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The most evil shit I've ever heard.

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6 hours ago, poopy_butt said:

i read this shit this morning and it fucked with my head for a good hour or so at work until i had to get back on track. Evil af.

The part that's fucked up is his suit was for only 50k. They did all of this, getting all of this bad press to save 50 thousand dollars? 

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8 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

The part that's fucked up is his suit was for only 50k. They did all of this, getting all of this bad press to save 50 thousand dollars? 

Yea i found 50k crazy low as well. I know Disney obviously has top notch lawyers however i hope the court also sees how incredibly fucked up this is and bends disney over. 



This guy makes awesome videos about the sleezy and shitty things companies do now and hes pretty entertaining as well. He covers this Disney thing in the vid above but id recommend looking at his other videos as well.  His video about photo bucket is wild. Hes also gotten laws passed to help out the consumer/little man against corporate fuckery. Hes some self made rich dude and he doesn't even collect ad revenue or try to sell you shit and posts like every day which is pretty admirable. 

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