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King B1den should now a$$a$$in8 Truump and drone strike six SCOTUS members?

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@Spicalicious What the fuck Gonna get this place put on a list lol

To be fair to him, that was an actual scenario given and Trump's lawyer did say that would be subject to immunity. So he's not being hyperbolic and how many Trump supporters would actually care if Tru

Neither did you.  It also gives a president immunity even if it is on the border of it not being an official act.  Also it seems to imply because there is no clarification that the President only has

Posted (edited)
On 2024-07-01 at 4:23 PM, DynamiteCop said:

You clearly didn't read the decision and have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You're literally just parroting extreme left nonsense not based in any form of fact or reality. This decision allows absolutely nothing you're talking about.


That would be a complete violation of the 14th Amendment which would make the act entirely illegal.

Neither did you.  It also gives a president immunity even if it is on the border of it not being an official act.  Also it seems to imply because there is no clarification that the President only has to believe it's an official act.  Trump is so stupid that he will think everything is an official act.  If you want to really know how dangerous this decision is just read Amy Coney Barrette's concurrent  opinion which reads more like a dissent and of course Sonia Sotomayor's blistering dissent which I am 100 percent sure you didn't read either.  

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Posted (edited)

This ruling combined with P2025 is some spooky shit lol,


Edit: A bit more accurate list, the previous infographic had some inaccuracies,




  1. Remove first amendment protection for Porn, and essentially ban it. (pg. 05)

  2. Turn apolitical career appointees and professionals into political appointees through Schedule F (pg 80.) 

  3. Further and severely restrict abortions (pg. 05, pg. 449-503)

  4. Nationally ban misoprostol (abortion pill) and mailing of similiar pills. (pg.458)

  5. Severely reduce unions and worker protections (pg. 581)

  6. Defund the FBI and Homeland Security (pg. 133)

  7. Eliminate or "break apart" federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA, and more (pg. 363-417)

  8. Partially cut Social Security (pg. 691)

  9. Cut Medicare (pg. 449, pg.283)

  10. Eliminate the Department of Education (pg. 319)

  11. Teach Christian religious beliefs in public schools (pg. 319)

  12. Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools (pg. 319)

  13. Restrict the Affordable Care Act (pg. 449, 464)

  14. Restrict certain contraceptives (pg. 449)

  15. Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 1% (pg. 691)

  16. End civil rights & DEI protections in government (pg. 545-581)

  17. Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of public education (pg. 319)

  18. End climate protections: (pg. 417)

  19. Increase Arctic drilling (pg. 363)

  20. Deregulate big business and the oil industry (pg. 363)




Trump said he doesn't know what this is and won't go through with it yesterday, but that's bullshit. He only said it because this P2025 shit is causing very bad press....but he lied about listening to this same exact group while campaigning for his first term during the GE in 2015-2016. Meanwhile followed almost everything they wanted during his first term after he won. His closest advisors wrote the damn thing FFS. This is the same shit all over again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

King Trump


Trump classified documents case dismissed by judge over special counsel appointment (cnbc.com)


BTW her ruling very much seems to have been instructed/crafted by Thomas's oral arguments in the Immunity ruling. 


I guess DOJ will have to stop using SCs against a former POTUS when they commit a crime?  Wild as fuck.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Substatic said:

King Trump


Trump classified documents case dismissed by judge over special counsel appointment (cnbc.com)


BTW her ruling very much seems to have been instructed/crafted by Thomas's oral arguments in the Immunity ruling. 


I guess DOJ will have to stop using SCs against a former POTUS when they commit a crime?  Wild as fuck.

I really wish Biden would  become a dictator. Say fuck scotus, fuck trump and fuck everyone else who doesn't like it.  Deal with the dissenters with an iron fist.. 


The way I see it, Trump is getting all this immunity and perks that normal people don't get meanwhile the current sitting president is playing by the rules.


I wish Biden would just be an asshole for a while and throw their shit back in their faces.  Be a true dictator.. Executive orders all around.  Imprison Cannon and all the shitty scotus justices.. show them on tv being led in handcuffs.. 


After all, Biden is king right now.  What can they say? Scotus said a president is essentially a king so Biden should definitely act like one and rule with an iron fist to shut these cocksuckers up for good. 


If scotus wants to be corrupt then just throw them in prison.. do a perp walk and all.. make them look extremely bad and make it a warning to anyone else who fucks around that they're gonna find out.


Let's go king Biden.  Please do what you need to do WHILE you have the full power.


How much do people want to bet that Thomas and other right wing scotus justices have been in communications with Cannon in the background? Helping this corrupt newbie judge. Some scotus members may have also contributed to Cannon's ruling and helped with writing the document.  Pure corruption of the courts paid for by right wing billionaires.


Also those billionaires need to be held accountable. Seize their assets and put those funds into helping the public with social programs.


A new set of schools should be created for extreme right wing thinking adults. They will all require forced reeducation to bring their minds to the level of their actual age so that they stop acting like five years olds constantly having tantrums. :ben:

They could also convert those disciplinary schools they are trying to shut down and reserve those for people like MTG. You know those schools that Paris Hilton spoke  to congress about? Well, just take those schools and educators and drop people like MTG in there indefinitely until they get their act together.




Corruption all around. It's time for Biden to become corrupt as fuck too.. Fight fire with fire. 

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2 hours ago, Substatic said:

Her ruling was nonsense and subverted established special counsel rules.  Cannon's decision will be reversed on appeal.  The 11th circuit of appeals will get the appeal and the judge that will handle it is a Bush appointee that has already overruled two previous orders pertaining to this case by Cannon. Cannon will probably also face discipline because she obviously has been delaying this case and made this ruling for Trump.  If you read her ruling she quotes Clearance Thomas's Federalist views on why he believes a special counsel is not constitutional.  But there is established Congressional law for a special counsel.  If a special counsel was unconstitutional then everything that went on with Bill Clinton to Hunter Biden to another Trump case and to a Bush case it should all be thrown out.   Judge Cannon is another MAGA lawyer that will lose ber license.  She will be the 6th one.  Quote me on that.  

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This is fucking dumb the Election case might also get thrown out with the same reasoning, since Jack Smith is handling that and he's a Special Council. 


In what world can someone just start sending Fake Electors to be certified from 7 swing states he lost in. And not be held legally accountable in any way...


King Trump :D


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