn't the best idea. Nor was selling baby clothing items with LGBTQ messaging at Target a smart marketing move. No one wants to see this crap being pushed to toddlers and it received the appropriate response until they had to let it go in most stores. They won their culture war boycott if anything. 


There's plenty of retarded leftists movements or communities, something like Just Stop Oil for example. A bunch of fucking retards blocking the street to everyday people who just want to go to work, creating a huge traffic jam which creates tons of unnecessary CO2 emissions, the very thing they are supposed to fight. Absolute stupidity.


Hillary Clinton? Oh wait, she's far worse. She's more like a neocon democrat, neodem? I can think of about a few dozens disgusting left leaning politicians. Are you saying you have no issue with any democrat? 


There's stupid shit coming from both sides at all times. The fact you think one side is good and the other is inherently evil is fucking stupid and immature.


21 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Your continued obtuseness about this is fascinating. Firstly, I dont thnk you even believe in racism . Secondly, It was never about her. Its about the community that rapidly opened their arms to galvanize her. It's telling that so little earned her so much platforming. 

She'll be forgotten in a month unless you keep talking about her. Not sure why she was invited anywhere but I'm not familiar with the whole story and I don't care.


22 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

In 2024 a Trump supporter is a very specific person. Again, I dont like bigots, abusers, users, or people who support then uncritically. So that pretty much eliminates anyone supporting Trump. Their either bigots, support bigots, or just some greedy grifter making money off of how stupid Trump supporters are. 

Childish and stupid view of the world.


25 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You know how I know you get all of your ideas from right wing media? It's 2024 and only extremely stupid right wing tittty babies still use these nearly decade old memes. "I FORMULATE MY OWN THOUGHT FORMULAS" lmfao STFD 'tard. 

That shit never gets old. Cry me a river.

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What's hilarious is that dude boasting about being an incel 

You're almost as delusional as Cooke. 

Lindsey Graham? 

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21 minutes ago, David P said:

This has nothing to do with right or left. I said earlier that the right fuel the argument being part of the issue. 


Yeah bringing up an annoying online trans influencer to market bud light, a piss beer mostly drank by insecure men who wants to fit in a certain image, wasn't the best idea. Nor was selling baby clothing items with LGBTQ messaging at Target a smart marketing move. No one wants to see this crap being pushed to toddlers and it received the appropriate response until they had to let it go in most stores. They won their culture war boycott if anything. 


There you go proving my point. You hate Trans people so of course you find the outrage completely understandable. Yet if she said the N word you would simply say "stop looking". 


Again, that self-serving double standard you live by. 



21 minutes ago, David P said:

There's plenty of retarded leftists movements or communities, something like Just Stop Oil for example. A bunch of fucking retards blocking the street to everyday people who just want to go to work, creating a huge traffic jam which creates tons of unnecessary CO2 emissions, the very thing they are supposed to fight. Absolute stupidity.


Hillary Clinton? Oh wait, she's far worse. She's more like a neocon democrat, neodem? I can think of about a few dozens disgusting left leaning politicians. Are you saying you have no issue with any democrat? 


Who even brought up Clinton? She hasn't been in politics since 2016 and I didn't vote for her in the primary. My biggest issue with her is that most of her policies are center right. She's basically a standard Republican who doesn't hate brown people and women. 


If anything you should be a big fan of hers but you've been told to hate her because of right wing media. 


21 minutes ago, David P said:

There's stupid shit coming from both sides at all times. The fact you think one side is good and the other is inherently evil is fucking stupid and immature.


I said one side gets to be completely retarded, racist, defeatist, anti-American, and completely ineffective yet still be considered on par with the other. Most of the politicians I've mentioned above have proved multiple times that they don't even know how the government works. Tuberville didn't even know what the 3 branches of government are and they teach that llke in the third grade. 



Again, there's no left wing equivalent to these people. Most of the people I mentioned only won their seats because they pledged undying loyalty to one man. 



21 minutes ago, David P said:

She'll be forgotten in a month unless you keep talking about her. Not sure why she was invited anywhere but I'm not familiar with the whole story and I don't care.


The same can be said about it anyone. Again, we would have never have heard of Dylan Mullaney if conservatives didn't spend 24 hours a day for a full year talking about her. 



21 minutes ago, David P said:


Childish and stupid view of the world.


That shit never gets old. Cry me a river.


You dont even have any views of your own. It's no coincidence that you or Cooke or Twinblade or DC never actually have personally formed opinions which is betrayed by the fact none of you ever have a solution to anything or seem knowledgeable of the core issues of what you are complaining about. 


You only know what you've been told to think by reactionary talking heads who themselves never have solutions or consistent ideologies and it trickles down to you. 


Firming opinions based of headlines and captions isn't real knowledge. 

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16 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

There you go proving my point. You hate Trans people so of course you find the outrage completely understandable. Yet if she said the N word you would simply say "stop looking". 


Again, that self-serving double standard you live by. 

No, I said it was stupid to market a product that has cultivated a manly image for decades being suddenly sponsored by one of the most annoying trans influencer. This is a failure of marketing. Most woke backlash are just that, tone deaf upper management trying to expand their products at the cost of their base for one of the smallest minority out there. 


I personally don't give a shit.


20 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Who even brought up Clinton? She hasn't been in politics since 2016 and I didn't vote for her in the primary. My biggest issue with her is that most of her policies are center right. She's basically a standard Republican who doesn't hate brown people and women. 


If anything you should be a big fan of hers but you've been told to hate her because of right wing media. 

Since when do I like war mongering, deep state shills politicians? 


22 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

The same can be said about it anyone. Again, we would have never have heard of Dylan Mullaney if conservatives didn't spend 24 hours a day for a full year talking about her. 

I know. It took me some time but I realize this now. 


23 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You dont even have any views of your own. It's no coincidence that you or Cooke or Twinblade or DC never actually have personally formed opinions which is betrayed by the fact none of you ever have a solution to anything or seem knowledgeable of the core issues of what you are complaining about. 


You only know what you've been told to think by reactionary talking heads who themselves never have solutions or consistent ideologies and it trickles down to you. 


Firming opinions based of headlines and captions isn't real knowledge. 

Yeah, yeah, no one is informed but you. And you have all the solutions to all the problems. 


Remy 2028 for US President. 


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1 hour ago, David P said:

No, I said it was stupid to market a product that has cultivated a manly image for decades being suddenly sponsored by one of the most annoying trans influencer. This is a failure of marketing. Most woke backlash are just that, tone deaf upper management trying to expand their products at the cost of their base for one of the smallest minority out there. 


They sent a six pack to an influencer for a single ad read. It wasn't like they made a super bowl ad or something. It was meant to only be seen by the people who follow the annoying Trans woman a single time during one of her streams. 


Streaming ad buys are cheap and if you know anything about advertising, there's very little if any expected ROI on that type of stuff. This was a minor outreach ad spend.


How were they supposed to know that right wingers are bigoted and insecure that it would change the entire way they perceive the world. To the point where these weirdos consider any woman a man. Then again this is a dodge anyway. Instead of attacking the people reacting, you decided critique marketing strategies? 


Taylor Swift is a man, Michelle Obama is a man, even Riley Gaines gets called a man by the same people she's playing up to. Do you think Taylor Swift is a man? 


Also stop "surfing" with Woke as if it's an actual thing. She's Trans. You just used "woke" to make it look like it's not just transphobia. 


Funny how woke is always the full-in word for Black, gay, women, or Trans. This is how extremism works. You find a way to eliminate someone's humanity to feel justified treating them worse than you would someone of your tribal mindset or social hierarchy. 


I personally don't give a shit.


Oh, I know. I constantly say you don't give a shit. 



Since when do I like war mongering, deep state shills politicians? 


I don't know when you became a right wing bot so I have no idea. 




I know. It took me some time but I realize this now. 


But I should listen to the person constantly realizing things after being told them dozens of times in many different ways b




Yeah, yeah, no one is informed but you. And you have all the solutions to all the problems. 


Remy 2028 for US President. 



I said what I said, you don't have to paraphrase or extrapolate anything. Hot Sauce, Gako, Jerry, Robo, and Chicano regularly post verified data, stats, credible opinions, historical data, studies and other receipts to make their points. 


The people I called misinformed rarely do any of that. Y'all regularly post videos and articles you don't actually read yourselves and are constantly proven wrong, misinformed or under informed. 


Did @Cookeever enroll in a gay conversion camp? Since he was boasting about how the ACP made "definitive" statements about Trans people? I'm guessing no, because he was just into the Transphobia aspect of their mission. You guys are jokes.


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21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I said what I said, you don't have to paraphrase or extrapolate anything. Hot Sauce, Gako, Jerry, Robo, and Chicano regularly post verified data, stats, credible opinions, historical data, studies and other receipts to make their points. 


The people I called misinformed rarely do any of that. Y'all regularly post videos and articles you don't actually read yourselves and are constantly proven wrong, misinformed or under informed. 


Did @Cookeever enroll in a gay conversion camp? Since he was boasting about how the ACP made "definitive" statements about Trans people? I'm guessing no, because he was just into the Transphobia aspect of their mission. You guys are jokes.


I'll admit I'm lazy as fuck and don't care in backing my statements with any sources for any of you dumbasses. Fuck, Robo is prime example of a complete moron who'll just post any peer reviewed study article he can find that has the title he wants to hear. Meanwhile, I actually just articulate my opinions. I give ZERO fucks about any of you changing your mind about anything, I'm just stating my opinions and usually asking questions.


I may seem ''uninformed'' but I read and watch plenty of well thought individuals, politic commentors, scholars, teachers, credible news sources. That's pretty much all I do, I don't watch TV shows, I don't watch movies, haven't touched a videogame in a long time. The only ''entertainment'' I get is political content. Sadly.


Just saying. Think what you will. 


You aren't that important, Remy.

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21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Oh, I know. I constantly say you don't give a shit. 

I'm not some political warrior on a crusade, dude. I'm not you. 


I should just bookmark the good stuff I come across for late use, I guess. Ugh, I'm disgusted at the thought of putting efforts in my posts on here. 


21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

They sent a six pack to an influencer for a single ad read. It wasn't like they made a super bowl ad or something. It was meant to only be seen by the people who follow the annoying Trans woman a single time during one of her streams. 

Technically wrong. They made cans with her face on it.


21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

How were they supposed to know that right wingers are bigoted and insecure that it would change the entire way they perceive the world. To the point where these weirdos consider any woman a man. Then again this is a dodge anyway. Instead of attacking the people reacting, you decided critique marketing strategies? 

Most hetero males are insecure, dude. You think Kid Rock is secure around homo stuff? Lmao. By the way he was caught drinking bug light at public events. Lmfao.


21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Taylor Swift is a man, Michelle Obama is a man, even Riley Gaines gets called a man by the same people she's playing up to. Do you think Taylor Swift is a man? 



21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I don't know when you became a right wing bot so I have no idea.

When I took drifters seriously. It's hard to believe I ever watched Matt Walsh. Man, that's some depressive shit. 

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2 hours ago, David P said:

I'm not some political warrior on a crusade, dude. I'm not you. 


I should just bookmark the good stuff I come across for late use, I guess. Ugh, I'm disgusted at the thought of putting efforts in my posts on here. 


You dont have to put in effort. Someone's like Hotsauce or Diplomat can make a good point with a single sentence. You lack substance. 


2 hours ago, David P said:

Technically wrong. They made cans with her face on it.


They made a six pack with her face on it for the ad read. Like they did with other people that had similar engagements. It wasn't a campaign. 


And what does it mean when people just think it's fine for a companies to ignore whole groups of people and act like they don't exist?


There are gay bars that sell beer, and gay people who drink cheap beer. That's my problem with shit like this. It's normalizing bigotry because of convenience. 


2 hours ago, David P said:

Most hetero males are insecure, dude. You think Kid Rock is secure around homo stuff? Lmao. By the way he was caught drinking bug light at public events. Lmfao.




I don't think he has any problems with gay people at all. He was feeding right wing outrag, Which has been my point, it's performative for people like him but it has real world consequences. These are peoples lives they are playing with. 


2 hours ago, David P said:



When I took drifters seriously. It's hard to believe I ever watched Matt Walsh. Man, that's some depressive shit. 


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3 hours ago, David P said:

I'll admit I'm lazy as fuck and don't care in backing my statements with any sources for any of you dumbasses. Fuck, Robo is prime example of a complete moron who'll just post any peer reviewed study article he can find that has the title he wants to hear. Meanwhile, I actually just articulate my opinions. I give ZERO fucks about any of you changing your mind about anything, I'm just stating my opinions and usually asking questions.


I may seem ''uninformed'' but I read and watch plenty of well thought individuals, politic commentors, scholars, teachers, credible news sources. That's pretty much all I do, I don't watch TV shows, I don't watch movies, haven't touched a videogame in a long time. The only ''entertainment'' I get is political content. Sadly.


Just saying. Think what you will. 


You aren't that important, Remy.


It's wild how you continually prove what I say about you true with enthusiasm and be so unselfaware of it. If you admit you're uninformed and then make up a hypothesis based on limited information how am I the bad guy here? 


Am I being arrogant not taking what you say seriously when I am fully aware the shit you yourself admit to making up is wrong? Or inconsistent? Your sources are mostly bullshit from the start then you fill in the test based on the other nonsense you've mentally catalogued...lazily. 


This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Please name us some of these sources? I'd love to know. 

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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You dont have to put in effort. Someone's like Hotsauce or Diplomat can make a good point with a single sentence. You lack substance. 

Fuck off. I've been vindicated many times before. 


You guys are wrong on covid, Jan 6, the economy, Ukraine. First debate I had on this subforum was you guys pretending that BLM riots weren't bad at all and Jan 6 was way worse in terms of violence. Instant realization that I was talking to people with agendas. 😂


Me and my leftist fuck buddies are more eloquent, and we have sources! I can use Google! :pavarotti:



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40 minutes ago, David P said:

Fuck off. I've been vindicated many times before. 


You guys are wrong on covid, Jan 6, the economy, Ukraine. 😂


You're almost as delusional as Cooke. :drake:

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58 minutes ago, David P said:

Says the establishment propaganda regurgitating bot. 

Stop protecting dip shit.  You base shit off of your feelings not facts. "Bbbbbut I feel this is such and such" :awww:...


Facts don't care about your bitch ass feelings


Edited by Goukosan
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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:

Stop protecting dip shit.  You base shit off of your feelings not facts. "Bbbbbut I feel this is such and such" :awww:...


Facts don't care about your bitch ass feelings


No one is impressed by your ability to be an establishment tool. Go suck off Joe Biden's dick some more.

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51 minutes ago, David P said:

No one is impressed by your ability to be an establishment tool. Go suck off Joe Biden's dick some more.


Go be fooled by low IQ BS you keep falling for


"So David, did you actually know what you're talking about?" 


David - "No I don't but I feel it's right":ANYWORD:

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


Go be fooled by low IQ BS you keep falling for


"So David, did you actually know what you're talking about?" 


David - "No I don't but I feel it's right":ANYWORD:

None of you are experts in anything. Enough with the pretentious pretense. Like I am unworthy of posting on here. Get your heads out of your asses. 


You aren't impressing anyone. 


Worse part is I actually listen to other people, even when I completely disagree. You just can't, obviously. Too good for me. Lmao. 

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1 minute ago, David P said:

None of you are experts in anything. Enough with the pretentious pretense. Like I am unworthy of posting on here. Get your heads out of your asses. 


You aren't impressing anyone. 


Worse part is I actually listen to other people, even when I completely disagree. You just can't, obviously. Too good for me. Lmao. 


No one is trying to impress your dumbass.  It's telling that you assume because someone is actually informed that you think they're pretentious. :drake:


Apparently it's hard for you to actually be informed about the shit you speak about instead of constantly talking out your ass:umad:

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


No one is trying to impress your dumbass.  It's telling that you assume because someone is actually informed that you think they're pretentious. :drake:


Apparently it's hard for you to actually be informed about the shit you speak about instead of constantly talking out your ass:umad:

You're being pretentious at this very moment. 

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11 hours ago, David P said:

Fuck off. I've been vindicated many times before. 



You guys are wrong on covid, Jan 6, the economy, Ukraine.


What were you right about on Jan 6? It's also wild to be bragging about arguing on the side of J6 and also claim not to be a right winger but OK. 


The economy? Lol do tell. 




First debate I had on this subforum was you guys pretending that BLM riots weren't bad at all and Jan 6 was way worse in terms of violence. Instant realization that I was talking to people with agendas. 


Me and my leftist fuck buddies are more eloquent, and we have sources! I can use Google! :pavarotti:




My first memory of arguing with you was that you were using political buzzwords you didn't understand but heard right wing bigots use. Maybe you should try Google yourself so you're not constantly looking foolish. 


You keep going back and forth about how disinterested you are but also how dialed in with your accute theory crafting abilities like your Dr Doom or something. 

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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:

What were you right about on Jan 6? It's also wild to be bragging about arguing on the side of J6 and also claim not to be a right winger but OK. 

We already discussed this. In reference to the disorderly mob vs a real attempt at an insurrection. In reference to the people who were convicted with harsh sentences for simply entering the Capitol. Also the level of violence as I previously mentioned. 


5 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

The economy? Lol do tell. 

Your friend Botosan think Biden is doing a good job. 


But then again, you guys also think sending hundred of billions of dollars to Ukraine is a good investment of tax payers money. 

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