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Trump just got shot on live TV

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1 minute ago, TLHBO said:

Agreed. The past 8 years of fearmongering, lies and propaganda by the left and the mainstream media is how we got here. They have blood on their hands.


Now the very same people who made Trump out to be "literally Hitler" are putting on an act, calling for calm and pretending they had nothing to do with this.

Its always good to point that finger eh.


I mean who wants to look inward to see if they themselves could have been the problem, because that would actually show growth and maturity.


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30 minutes ago, Cell said:

Lmao, you missed the entire point. Trump really is a piece of shit, and how the choice is between him and Biden just blows my mind. Like, those two are the best two candidates to run America? Amazing. 

But my point is very strictly limited to the minute after someone shot him in the ear whilst obviously aiming for his head. He handled it like a boss. Imagine if it were Biden, dude probably would have had a heart attack. 


I think you're European? Maybe not.. If so, Putin might be coming soon if Trump wins.

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31 minutes ago, Cell said:

Lmao, you missed the entire point. Trump really is a piece of shit, and how the choice is between him and Biden just blows my mind. Like, those two are the best two candidates to run America? Amazing. 

But my point is very strictly limited to the minute after someone shot him in the ear whilst obviously aiming for his head. He handled it like a boss. Imagine if it were Biden, dude probably would have had a heart attack. 


Yup both candidates are fucking shit. 


I blame our education system and 2 party system It needs a massive revamp. Not that this will ever happen so long as the billionares keep getting their coke and hoes along with dumb cultists to listen to their every word.


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16 minutes ago, Substatic said:


Yup both candidates are fucking shit. 


I blame our education system and I'm not be facetious. It needs a massive revamp. Too bad Project 2025 wants to gut it lol.



Why is Biden shit though? I don't understand why people say that.. Because he's old and uncool? Didn't he do quite a lot for the economy during his presidency? Bringing manufacturing jobs to local USA? I still don't get why people hate on him so much. Yeah he's an old dude but there's no other options.  Trump or Biden... take your pick. Criticizing Biden online is just giving Trump leverage.


Unless Biden willingly steps down which would leave Kamala. Biden has amazing international relations with European countries and others, has a sense of humanity, cares about regular people more than Trump.. Trump calling fallen soldiers suckers and losers. fucking insane. Biden's brought jobs to local USA, decades of experience.. lowered drug prices... he's just shit?.. why? meh cuz he's old I guess /s

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1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

Agreed. The past 8 years of fearmongering, lies and propaganda by the left and the mainstream media is how we got here. They have blood on their hands.


Now the very same people who made Trump out to be "literally Hitler" are putting on an act, calling for calm and pretending they had nothing to do with this.

Before explaining how retarded you might be, I also think you (like most Trump supporters here) don't actually live in the US. There's a lot of uninformed non Americans telling us about our politics and most don't seem to know what the fuck they are talking about. 

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7 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Before explaining how retarded you might be, I also think you (like most Trump supporters here) don't actually live in the US. There's a lot of uninformed non Americans telling us about our politics and most don't seem to know what the fuck they are talking about. 

As an American and a trump hater, I think there is truth to this. Over dramatic "fascist dictatorship" language is unhinged and only serves the Democrat centrist goblins who cheer on unholy massacres in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, and a dozen other counties.


The Democrats don't even offer an alternative to "dictatorship". Biden also believes there's a "border crisis", he just pursues it less aggressively than Trump. He takes credit for "expanding NATO" and "taking on Putin". This is not a progressive administration, it's a war presidency.



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5 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Also it's coming out that some in the MAGA movement was floating the idea that it would be beneficial to the movement if Trump were assassinated as it would give the movement the green light to start killing democrat leaders. 


Here is this very thing being discussed by the MAGA faithful on Alex Jones podcast 5 months ago. 




Ivan Raiklin: “If they [assassinate Trump], option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.”


Alex Jones: “I was about as to say, If they kill him, that’s best case scenario from a sick level. From a sick level medium, ‘Oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.”


Raiklin: “Oh, it’s going to be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I guaran—, I access, with almost certainty, with the highest level of confidence, that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them.”

That shit is so fucked up :scared: :shake: 


It's easy to see how some radical could take it upon themselves to set that off.  Like I said, I follow American politics at a surface level because obviously it affects us and the world and know more or less how the general system works, but I have no idea about all this stuff when you dig deeper.


This is what I mean though.. so damn close to civil war.  Some people are just looking for any opportunity to kick things off.  Honestly speaking, him being a white American citizen who's also a republican is the best case scenario in avoiding further unrest and violence.  If he was an illegal immigrant, or if he was a minority, violence against immigrants/minorities would escalate undoubtedly.  That's just a logical observation. 


It's insane how close yesterday came.

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

That shit is so fucked up :scared: :shake: 


It's easy to see how some radical could take it upon themselves to set that off.  Like I said, I follow American politics at a surface level because obviously it affects us and the world and know more or less how the general system works, but I have no idea about all this stuff when you dig deeper.


This is what I mean though.. so damn close to civil war.  Some people are just looking for any opportunity to kick things off.  Honestly speaking, him being a white American citizen who's also a republican is the best case scenario in avoiding further unrest and violence.  If he was an illegal immigrant, or if he was a minority, violence against immigrants/minorities would escalate undoubtedly.  That's just a logical observation. 


It's insane how close yesterday came.

If the US is so close to civil war, what are the stakes? What's the big economic/ideological issue that's irreconcilable? The parties are aligned on 95% of issues, and the hot button culture war questions don't implicate the elite owners of both parties.


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4 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

If the US is so close to civil war, what are the stakes? What's the big economic/ideological issue that's irreconcilable? The parties are aligned on 95% of issues, and the hot button culture war questions don't implicate the elite owners of both parties.


How about Democrats claiming "the end of Democracy if Donald Trump wins"?

How about a stacked Supreme Court with the ability to take people's rights away?

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Just now, Remij said:

How about Democrats claiming "the end of Democracy if Donald Trump wins"?

Yeah I don't like that, I think it's cynical self-service to an insane degree. But the distance between that and millions of Americans taking up arms against each other is huge. What issue would cause tons of people to risk the end of Target and Burger King life as we know it?

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Just now, sugarhigh said:

Yeah I don't like that, I think it's cynical self-service to an insane degree. But the distance between that and millions of Americans taking up arms against each other is huge. What issue would cause tons of people to risk the end of Target and Burger King life as we know it?

Just open your eyes dude.  Information and movements start and grow at incredible rates these days...  There's not much distance at all.


If you disagree that's fine, but understand that people outside of America see things from a different viewpoint.  Yes, you can say that we aren't there so we don't understand, but then again, you guys can also see what you want to see, and nothing else.  


It only takes a spark to start a fire. 

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

Just open your eyes dude.  Information and movements start and grow at incredible rates these days...  There's not much distance at all.


If you disagree that's fine, but understand that people outside of America see things from a different viewpoint.  Yes, you can say that we aren't there so we don't understand, but then again, you guys can also see what you want to see, and nothing else.  


It only takes a spark to start a fire. 

You haven't said a single issue. Do you think people are going to kill each other over preferred pronouns?

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Just now, sugarhigh said:

You haven't said a single issue. Do you think people are going to kill each other over preferred pronouns?

I think you're blind as fuck. :drake: 


If Trump had been killed, civil war could have easily broken out... and yet you're here acting like there's no issue which could cause it to happen..  Look at the fucking video Goukosan posted... people are waiting for someone to kill Trump so they can kill Democratic leaders....  You don't think that could set off a civil war? :diplo: 

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Just now, Remij said:

I think you're blind as fuck. :drake: 


If Trump had been killed, civil war could have easily broken out... and yet you're here acting like there's no issue which could cause it to happen..  Look at the fucking video Goukosan posted... people are waiting for someone to kill Trump so they can kill Democratic leaders....  You don't think that could set off a civil war? :diplo: 


If it set off a civil war, what is that war over? What deeply contested visions of society are at stake? In my opinion both parties exist to preserve the one we've got.

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trumpo with that motherfucking braveheart energy :kaz: 



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2 hours ago, Cell said:

Lmao, you missed the entire point. Trump really is a piece of shit, and how the choice is between him and Biden just blows my mind. Like, those two are the best two candidates to run America? Amazing. 

But my point is very strictly limited to the minute after someone shot him in the ear whilst obviously aiming for his head. He handled it like a boss. Imagine if it were Biden, dude probably would have had a heart attack. 

I thought you said he was a courageous man, but the only thing we can take from Trump is that he is one of the biggest pos that govern the US.

Simply he is taking advantage of a huge power key moment.

Let's face it.

Trump WILL be the president of the US.

I have no issues with his term. As a matter of fact, I never cared about his first term, but it's his religious cult of a fanbase that we have to be careful with.

Those guys are textbook religious nut.

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