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Anyone see a pattern regarding the indoctrination of children with these new twisted values from the progressives?

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Yes, Sony and Naughty Dog, infamous for inventing Trans people. 

I mean who really cares? Trans people exist so obviously they would be in video games at some point .   Why are you so anti inclusive?   I bet you couldn't name 5 games with Trans

Including people that exist in the real world in games that are aimed at adults is not indoctrination. That's just you being a snowflake. You seem mad at the free market and free speech.   A

On 2024-08-05 at 8:19 AM, MalaXmaS said:

This started way back with the last of Us, staring a gay character and surrounding the story all about her. 

It got so evidently bad that the actress doing the cameo switched genders. 

Nowadays, everything has to be gay or full of trangenderism or else they feel excluded. 


Fuck modern gaming, but most importantly, fuck you Sony. 

Concord is just absolutely shameful, but the most evil thing is that the experienced gaming community has already rejected this poor excuse of entertainment media which first tries to be transgender propaganda and then a videogame. 


The problem are kids who see this as nothing wrong. 

We know what's going on. 


It's not only videogames but in the YouTube community too. Last week was disastrous for the popular YouTuber Mr. BEAST who got caught defending his trans friend who apparently liked to get it on with underage kids. 

Imagine basing your stance on the world from a video game called The Last of Us and saying that’s where it started. Holy shit. :drake:

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2 hours ago, lynux3 said:

Imagine basing your stance on the world from a video game called The Last of Us and saying that’s where it started. Holy shit. :drake:

I didn't say the whole movement started with one game, dumbass.

I said that the first game to start this stupid trend was TLoU.

After that, Sony never stopped with the SJW virtue signaling.

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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So what is the goal of destroying the family unit? Some dumb shit about getting people to depend on the government? 

The goal of destroying the nuclear family in the US is to stop overpopulation, create more single moms, create more kids without a proper foundation, create more criminals, more societal disfunction.

This plan was already executed with the women's liberation back in the 70s. It has already created those results, as evidently by modern society and the weakening of traditional family values.

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4 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

The goal of destroying the nuclear family in the US is to stop overpopulation


But they are also shipping in illegal immigrants at the same time. Doesn't this counter the babies the globalists are killing to reduce the population? 


4 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

create more single moms, create more kids without a proper foundation, create more criminals, more societal disfunction.


Oh, so they just want society to collapse? Makes sense. Again, what do those globalists get out of this? 


4 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

This plan was already executed with the women's liberation back in the 70s.


Ah, yes. The start of all incels' problems - women's lib. I wish you could hear yourself. It's like your internet is stuck in 2018 or something. This is how I know you're addicted to redpill bullshit. 


4 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

It has already created those results, as evidently by modern society and the weakening of traditional family values.


So basically we have to hate Trans and gay people in order to counteract this globalists influence? 


It's funny because after 4 years of hearing retards using woke to describe every problem, you went old school with the "globalists" bullshit from the info wars days lol. Og retard over here. 

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4 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

I didn't say the whole movement started with one game, dumbass.

I said that the first game to start this stupid trend was TLoU.

After that, Sony never stopped with the SJW virtue signaling.



How many SJW games did they make? Also, as someone who used to hate on SJWs a decade ago, not everything they said was wrong and in fact a lot of it was ahead of its time. 


Years after #gamergate, they were definitely proven right unlike the GG chuds that eventually became redpilled MAGA incels. 

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