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This site gave me PTSD and I’ll never forgive ANY of you

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People like me are the reason this forum was successful. I’m an iconic poster and I got kicked off this forum by jealous woke people. 🖕


Now we watch as PeeCee gaming has taken over. I was fighting these fights while you ALL stood by and vilified me and now consoles are almost dead. Stupid point and click TRASH. When I used to rave about my Halo 3 online scores no-one cared. 🤣


Not to mention the endless discrimination against social conservatives. Right wingers like me, Bhytre and Ranik were constantly mocked as virgins and incels on this site just because dumb feminist women think we’re ugly and inbred and won’t date us. 🤣


And now because of the woke people at this site we have “gay marriage” and we have to watch as people who are inferior get married while me, Bhytre and Ranik and other right wingers are left on the shelf. It should never have been legalised, LIBTARDS. Do you know how HUMILIATING IT IS??? 


I can’t even try and blackmail lesbians into sex anymore by threatening to tell their families because of all this woke minority acceptance garbage. :moto:


That Akeem/Devil Trigger LOSER is still running his mouth off. When I sent him lynching images back in the day he still wouldn’t stop talking back to me. And Overcell saying things about me while he knows I’m banned. 


In so tired of left wing people and PeeCee trash being allowed to criticise me. I love Vladimir Putin - that guy’s 5 foot tall and can still eliminate anyone who offends his feelings. God I wish people like me, Ranik and Bhytre could have done that to the left wingers here. Now there’s barely any right wingers left. 


That’ll be my last message to you losers anyway. I hope Trump turns America into a dictatorship so we can destroy woke and PeeCee gaming and finally put us right wing patriots back on our throne. :will:

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Imagine getting banned like 10 years ago and still foaming at the mouth after all that time. And then when you login people just laugh at you. 


Edited by Cell
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Did anyone even read the post? It's clearly not him :|


It's some sad enough to hold a grudge and impersonate a member who hasn't been here in over a decade, and obviously has a grudge against anyone who isn't "woke" and degenerate.



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48 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Did anyone even read the post? It's clearly not him :|


It's some sad enough to hold a grudge and impersonate a member who hasn't been here in over a decade, and obviously has a grudge against anyone who isn't "woke" and degenerate.



Yep thats not him.

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2 hours ago, TLHBO said:

Did anyone even read the post? It's clearly not him :|


It's some sad enough to hold a grudge and impersonate a member who hasn't been here in over a decade, and obviously has a grudge against anyone who isn't "woke" and degenerate.



Idk, haven’t heard anyone call Remy Akeem or devil trigger in a long time lmfao. 

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2 hours ago, Tears of the Cows said:

Idk, haven’t heard anyone call Remy Akeem or devil trigger in a long time lmfao. 



Yeah, this. Dude talks like VGKing used to and channels the strong incel energy he used to as well so I think it probably is that idiot buffoon.



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