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King B1den should now a$$a$$in8 Truump and drone strike six SCOTUS members?

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@Spicalicious What the fuck Gonna get this place put on a list lol

To be fair to him, that was an actual scenario given and Trump's lawyer did say that would be subject to immunity. So he's not being hyperbolic and how many Trump supporters would actually care if Tru

Neither did you.  It also gives a president immunity even if it is on the border of it not being an official act.  Also it seems to imply because there is no clarification that the President only has

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, DynamiteCop said:

Not even remotely how this ruling affects what a President can or cannot do. Stop listening to the insane left.

Trump gonna go down.. you'll see

Edited by Spicalicious
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Just now, DynamiteCop said:

Not even remotely how this ruling affects what a President can or cannot do. Stop listening to the insane left.


Umm tell that to Trump and his team. 

Trump team argues assassination of rivals is covered by presidential immunity 

"Former President Trump’s legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive’s broad immunity to criminal prosecution." 



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I mean literally Biden can do whatever he wants.  If Biden and others actually think that Trump is a danger to democracy then it would now be within his power to send Seal Team 6 over to Mar a lardo

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38 minutes ago, Spicalicious said:

I guess he's allowed now according to SCOTUS. Thoughts?


As with most republican short sighted decisions will backfire spectacularly on them in due time. 

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Spicalicious said:

I mean literally Biden can do whatever he wants.  If Biden and others actually think that Trump is a danger to democracy then it would now be within his power to send Seal Team 6 over to Mar a lardo

You clearly didn't read the decision and have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You're literally just parroting extreme left nonsense not based in any form of fact or reality. This decision allows absolutely nothing you're talking about.


That would be a complete violation of the 14th Amendment which would make the act entirely illegal.

Edited by DynamiteCop
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1 minute ago, Spicalicious said:

I hope Biden publicly executes trump on television. Put him in an old style guillotine and get Biden to release the blade.


Just now, Spicalicious said:

Same with Scotus.. All six cons lined up and they set up six guillotines.. with the push of a button or pull of the rope, all guillotines go at the same time.

It's amazing how quick you fucking psychos openly become what you truly are.

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it's only fair. I mean Trump is immune.. if Trump gets reelected he will go after his opponents so it makes sense that Biden, the current sitting King/President can do whatever he damn well pleases to protect the majority of America.

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Just now, DynamiteCop said:


It's amazing how quick you fucking psychos openly become what you truly are.


I would record it and watch it a thousand times while eating popcorn.

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Just now, Spicalicious said:


I would record it and watch it a thousand times while eating popcorn.

You wouldn't have the chance, your joyous event would be short-lived as every gun toting conservative and libertarian would seize this country in a matter of days.


Everyone like you would be executed for treason.

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Just now, DynamiteCop said:

You wouldn't have the chance, your joyous event would be short-lived as every gun toting conservative and libertarian would seize this country in a matter of days.


Everyone like you would be executed for treason.

No problem. King Biden will unleash the entire might of the military to squash all of you.  I say good riddance.

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lmao private citizens don't even have close to the same amount of firepower as the full blown US military.  Drones to take out the homes of the rebels.. where you live Dynocop?

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1 minute ago, Spicalicious said:

No problem. King Biden will unleash the entire might of the military to squash all of you.  I say good riddance.

Who do you think comprises 90% of the military lol? Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians. You're a fucking retard.

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Just now, DynamiteCop said:

Who do you think comprises 90% of the military lol? Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians. You're a fucking retard.

you think so? Well if they don't do as King Biden says they will be deemed rebels and executed.

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Posted (edited)

Dynomtecop getting baited and with his own rhetoric and he doesn't even realize it because if the shoe was on the other foot that's the type of shit he would say..... Like when he wanted Trump to put land mines at the boarder.. Lmfao

Edited by Goukosan
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7 minutes ago, Spicalicious said:

you think so? Well if they don't do as King Biden says they will be deemed rebels and executed.

Executed by who lol? The military would turn on Biden immediately.

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