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DF: Assassin's Creed Mirage on iPhone 15 Pro

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  • 680x300p internal resolution, upscaling to 720p via MetalFX
  • Medium and low presets reduce draw distance, shadows, water details, SSR
  • Lots of temporal issues around edges and moving objects because of low internal resolution
  • "Very substantially downgraded on iPhone"
  • Huge reduction in all asset quality
  • Everything looks noticeably blurrier even on the phone's internal display
  • Density of models has remained unchanged
  • 11.76gb file size (about half as large as the console versions)
  • Lighting effects are toned down or absent
  • Volumetric lighting is gone entirely
  • Shadows are lower resolution
  • Draw distance is essentially the same as consoles
  • Similar crowd density and pop-in to consoles
  • Post-processing is similar to consoles
  • SSR looks better on iPhone


  • High preset runs poorly, often in the low to mid 20s. 30fps cap in place but rarely ever touches that target
  • Medium preset is essentially the same story as high preset
  • Low preset runs at 30fps more often than not, but can hover in the mid 20s for extended periods in Baghdad (strongly recommended to use low if you play on iPhone)
  • Performance level on low is "at least acceptable some of the time"
  • Game will freeze for a few seconds (normally a few seconds, but can go on 20+ seconds) at a time when autosaving
  • Bugs like pathfinding issues exclusive to the iPhone version
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