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Bidens obviously out, we’re just delaying the inevitable. Who will represent the Dems in November?

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Kennedy would beat Trump but of course the Dems don't want someone that is campaigning on ending the revolving door or government and private companies. Anti corruption is bad for the establishment. 


He takes from Trump, he takes the libertarians and is very popular with independents and youth. 

Edited by Cooke
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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Gavin Newsom would be the best next choice but with the shit he’s been doing in California lately, I still don’t think he would have a shot at winning.

Gavin Newsom wouldn't stand a chance in hell. No one wants the whole of the United States to be like California. Worst state in the union and also the worst constitutional violators.

Edited by DynamiteCop
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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lmfao all you have are fantasies. In an actual race Trump would destroy Kennedy. 

Why? Dems would vote for him because they hate Trump. Kennedy is popular with youth, independents, libertarians. In a 2 way race he would beat Trump. He's even popular with a lot of the Rand Paul/Massie Republicans. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Why? Dems would vote for him because they hate Trump. Kennedy is popular with youth, independents, libertarians. In a 2 way race he would beat Trump. He's even popular with a lot of the Rand Paul/Massie Republicans. 

You're have no idea what Democrats would do. All you have is some cartoonish idea of how liberals or Democrats actually think or operate. 


Howard Dean was the runaway candidate until he grunted weird. People didn't bother to turn out for Kerry and Bush was as hated as Trump is, but the wars were hot and heavy and plenty of people decided it was probably best for the sitting President to his plan through. 


He also had the political capital of a high level of support for the country after 9/11. Similar to the good will Trump is getting now in the corporate news sector. 


RFK has no experience. A clown can run for President because conservatives are so blinded by resentments they'll elect anyone to office they feel will just spend all of their time criticizing Democrats. You can literally be the least productive members of the house and senate and still have power thanks to these people. 


Independents and libertarians are just Republicans who like weed and think age of consent laws shouldn't exist. 

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