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3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

Are you Joe Biden, because I have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about, and I don't think you do either...




26 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Ahh so you do know Biden being replaced is a unrealistic fantasy.. Yet you still fantasize about it.  Again, if you're so sure Trump will win you should be happy Biden is on yhe ballot.. Since Trump is your guy :reg:


40 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


What's strange with the right is they claim Biden is such an easy candidate to beat... But all they do is fantasize about him getting replaced. 


You should want him on the ballot if you're so confident that Trump would win :umad:



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RFK begging for attention 

Christ, Biden looks like he could collapse at any moment.

You can’t honestly be impressed with Biden’s performance right? He’s barely been able to string together a sentence without stuttering or jumbling words all night.

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So who's replacing Biden? 





Michelle Obama?


They could have had a Kennedy 🤷

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Gouk is out of control with this damage control. Most people could barely even pay attention to what Biden was saying and were instead focused on how how much he struggled to communicate basic things. His demeanor was alarming and not at all of someone who can be president for another 4 years.

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1 hour ago, David P said:

Turning off the microphone of the other candidate was the best idea ever. Biden can destroy himself. 


Biden voters have no dignity. 

It was a very bad decision by CNN and Biden team.  It made Trump look composed and normal 🤣

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13 hours ago, David P said:



Biden voters have no dignity. 


Better than being a weird ass death cult. Rather vote for a potatoe than a deranged psycho with far worse policy including the dreadful Project 2025, Climate Denial, the Covid mishandling disaster, and the worst economy since the 1930s. 


Straight up contraceptive and porn bans included in P2025 lmao. Explain that shit please. 😅



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Also, Democrats fucking SUCK at politics. They have the more popular policy and better economics, but they keep running god damn ass goblins and also have trash messaging. Many people could have beaten that dog shit 45th ranking POTUS Trump, but no you gotta' choose the guy who was literally going to be brain dead at any possible point and ruin all optics.




Now they're going to have to deal with retarded ass Project 2025 and a likely another GOP economic disaster after Trump wins this Nov. As if the abortion bans resulting in reduced QOL through increased maternal and infant mortality in Red States wasn't bad enough.

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13 hours ago, Substatic said:

Also, Democrats fucking SUCK at politics. They have the more popular policy and better economics, but they keep running god damn ass goblins and also have trash messaging. Many people could have beaten that dog shit 45th ranking POTUS Trump, but no you gotta' choose the guy who was literally going to be brain dead at any possible point and ruin all optics.




Now they're going to have to deal with retarded ass Project 2025 and a likely another GOP economic disaster after Trump wins this Nov. As if the abortion bans resulting in reduced QOL through increased maternal and infant mortality in Red States wasn't bad enough.


Yeah democrats are idiots. They should have dropped Biden a long time ago and made Newsom their nominee.

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