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I have no interest or more like patience in games.

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Yesterday, coming back from work, I pushed myself to play MGS5, and stopped playing it after getting discovered. 

Then switched to RDR2 and after playing for 15 minutes, quickly got bored. 

Is this it? ;(

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Retrain yourself not to be so easily bored with things.  Train yourself to have more patience.  Cellphones have destroyed our brains.  Try reading some books and slow things down a bit so that you can deal with things not always popping off and instead have proper time to build up to something.


Try to actually commit to finishing things you start.  It's so easy to be distracted these days, setting simple goals and achieving them can give you a sense of fulfillment and increase your drive to achieve bigger and bigger goals.

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13 minutes ago, Remij said:

Retrain yourself not to be so easily bored with things.  Train yourself to have more patience.  Cellphones have destroyed our brains.  Try reading some books and slow things down a bit so that you can deal with things not always popping off and instead have proper time to build up to something.


Try to actually commit to finishing things you start.  It's so easy to be distracted these days, setting simple goals and achieving them can give you a sense of fulfillment and increase your drive to achieve bigger and bigger goals.

RDR2 is an excellent game but truly a test of your patience. 

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I've recently been replaying the Mario mainline games.  I played through SM64 with the PC decompilation version.. then wanted to go back and play the originals.  I beat SMB1 and SMB2, been playing through SMB3, and will tackle SMW after.  I've been having so much fun playing them.  Sometimes when you get bored or fed up with games, a reminder of why you appreciated gaming so much when you were younger in the first place can help bring things back to into perspective.


SM64 is so fucking good.  One of my favorite games of all time and being able to play it on PC in ultrawide at 60fps+ with enhanced textures just ensures that I will always go back and play through it time and time again. :love: 


I suggest to ANYONE here, that you go back and play a classic or two from time to time. :wow2: 





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14 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Is it full of grieves like GTAO? 

No. There's griefers but you won't run in to many. Unlike GTA that's an open lobby, RDO you can only see or hear players close to you and since the map is massive and they utilize all of it, you can ride around for hours and actually encounter other players if you're not in a major town.  Even then, most players are more peaceful and friendly on RDO. 



Except for having a bounty on your head most players won't even take notice of a player. 


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Instead of games that have a lot of waiting, sneaking and travelling, find games that have a tight gameplay loop. Could be online games, roguelikes, fighting games, etc.

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Play more variety in genres. When you play the same type of games over and over again it's easy to get bored. Try and step out of your comfort zone and play games you wouldn't normally play. The difficulty of learning a new type of game can rekindle ones passion for gaming again.

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Its because most games are the same shit. Not many original games anymore, just clones of one another.

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All the tips in this thread are fucking awful. Mala just take a nice long break, enjoy the summer and when you finally see some game that genuinely gets you excited no matter what it is, play that one. 

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31 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

Or buy games for consoles you dont own

Yea, David solved this problem a while ago.  Just buy the games with no expectations to play them. :hest: 

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