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Remember when Hunters laptop had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation?

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57 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


All your speculation is just speculation dipshit. Lol


Hunter is private citizen.  It's not illegal for him to be have dealings with Ukraine and Burisma. 


Joe Biden as vice president would have to actually be involved with Hunters business dealings and use that to shape US policy. 


Unfortunately for Giuliani and his fantasy believers like yourself, there was zero evidence to bring forth any charges.  Trump and his DOJ looked into it for 6 years.  Biden became president and didn't even stop the investigation. 


Trump's DOJ appointee found NOTHING.  Only thing they had on Hunter was owning a gun while being a drug addict. 

I didn't say it's as grandiose as shaping US policies. More like shady business deals in China and Ukraine of all places. I'm sure being the son of the vice president at the time wouldn't help such a man in such a context, at all.  


My speculations might be just that but don't play dumb with me either. You think the man is beyond that? Mwahaha, as protected as he is. What a joke. Stop playing fool, fool. You must be smoking the same type of shit as Joe Jr. :clown: 

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All your speculation is just speculation dipshit. Lol   Hunter is private citizen.  It's not illegal for him to be have dealings with Ukraine and Burisma.    Joe Biden as vice pres

What's hilarious about MAGA is in Trump's federal cases they saying Trump should have presidential immunity then turn around and say Joe Biden should be prosecuted because reasons   They're

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23 minutes ago, David P said:

I didn't say it's as grandiose as shaping US policies. More like shady business deals in China and Ukraine of all places. I'm sure being the son of the vice president at the time wouldn't help such a man in such a context, at all.  


My speculations might be just that but don't play dumb with me either. You think the man is beyond that? Mwahaha, as protected as he is. What a joke. Stop playing fool, fool. You must be smoking the same type of shit as Joe Jr. :clown: 


The wet dream of Giuliani and the whole hunter Biden laptop thing wss about Joe Biden allegedly being involved and shaping US policy while he was VP.  All that turned out to be bullshit. 


And as far as everything else... 

It's like you're not getting that hunter is a private citizen that didn't hold public office and no amount you fantasizing about it makes Hunter's business dealings illegal. 





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1 hour ago, David P said:

It's not even comparable.  


You're in a cult.  Rapist (court determined), Fraudster (court determined), and Felon (court determined) Donald J. Trump lost his NY case due to clear evidence as determined by a jury of his peers. Just like Hunter Biden. Both had a fair trial with a jury of their peers who convicted based off of very obvious evidence. We can both go into the subjective nature of even bringing these cases forward, in which case Hunter's is even less commonly brought going by crime data, but I'm just going off of the objective facts as per the jury and evidence. This is logic. This is sanity. 


The right want to dox and kill the jury and undo the legal system for the Trump trial. The left don't give a flying fuck for this Hunter trial, nor the Bob Mendendez or Henry Quiar trial. Hell the Hunter jurors are already on TV, since they don't have anything to fear. The notion Biden rigged the DOJ (which isn't even possible for a NY Case, good god Trumpers have a fucked brain) but didn't rig it for his son is peak of idiocy.


You need to get out of this cult while there is still time. God help you if the other 3 Trump cases go to trial, those have far more substantial evidence and penalties (hence Canon delaying). 

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3 hours ago, Substatic said:


So much for a rigged Biden DOJ lol. This totally undercuts that lie.

Who said it was?

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3 hours ago, Substatic said:


You're confused.


Some stories of it were Russian disinformation. Some stories on it were true. It's called nuance man, you learn this at around age 10.


Which ones? 

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22 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Which ones? 


2 hours ago, Goukosan said:

Did you even read what you link to? :ANYWORD:


Direct from your own link. 


"The letter, signed on Monday, centers around a batch of documents released by the New York Post last week that purport to tie the Democratic nominee to his son Hunter’s business dealings. Under the banner headline “Biden Secret E-mails" 


"National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director Bill Evanina said in August that Russia has been trying to denigrate Biden’s campaign, specifically through a Ukrainian lawmaker named Andriy Derkach who has met with Giuliani at least twice to discuss corruption accusations against Biden.


"Derkach was sanctioned by the Treasury Department last month for acting as a Russian agent and interfering in the 2020 election"


"Derkach’s relationship with Giuliani and fixation on the Bidens, along with Russia’s reported hack on Burisma — the Ukrainian energy company that gave Hunter Biden a board seat and is at the center of Trump and his allies’ corruption allegations — “is consistent with” a Russian operation."


As I said the earmarks of Russian disinformation was about the fake emails related to Ukraine, Burisma alleged corruption..... Which surprise surprise turned out to be all Bullshit and *checks notes* A Russian disinformation campaign by editing the contents of the hard drive with the Ukrainian Biden corruption nonsense.


 No one eever claimed hunter owning a gun while him being an addict was fake news or Russian disinformation. 


Why are your so fucking stupid?, serious question :francis:


Stop the stupidity. 

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24 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Which ones? 


That the laptop proved any corruption. And a fake video and fake snopes article regarding it. To be fair, that might have just been the GOP and not strictly Russians. But around the same time you had Russian actors making other false claims that the GOP ate up.


Former U.S. spies warned in 2020 that the Hunter Biden scandal had Russian fingerprints. They feel vindicated now. (nbcnews.com)




The Justice Department’s assertions this week that a longtime FBI informant was seeking to “spread misinformation” designed to hurt President Joe Biden after speaking to Russian intelligence operatives has put a new spotlight on an old debate:

To what extent, if any, has the Russian government manufactured or amplified unproven allegations of corrupt Ukraine dealings by Joe and Hunter Biden?


In a request to revoke his bail, prosecutors said that former informant Alexander Smirnov, charged last week with lying to the FBI in 2020 when he said Joe Biden had received a $5 million bribe, “is actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials” as recently as last fall.



Revisiting Hunter Biden’s laptop - Vox



And whatever the revelations about Hunter, claims from conservatives that the leaked emails proved Joe Biden acted corruptly in some way were false — they proved no such thing. 


Trump allies have insisted the leaked material proves that Joe Biden was corrupt. If you think that’s what’s being covered up, of course it seems outrageous that the mainstream media wasn’t devoting more attention to it.

But that case is weak.




Fact check: Screenshot does not show a real Snopes article | Reuters




A fake screenshot that purports to show an article from the fact-checking website Snopes has been circulating online.
The image appears to show a fact check written by Snopes’ Executive Editor David Mikkelson on Oct. 23 concluding that claims regarding an allegedly leaked video of Hunter Biden, the son of the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, were “mostly false” (here did not write this article.
The screenshot was shared on social media on Oct. 25 and has been edited to look like a real Snopes fact check that analyses claims regarding the content of a video said to be from Hunter Biden's laptop.



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49 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



Stop the stupidity. 

The emails are not fake. They were corroborated by the FBI. No charges have been filed yet. 

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10 hours ago, Cooke said:

The emails are not fake. They were corroborated by the FBI. No charges have been filed yet. 


Hey retard. The special counsel appointed by Trump, already released their findings on the Burisma corruption investigation. 


It led to an indictment to Alexander Smrinov for fabricating the conspiracy. 


"Weiss indicted Alexander Smirnov, a former FBI informant, on February 15, 2024. The indictment alleged Smirnov had fabricated his account of Burisma executives telling him that the company had hired Hunter Biden as a means of protecting the company through Joe Biden, and that both Bidens had been paid $5 million bribes to accomplish that. "


Like I said, stop the stupidity. 

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14 hours ago, Substatic said:


You're in a cult.  Rapist (court determined), Fraudster (court determined), and Felon (court determined) Donald J. Trump lost his NY case due to clear evidence as determined by a jury of his peers. Just like Hunter Biden. Both had a fair trial with a jury of their peers who convicted based off of very obvious evidence. We can both go into the subjective nature of even bringing these cases forward, in which case Hunter's is even less commonly brought going by crime data, but I'm just going off of the objective facts as per the jury and evidence. This is logic. This is sanity. 


The right want to dox and kill the jury and undo the legal system for the Trump trial. The left don't give a flying fuck for this Hunter trial, nor the Bob Mendendez or Henry Quiar trial. Hell the Hunter jurors are already on TV, since they don't have anything to fear. The notion Biden rigged the DOJ (which isn't even possible for a NY Case, good god Trumpers have a fucked brain) but didn't rig it for his son is peak of idiocy.


You need to get out of this cult while there is still time. God help you if the other 3 Trump cases go to trial, those have far more substantial evidence and penalties (hence Canon delaying). 

Wut. The cases are not comparable and neither are the two men. One is your future President, the other is just the worthless crack smoking son of your soon to be ex President. No one cares about Hunter. Lmfao, the fact you are trying so hard to make it seem like it's even ground for the left and right is just fucking hilarious. 

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1 hour ago, David P said:

the fact you are trying so hard to make it seem like it's even ground for the left and right is just fucking hilarious. 


This is the mentality that got politics to the pathetic state it is in now. I end up typing a lot because you guys pack so much ignorance and entitlement into small packages. 


This "even field" mentality needs to go out the door. Just because a corrupt former president is found guilty of a crime doesn't mean that someone of equal standing needs to also get convicted in order for the system to be fair. 


If Trump were anyone else with his standing, they would have gotten away with the shit he did and if they didn't have his standing they would have suffered far worse. 


The whole point of this country is supposed to be that a crack smoking nepo kid and a former President have equal opportunities to battle their cases in court. There are no kings and queens here. 

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


This is the mentality that got politics to the pathetic state it is in now. I end up typing a lot because you guys pack so much ignorance and entitlement into small packages. 


This "even field" mentality needs to go out the door. Just because a corrupt former president is found guilty of a crime doesn't mean that someone of equal standing needs to also get convicted in order for the system to be fair. 


If Trump were anyone else with his standing, they would have gotten away with the shit he did and if they didn't have his standing they would have suffered far worse. 


The whole point of this country is supposed to be that a crack smoking nepo kid and a former President have equal opportunities to battle their cases in court. There are no kings and queens here. 

That's not what I meant. I don't care if Hunter is convinced or not of owning a gun illegally. 


I'm saying if the right is up in the arms about Trump several trials and Hunter Biden getting no such reaction from the left is because the implication and the cases themselves aren't comparable. I mean it's pretty self evident, I'm just negating Substatic argument here, which he doubled down on. I think it's a stupid argument.

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23 minutes ago, David P said:

That's not what I meant. I don't care if Hunter is convinced or not of owning a gun illegally. 


I'm saying if the right is up in the arms about Trump several trials and Hunter Biden getting no such reaction from the left is because the implication and the cases themselves aren't comparable. I mean it's pretty self evident, I'm just negating Substatic argument here, which he doubled down on. I think it's a stupid argument.


It's because Trump supporters are fucking weird. Trump makes fun of rally sizes but in reality who gives a fuck about a rally? The only time you see people in head to toe candidate merch it's Trump fanatics. Nornmal people are driving cross states to stand in line for 7 hours to hear a politician talk on a regular basis. They are fucking cult weirdos. 


The other side of it there is that are no credible conservative reporters or writers or pundits. None. Even if one makes a good point or something you can see people getting behind, they will eventually say something completely untrue or stupid a week later.


Like how Candace Owens made big news and gained a lot of support when she was fired from the Daily Wire for being critical of Isreal. Now she's talking about Dinosaurs not being real, claiming Macron's wife is really a man, and some CIA MKULTRA shit. 


Basically just feeding the fatty, greasy red meat that the reactionary right just loves. The same people who spent months whining about Taylor Swift and her boyfriend. 


Meanwhile my liberal lefty feed is stuff about local level politicians and some Fetterman stuff as fluff. It's all Bowman, Latimer, and Richie Torres stuff and their stance on Gaza and progressive goals for the democratic party Vs establishment Dems running interference. This is what online discourse should be. Not a circle jerk session over who can kiss the kings ass the most for ad money. 




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3 hours ago, David P said:

Wut. The cases are not comparable and neither are the two men. One is your future President, the other is just the worthless crack smoking son of your soon to be ex President. No one cares about Hunter. Lmfao, the fact you are trying so hard to make it seem like it's even ground for the left and right is just fucking hilarious. 


Trump, Alex Jones, January 6th rioters, Steve Bannon, the 60 failed election cases. Any time a cuckservative gets held to account the far right lies about the entire judicial system and DOJ being "rigged". Without evidence. Just pure madness and luancy.


When it's a Democrat, the left doesn't give a flying fuck. Whether it be Hunter, Menendez, Quair, George Flloyd rioters. Just a "oh, okay". Lmao. This is a sane response. 


The difference is striking. It's a cult.

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On 2024-06-12 at 7:18 AM, Mr. Impossible said:

Yes, he was convicted of *checks notes* buying a gun. Oh, because if there's one thing Republicans are concerned about it's prevention people from buying guns. 

What Republican wants drug addicts who lie on their 4473 to obtain or possess guns?


You live in a fantasy land.

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23 hours ago, Substatic said:


I wish the right was as measured when it came to Trump's conviction. 

Hunter is a Class B felon, Trump is a Class E felon lmao.


The difference is stark.



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21 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

What Republican wants drug addicts who lie on their 4473 to obtain or possess guns?


You live in a fantasy land.



 an individual leave a state with the specific intent to avoid prosecution, the new definition would only prevent those with a particular state of mind from buying guns. That’s incredibly difficult to prove. But Trump’s move isn’t just dangerous, it’s also unlawful. The definition change is a departure from long-standing FBI practice, and it came without notice or opportunity for public input, much less any explanation of how to prove the fugitive’s state of mind—a violation of the Administrative Procedure Act.

He illegally purged 500,000 records from the federal background check system.
Trump didn’t just narrow the definition of “fugitives from justice”: the Administration also removed all existing records in the federal background check system identifying fugitives who would be prohibited from purchasing guns. When Trump took office, the background check system contained entries for nearly 500,000 people who had been flagged as “fugitives from justice.” They purged all these records, and to date have only restored, about 1,000 entries under the category. The FBI is required, including by its own regulations, to maintain this critically important database. The Administration’s reckless conduct in purging these records constitutes a failure to meet its obligations under federal law.


Federal law prohibits the sale of a firearm to any person who has been “adjudicated as a mental defective” or “committed to a mental institution.” Those terms are old and unclear, and as a result, there are gaping loopholes in our gun laws. In 2014, DOJ proposed a rule to fix this problem and prohibit certain people from buying guns, including those “committed to an outpatient mental institution,” “found incompetent to stand trial…in state, local and military courts,” and “found guilty but mentally ill by a court.” This important change would have kept guns out of the hands of those who are dangerous because of serious mental illness, but the gun lobby opposed the change. So instead of finalizing the rule, President Trump stopped it in its tracks

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Basically Trump killed or revised guns laws to let people on terrorist watch list, red flagged from buying guns because of mental deficiency, or possible criminals buy guns. He also destroyed a 50k background check wait lisr to buy guns, and reversed laws requiring they sell and promote guns lockers and other child safety measures for guns. 


So I don't think they really care about someone who uses drugs getting a gun. 

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