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Trump just got shot on live TV

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1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

Honestly if the left got cancelled years ago they would have never escalated to where they are now.

yeah they should have just been silenced the same way instead of allowing this clown show to carry on but Twitter was in different hands too, such a weird and demented timeline the last years have been.

I think Trump actually getting shot drew the line and made everyone wake up and realize what the fuck are we doing?

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2 hours ago, TLHBO said:

Honestly if the left got cancelled years ago they would have never escalated to where they are now.

This is retarded. You right wing motherfuckers think everything is new or recent and it isn't. Before social media it was Fox News and Rush Limbaugh fighting to have people canceled. 


Dudes legit launched a campaign to have Pepsi fire Ludicrous because he was too negative an influence. Ludicrous. 


The biggest reason tensions are at an all time high is terminally online 18 to 34 males making everything political. From cartoon tits, to speeding laws, to vegetarian hamburgers. Things like immigration, Healthcare, taxes are and should be political. Not stupid shit llke how big Laura Crofts tits are how hot M&M mascots look. 


One of the big topics today seems to be men reacting negatively to women posting about their breast reductions surgeries which some how became political.


And I'm sorry to say, more often than not it's some out of touch right leaning man causing a scene and overreacting to something they don't understand and also has zero impact on their lives. 



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1 hour ago, bhytre said:

I think Trump actually getting shot drew the line and made everyone wake up and realize what the fuck are we doing?


Lmfao this is the demented mentality I'm talking about. Not the Vegas massacre. Not any of the school shootings. Not the Pulse massacre. Not Qanon. Not George Floyd. Not Jan 6th. Not the Supreme Court making just being homeless a punishable crime. Not the book bannings. Not people freezing to death in fucking Texas. 


But Trump getting shot at. He means this to his cultish worshippers. Fucking psychopaths. 

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Also the woman doxxing people and posting celebratory tweets about people losing their jobs seen below laughing and enjoying causing bomb threats across the country including children's hospitals. 




Oh and Elon Musk congratulating her for it. You see, when you hate Trans people or any group enough you enjoy seeing them suffer. 




Also seen here enjoying and reposting a story about a grandfather beating up his grandchild because they have preferred pronouns? Do you think her audience was offended or were also happy to see these things? 


You're the good guys right? 


Then there's Tim Pool blaming "the left" for stoking division in the country.


Also Tim Pool:



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42 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Mr Impossible is a perfect example of what happens when you feed your brain fake news every day.

Let's go thru this thread from the first page to now and see what assumptions were made and how accurate they turned out to be. Off the top of my head it wasn't a Trans Asian communist who entered the country through Mexico. 


This isn't isolated either. Pretty much every thread in the political forum is filled with easily disproven stupidity from either Cooke, Ramza, DynamiteCop, Twinblade, and the occasional retard cameo by yourself, bytchre, or inbred Pennsylvanian. 


Lmfao fake news and I literally just posted what these people themselves wrote. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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Lmao the angry far lefties hate everything even themselves :rofls:


They have became what they hated most LMAO. 


Such unhappy people. Little noodle dicks I kinda feel bad for them 

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Oh no the ex and potential new leader of a country getting shot has more impact on people than some random fentanyl druggy getting killed by some idiot cop :tom:


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On 2024-07-13 at 7:00 PM, JonDnD said:

This is how sick the left is.


On 2024-07-13 at 7:06 PM, Tears of the Cows said:

Fucking butler :tom: white trash central. No way anyone from there shot at him 


On 2024-07-13 at 7:14 PM, JonDnD said:

The far left people are batshit insane. Read the era thread lol. 


On 2024-07-13 at 8:32 PM, DynamiteCop said:

Apparently the shooter is a Chinese man. The left better pray he's not an illegal foreign national.


On 2024-07-13 at 9:35 PM, bhytre said:

Muh Jan 6th :lemming:


On 2024-07-13 at 10:03 PM, JonDnD said:

Only good thing about this is the far left is done. It's over. Lock these people up in the looney bins they belong in.


Is this what rational, informed people who watch credible news sources sound like? 

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lmao how mad can this guy get. Politics has consumed his life. There is nothing left in that bug dumb head outside of hate.


Its like SW sony vs MS but RL right vs left. Fucking losers lmfao the FirePower of politics ROFL be happy with yourself , DUMBO.

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4 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Oh no the ex and potential new leader of a country getting shot has more impact on people than some random fentanyl druggy getting killed by some idiot cop :tom:


Yes, ignorant serfs love their masters more than themselves or their community. Which is they are claiming to God intervened and deflected the bullets from hitting the fat, old, unhealthy sinner intended target into a 9/11 first responder fire fighter who was sheilding his family. 


Because rich men lives are worth more than normal people's right? 

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2 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

lmao how mad can this guy get. Politics has consumed his life. There is nothing left in that bug dumb head outside of hate.


Its like SW sony vs MS but RL right vs left. Fucking losers lmfao the FirePower of politics ROFL be happy with yourself , DUMBO.


Would you finally just stick your dick in an Xbox already,you fucking weirdo. You're a 50 year old deadbeat dad obsessed with fucking videogames. Is your kid even on your friends list? 

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i dont feel like reading 18 pages of this shit right now however seeing as I was texted seconds after this event took place with video of my friend recording their husbands phone so I could see the shots being fired within minutes, ....did anyone notice how fucking LONG it took for the news to report this? I googled every combination of anything you could think of to get this to show up, and it literally took about 20 minutes for it to even show up online. My other friends thought i was making it up cuz ofcourse they all googled it after i told them and also didn't see shit. It is fuckin bizarre how long it took. Also when CNN finally posted something they literally did everything they could to just make it sound like something happened thats being investigated and would not say anything about a shooter, trump being shot, etc. just a vague comment. media handled / has handled this very fucking oddly.

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1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

Mr Impossible is a perfect example of what happens when you feed your brain fake news every day.

The problem with Chimps is that he is trying to tackle this issue with an hyperbolic sword. Somehow, he wants to take everything in one single sweep, from politics, to racism to toxic femininity,

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18 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yes, ignorant serfs love their masters more than themselves or their community. Which is they are claiming to God intervened and deflected the bullets from hitting the fat, old, unhealthy sinner intended target into a 9/11 first responder fire fighter who was sheilding his family. 


Because rich men lives are worth more than normal people's right? 

Floyd was a piece of shit and not part of the community he was one of many that destroy it and all those other mass shootings only happen because America's modern culture is complete rotten to the core garbage and does nothing but promote degeneracy and violence, in and outside the country.

Nothing but draconian measures like in El Salvador can save this dying empire and your Jewish overlords won't ever allow that to happen :tom:


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13 hours ago, JonDnD said:

You're comparing covid to an assassination attempt ? Lmao. Far Left gonna far left.


The thing that killed millions of people, and your side denied resulting in even more deaths? Also it was just an example, how about January 6th and Paul Pelosi? One of the people praising these firings was the cause of a bomb threat at a school...


Yup there it is. Exactly the kind of fucking retarded hypocritical lunacy I was talking about from the extremist right who hated cancel culture and violence until they starting jerking off to it.  Right on queue. Fuck, Destiny might just be right.

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3 minutes ago, Substatic said:


The thing that killed millions of people, and your side denied resulting in even more deaths? Also it was just an example, how about January 6th and Paul Pelosi? One of the people praising these firings was the cause of a bomb threat at a school...


Yup there it is. Exactly the kind of fucking retarded hypocritical lunacy I was talking about from the extremist right who hated cancel culture until they starting jerking off to it.  Right on queue. Fuck Destiny might just be right.

My side? I dont think im on the side you think. But thats because you idiots label anyone who disagrees with you as "enemy"


bu bu ma side 🤬 Did you pull a muscle?



No, Bidead getting covid is NOT comparable to an assassination attempt on the former president. My god, you guys are fucking looney tunes. Self hating, hive-mind miserable dumbos.



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5 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

No, Bidead getting covid is NOT comparable to an assassination attempt on the former president. 


Your posts read like a Breitbart commentor, sit the fuck down. You literally just joked about him dying.  :tom: Cancel culture is now great and needed, after causing bomb threats, janaury 6th, 90% of domestic terrorism, laughing about paul pelosi, laughing about Pulse, etc.


Holy fuck this cult is brain dead. All of a sudden we have to tone stuff down and doxx people after a conservative Republican gun nut shoots Trump. Low IQ party.

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He's losing his mind :hest:


Truth is strange than fiction. A 20 year old geeky looking kid somehow outwits local law enforcement and the secret fucking service, casually strolls around the building looking suspicious without giving a fuck, still makes it to the top of a roof and fires a few shots off with an open goal at a former President....who is saved because he turned his head at just the right time.


You couldn't make this up.

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