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Trump just got shot on live TV

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11 minutes ago, bhytre said:

The guy never would have felt the need to do what he did without hearing and seeing the incessant demonization by the media 

Funny how you retards say this only about this one specific situation, about one specific person. In every other situation you have a completely different stance. Being a hypocrite with a complete lack of conviction is easy. 

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32 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

No you fucking loon, we're saying this was likely inevitable, and the political divide in America, is because your leaders and especially your mainstram media push fake narratives and intentionally try to cause division and fear.


But your takeaway is "derp he was a republican so nothing to worry about lets carry on as normal".

Lol at your spin. 


We've been saying this is an issue EVERY FUCKING TIME the MAGA and QAnon nut jobs.. Including republican leaders push the political violence narrative weeks, months and and years before this happened. 


Then when this happened, in this very thread we sais let's wait for more information to come out it, it could be either be domestic, a foreign actor etc or a ton of different things.... Let's wait for more info before jumping the gun (pun intended) 


You guys however couldn't wait.. And immediately started pushing all that BS.  Now that all your bullshit backfired.. You're trying to spin it that we're saying "it's a republican.. Ok let's go back to normal".... Nope


The political violence rhetoric that we been saying needs to stop waaay before this happened... Still needs to stop. 


But that doesn't take way from the fact that you clowns rushed in posting a bunch of fucking nonsense :reg:

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24 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Maybe they see it as a celebrity kind of thing like the royal crown. 

That's it. 


The Royal family has no power and exist basically for tourism and to keep British plebs happy. The American government is the most impactful in the world. This is a retarded comparison. 


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17 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

I agree there is fishiness around security. Multiple witnesses seeing the kid with a rifle on the roof. It's as if the Secret Service waited for him to fire before taking him out, which is crazy. But that doesn't require an explanation, it can just be a fuck up.

I think they fucked up but not logistically. 

I mean, doing that shit in today's era where everything can be recorded. 


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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:


The Royal family has no power and exist basically for tourism and to keep British plebs happy. The American government is the most impactful in the world. This is a retarded comparison. 


Not really. 

This is like you bitching about people outside the US talking about American politics with authority then you come in here saying that people do care about American politics. 

I speak this from my own experience. 

People see the US as a huge circus mixed with tales of foreign government throwings and terrorism. 

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5 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Not really. 

This is like you bitching about people outside the US talking about American politics with authority then you come in here saying that people do care about American politics. 


Those are not conflicting points of view, OMG some of you are so fucking stupid. I can't. 


5 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

I speak this from my own experience. 

People see the US as a huge circus mixed with tales of foreign government throwings and terrorism. 


Some people do, some people don't. Again, nothing you have said counters my point. 

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Those are not conflicting points of view, OMG some of you are so fucking stupid. I can't. 



Some people do, some people don't. Again, nothing you have said counters my point. 

You just bitched at TLHBO for saying something because he doesn't live here, yet when I tell you people outside the US see this country as a huge circus and they don't care, you say I am wrong and they do. 

So what is it? :reg:

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1 hour ago, bhytre said:

The guy never would have felt the need to do what he did without hearing and seeing the incessant demonization by the media 


Looks like facts hurt his Republican feelings and he went to go shoot Trump.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Substatic said:


Looks like facts hurt his Republican feelings and he went to go shoot Trump.

Facts like needing the vaccine and lockdowns lol, keep suckling legacy media's teat like a good sheep

Edited by bhytre
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29 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

You just bitched at TLHBO for saying something because he doesn't live here, yet when I tell you people outside the US see this country as a huge circus and they don't care, you say I am wrong and they do. 

So what is it? :reg:


I admit I'm short with people who constantly say stupid shit but when I clearly state they are different things and you keep trying to make it look like I'm contradicting myself what else am I supposed to say? 


I critiqued his lack of knowledge of the US citizens or how the government works. This has nothing to do with genuine interest and knowledge of the US. There's just as many idiotic Americans here who don't know what the fuck they are talking about too. 

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7 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Facts like needing the vaccine and lockdowns lol, keep suckling legacy media's teat like a good sheep

See, when retards say stupid shit llke "keep believing legacy media" as some kind of chest pound and it's llke what's the alternative? The internet? Because everything on the internet is true and factual? 


This is why half of the people in this thread sound so fucking stupid. 

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14 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I admit I'm short with people who constantly say stupid shit but when I clearly state they are different things and you keep trying to make it look like I'm contradicting myself what else am I supposed to say? 


I critiqued his lack of knowledge of the US citizens or how the government works. This has nothing to do with genuine interest and knowledge of the US. There's just as many idiotic Americans here who don't know what the fuck they are talking about too. 

Yeah, but who are you to say what is it or not genuine interest on something related to this country. 

He just told you how this country works, and you just disproved it with very little facts but rather personal opinions and feelings. 

Buddy, I often see you here projecting your own insecurities under the many insults you throw at people while trying to show yourself as something you clearly aren't. :reg:

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

See, when retards say stupid shit llke "keep believing legacy media" as some kind of chest pound and it's llke what's the alternative? The internet? Because everything on the internet is true and factual? 


This is why half of the people in this thread sound so fucking stupid. 

There aren't perfect but the are less deceptive alternatives already on the internet like X where there's a mix of unpaid people and professionals who can post uncensored videos and findings, so it is better right now and faster than the legacy media dinosaurs. They aren't the monopoly of what is 'right' or only source people can listen to anymore, you can do our own research now

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1 minute ago, MalaXmaS said:

Yeah, but who are you to say what is it or not genuine interest on something related to this country. 

He just told you how this country works, and you just disproved it with very little facts but rather personal opinions and feelings. 

Buddy, I often see you here projecting your own insecurities under the many insults you throw at people while trying to show yourself as something you clearly aren't. :reg:

Lmfao you're retarded. It's cute that you're trying to make this a "projection" situation because I've told you that even when it's not applicable in this situation. Nice try though. 

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18 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lmfao you're retarded. It's cute that you're trying to make this a "projection" situation because I've told you that even when it's not applicable in this situation. Nice try though. 


Lmfao here comes more of your "patronizing" and arrogance when trying to come off as righteous when we all know here you sit at the exact opposite side of that libertarian and extreme right side you hate so much. 

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46 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:


Lmfao here comes more of your "patronizing" and arrogance when trying to come off as righteous when we all know here you sit at the exact opposite side of that libertarian and extreme right side you hate so much. 

I don't know why you put patronizing in quotes. I care less about political affiliation than intentions. Most people join parties based on optics or one or two issues anyway. 


I'm generally live and let live with anything that doesn't harm or exploit others or the environment. Nothing crazy, I feel most people feel the same. The problem is nearly half of the population are either dishonest, manipulative, or classist or all three. 


I don't care if someone is goes to church 7 days a week and believes Jesus rode dinosaurs and invented America. My issue is that person expecting everyone else to live their lives the same way. 

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