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Looks like GamePass couldn't save SEGA as they post 6.6 Billion Yen net loss in the last fiscal year...

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:mj: They got into all those GamePass deals with MS and they still lost a shit load of money.....






The article says its reconstruction and cancelled games but we all know it's GamePass too since lemshits don't buy any games. They've been heavily in bed with MS and in the end it did nothing for them :reg:

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Durr the article says it's because of X and Y, but we all know it'z GamezPAzzz fault :lemming: 


Some advice: Think of something else other than Xbox for a few hours a day.  Start slow.. just 10 - 15 min at first because I don't want you to hurt yourself.. and build it up to that point.  You'll be amazed at what thinking about things other than Xbox can do for your life. :tom: 

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