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Just now, Mr. Impossible said:

Most of the creeps are straight males. You only talk about hypothetical Trans groomers. These are real people. That some steamer confounded as videogame company and had corporate sponsors like Turtle Beach, Activision, and has character skins in games. 


You're so obtuse that any real thing that happens and goes against what you brkeo, it is just some random isolated event that's a nothingburger.


Then you'll turn around and make up some retarded shit in your head and make it some national issue. You are headed towards biggest clown of 2024 at this point. 

Don't see how two individuals that are semi famous on the internet thirsting for 17 years old pussies is some kind of issue I should pay attention to. In all your rambling you haven't provided a single reason. How is this an issue of any importance? It's creepy but this isn't real news.


I could post creep weirdos from Libsoftiktok.

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What's hilarious is that dude boasting about being an incel 

You're almost as delusional as Cooke. 

Lindsey Graham? 

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5 minutes ago, David P said:

The US having the most economic growth out of G7 countries is not surprising nor does it mean you don't experience high inflation. 


G7 Inflation rates 2023 | Statista


Nice graph. 



Did you actually look at what it said for 2023? 


You just posted that the US has the 3rd best inflation rate in the G7. While Canada has the 2nd. 


Both the US and Canada being in the top 3 in the G7 as far recovering from the global inflation. 


Nice chart indeed. 



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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Did you actually look at what it said for 2023? 


You just posted that the US has the 3rd best inflation rate in the G7. While Canada has the 2nd. 


Both the US and Canada being in the top 3 in the G7 as far recovering from the global inflation. 


Nice chart indeed. 



Covid peaks are extraordinary. Outside of Covid, every single G7 nation is experiencing record inflation since the 2000. :reg:  Worse than 2008 and 2011 previous peaks. 



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7 minutes ago, David P said:

Covid peaks are extraordinary. Outside of Covid, every single G7 nation is experiencing record inflation since the 2000. :reg:  Worse than 2008 and 2010 previous peaks. 




Yes the entire world experienced high inflation during the pandemic that's not rocket science genius.


The pandemic didn't happen in vacuum. The point is economy recovery POST pandemic.   Which the US and Canada are doing better than all other G7 countries besides Japan  as the chart you posted showed:umad:



But what's hilarious about this post is... Just earlier tonight.. You posted high inflation numbers during the pandemic as some sort of indicator for how things are now... For you to then now you post this "covid peaks were extraordinary" 


You're twisting yourself intro a pretzel 🥨... Lol

Edited by Goukosan
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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


Yes the entire world experienced high inflation during the pandemic that's not rocket science genius.


The pandemic didn't happen in vacuum. The point is economy recovery POST pandemic.   Which the US and Canada are doing better than all other G7 countries besides Japan :umad:



But what's hilarious about this post is... Just earlier tonight.. You posted high inflation numbers during the pandemic as some sort of indicator for how things are now... Then now you're posting this... You're twisting yourself intro a pretzel 🥨... Lol

Yes, tell me how good Canada is doing economically. Do you want to go there? 


My bad on posting an old article. 

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Just now, David P said:

Yes, tell me how good Canada is doing economically. Do you want to go there? 


My bad on posting an old article. 


Don't conflate things... Canada's inflation rate is simply one piece of the total economic picture.  I never said Canada's entire economic picture looks good, great or bad.  We were taking about inflation rate compared to the G7. 


Unlike you I won't cherry pick one or two things and say Canada, a country I don't live in is doing great or bad economically overall. 


Your dollar is not a strong as the US, I'm not sure what your Jobs numbers look like, not sure what your unemployment rate looks like, not sure what your stock market looks like, not sure what what your export numbers look like etc. 


But guess who is having historic growth or historically great numbers in several of those categories? The united states baby. 


So yes while not every single piece of the economic picture in the US is doing historically well, the majority of those pieces are and overall it's a great picture compared to the rest of the world and the G7 :salute:



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29 minutes ago, David P said:

I could post creep weirdos from Libsoftiktok


Ironic since she has been blocking anyone who ask her if she's going to make a post about this... Which is obvious she won't. It's almost like she doesn't actually care about this topic other than her bigoted apathy towards the LGBTQ community and rode the financial social media wave. 


None of you hypocrites actually care. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Ironic since she has been blocking anyone who ask her if she's going to make a post about this... Which is obvious she won't. It's almost like she doesn't actually care about this topic other than her bigoted apathy towards the LGBTQ community and rode the financial social media wave. 


None of you hypocrites actually care. 

I can call out a bad idea even if I don't personally care.



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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


You only "call out" or show skepticism towards groups of people you dont like or identify with. 



I don't like anyone and I struggle to find any group I identify with. French Canadian (Quebecois), I guess? Not like I'm super patriotic either way. 


I don't share your tribals view of the world. 


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3 hours ago, David P said:



I don't like anyone and I struggle to find any group I identify with. French Canadian (Quebecois), I guess? Not like I'm super patriotic either way. 


I don't share your tribals view of the world. 



You're so unselfaware lol 

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4 hours ago, David P said:




Nearly every opinion you've expressed here has been right wing tribal thinking. You treat gay and Trans people differently than you do straight people. Just because you're a misanthrope with no identity doesn't mean you don't hold tribal beliefs. 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:



Nearly every opinion you've expressed here has been right wing tribal thinking. You treat gay and Trans people differently than you do straight people. Just because you're a misanthrope with no identity doesn't mean you don't hold tribal beliefs. 

In what way do I threat gay and trans differently exactly?

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23 hours ago, David P said:

In what way do I threat gay and trans differently exactly?


Like when I claimed that Matt Walsh looks like a pedo and you were clutching your pearls about him being married with kids. Like that automatically means someone isn't a child predator but you can't stop associating queer people work victimizing kids. 


So you can't fathom a straight person being a chomo but it's easy for you to see a gay person being one, despite the fact that most predators are straight and actually are part of familiar family structures. 

They are not gay drifters and drag queens.


None of your beliefs align with historical or statistical data. It's all based on what you personally feel is true. Which you've admitted to several times already but are too unselfaware to actually question yourself. 

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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Like when I claimed that Matt Walsh looks like a pedo and you were clutching your pearls about him being married with kids. Like that automatically means someone isn't a child predator but you can't stop associating queer people work victimizing kids. 


So you can't fathom a straight person being a chomo but it's easy for you to see a gay person being one, despite the fact that most predators are straight and actually are part of familiar family structures. 

They are not gay drifters and drag queens.


None of your beliefs align with historical or statistical data. It's all based on what you personally feel is true. Which you've admitted to several times already but are too unselfaware to actually question yourself. 

You're the one who think that about me. As if I espouse the idea that all LGBT are predators or something. I talked about trans in women spaces. You're connecting dots that does not exists. 


That is just your fucked up perception of who I am, which you obviously do not know.



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13 minutes ago, David P said:

You're the one who think that about me. As if I espouse the idea that all LGBT are predators or something. I talked about trans in women spaces. You're connecting dots that does not exists. 


That is just your fucked up perception of who I am, which you obviously do not know.




Dude you started with this groomer bullshit then eventually switched to women's sports and bathrooms at some point like western society is dependent on collegiate swimming or something. 

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