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Anyone see a pattern regarding the indoctrination of children with these new twisted values from the progressives?

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You're so fucking stupid that it hurts to read your ramblings.  Go be offended in some third world country were no one has any rights. 

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Yes, Sony and Naughty Dog, infamous for inventing Trans people. 

I mean who really cares? Trans people exist so obviously they would be in video games at some point .   Why are you so anti inclusive?   I bet you couldn't name 5 games with Trans

Including people that exist in the real world in games that are aimed at adults is not indoctrination. That's just you being a snowflake. You seem mad at the free market and free speech.   A

On 2024-08-05 at 6:48 AM, JonDnD said:

I mean who really cares? Trans people exist so obviously they would be in video games at some point .


Why are you so anti inclusive?


I bet you couldn't name 5 games with Trans characters without using google.


If people want to teach their kids to be hateful they still have that option as well.

they say they only making time less than 1% of the population yet are vastly over represented in media. Not sure why that is. 

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Being progressive doesn't mean having a political inclination like how you see it.

This thread was moved from the main. I didn't create it here.

And as far as you being a progressive, it doesn't mean you have a political opinion, it just means you are absolutely braindead.

It's like you are the star of your own movie, "Idiocracy".

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1 hour ago, lostfool said:

You're so fucking stupid that it hurts to read your ramblings.  Go be offended in some third world country were no one has any rights. 

Well you are right though.

I live in the US, a third world country.

I mean, look at how half the voters believe in a man with zero business success and the other half believe in a senile man.

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32 minutes ago, Cooke said:

they say they only making time less than 1% of the population yet are vastly over represented in media. Not sure why that is. 


In the last 10 years, we have seen a tremendous move from these LBTQG movements to try to push their rhetoric into everyone's heads.

The funniest thing is that even members among the LBTQG movement hate each other.

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The real problem is stagnated wages, price gauging by corporations, for-profit healthcare, you tax money sent to fund a genocide, and rent is too damn high, and no one can afford to buy a home.


 The corporate motherfuckers on top benefit from all this.


 You being angry at trans people is exactly how they like it. Because you are distracted from solving the issues that would actually improve the lives of many working class people.


 Their way of maintaining their dominance is by keeping people scared of an ‘other’. 

Edited by Chicano3000X
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On 2024-08-05 at 2:41 PM, MalaXmaS said:

Doesn't surprise me a sick fuck like you that lives his life obsessed over what Kanye does, doesn't even think it's a big issue. 



Trans issues don't even fall within 1%


Most important voter issues U.S. 2024 | Statista


People don't care. That's a fact.


The only people obsessing over this are the same people who most jerk off to trans porn. Republicans. 

Edited by Substatic
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5 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

So it seems, you are making your own facts based from reality. 


This doesn't make any sense nor is it relevant to to what he said. You just keep saying stupid shit hoping to 1⃣ of your points stick. 

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22 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


This doesn't make any sense nor is it relevant to to what he said. You just keep saying stupid shit hoping to 1⃣ of your points stick. 

Replying like that to an actual issue demonstrates your lack of acceptance. 

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1 hour ago, MalaXmaS said:

Replying like that to an actual issue demonstrates your lack of acceptance. 


What issue? That you're obsessed with a very small amount of the population? That is a personal issue, not a societal one. 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


What issue? That you're obsessed with a very small amount of the population? That is a personal issue, not a societal one. 

The issue that despite being a small minority, they have tremendous influence in society, those twisted fucks.

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16 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

The issue that despite being a small minority, they have tremendous influence in society, those twisted fucks.


Citation? What % of media or games or music have trans content? We know next to no one cares going from polling so show those stats.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

The influence of existing? 

Not only existing but pushing their agenda to the point of cancelling everyone and everything that doesn't follow their views.

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On 2024-08-05 at 3:19 PM, MalaXmaS said:

This started way back with the last of Us, staring a gay character and surrounding the story all about her. 

It got so evidently bad that the actress doing the cameo switched genders. 

Nowadays, everything has to be gay or full of trangenderism or else they feel excluded. 


Fuck modern gaming, but most importantly, fuck you Sony. 

Concord is just absolutely shameful, but the most evil thing is that the experienced gaming community has already rejected this poor excuse of entertainment media which first tries to be transgender propaganda and then a videogame. 


The problem are kids who see this as nothing wrong. 

We know what's going on. 


It's not only videogames but in the YouTube community too. Last week was disastrous for the popular YouTuber Mr. BEAST who got caught defending his trans friend who apparently liked to get it on with underage kids. 

Outside forces and globalists are trying to destroy what's left of the family unit in the West and turn everyone weak, gay and diverse so they don't ever unite or rebel in any way against their governments. So they may also keep hating and fighting each other and follow the next lame trend like 'Weird'  instead of looking higher up at who's pulling the strings and making life needlessly difficult for the average person.

A nation of weak cowardly men and women who are glamorized for killing their own offspring, slaving away indefinitely for crumbs and children brainwashed from the get go to be weak and gay with no pride for themselves or their own country so they're next in line to serve their masters

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18 hours ago, bhytre said:

Outside forces and globalists are trying to destroy what's left of the family unit in the West and turn everyone weak, gay and diverse so they don't ever unite or rebel in any way against their governments. So they may also keep hating and fighting each other and follow the next lame trend like 'Weird'  instead of looking higher up at who's pulling the strings and making life needlessly difficult for the average person.

A nation of weak cowardly men and women who are glamorized for killing their own offspring, slaving away indefinitely for crumbs and children brainwashed from the get go to be weak and gay with no pride for themselves or their own country so they're next in line to serve their masters

That's the US. 

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