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Why are the Dems becoming much more right wing on foreign policy?

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Are the parties starting to flip? The republicans now seem more middle class worker populist and the Democrats seem more highly educated elitist and pro big business and pro foreign interventionist. Something is definitely happening. Just look at the doner bases now. 


Trump has made the republicans relevant to Latinos and blacks for the first time ever. Neocons are flocking to the Democrats. 

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Like clockwork with your dumbass.  The video in the tweet doesn't correlate with the tweet. 


It's like your stupid ass just read the tweet headline and not actually look at the video. :drake:



How can you watch that vid in the tweet and come to the same dumbass conclusion. 


No where in that segment did he say "war consensus" or imply that was her stance. 



Edited by Goukosan
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5 hours ago, Cooke said:


OMG she said she won't be friendly with Kim Jong Un and Putin? Holy shit! I'm voting for Trump! 


I wish we could inbed tweets so I didn't have to waste my time clicking a link to see fucking Glenn Geeendwalds bitch ass whining about something. 





Are the parties starting to flip? The republicans now seem more middle class worker populist and the Democrats seem more highly educated elitist and pro big business and pro foreign interventionist.


Yes, Trump and the world's richest man laughing about Musk using possibly illegal tactics to stop workers from organizing to negotiate better working conditions. 


Remember in 2016 when Trump ran on bringing back miners and how much he loved them, then never talked about them again after winning? 


Most likely because he then greatly reduced working regulations and the death and injury rates sky rocketed. 


Stop pretending to be a populist you nazi fuck. 



Something is definitely happening. Just look at the doner bases now. 


What about them? 



Trump has made the republicans relevant to Latinos and blacks for the first time ever. Neocons are flocking to the Democrats. 


Just admit you like Trump already. He probably reminds you of one of your bigoted relatives or something. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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@Cookealso, on the point of why you're a poser, when were you ever actually a liberal? You've been saying right wing shit for over well over a decade now. You magically only ever align with former or future right wing shills or sold out to conservatives. 


Even if you are 100% genuine, whoever you claim to support inevitably ends up betraying what they worked for as soon as it becomes convenient for them. So at best, you spiritually align with ideological cockroaches. 




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2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

@Cookealso, on the point of why you're a poser, when were you ever actually a liberal? You've been saying right wing shit for over well over a decade now. You magically only ever align with former or future right wing shills or sold out to conservatives. 


Even if you are 100% genuine, whoever you claim to support inevitably ends up betraying what they worked for as soon as it becomes convenient for them. So at best, you spiritually align with ideological cockroaches. 





Yup both Tulsi and RFK Jr both turned out to be slime balls... Shocker!! 

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Also as for your Black and Latino reference, as someone whose family is from Trinidad and Venezuela and is the first natural born member of my family in the United States - there's nothing blacks, Latinos, and afro-Latinos like more than white people who refuse to pronounce non Christian names properly, even more so when they openly admit to do doing so out of spite or disrespect. 


Or when white people tell us to go back to our country, even if we were born here, or calls for deportation as some sort of retaliation, again even if we were natural citizens. 


As a white guy in Canada who feels that white men have no power in....Canada - compared to the brown and Trans people there, I'm sure you have the pulse of blacks and Latinos in the United States. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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14 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

why does your canadian ass care so much about the united states? stick to poutine and penis.

you guys run the world. why the fuck wouldnt i care? 

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I don't think much has changed. Both parties 100% do the bidding of the war hawks in the defense establishment. There's never been a war that both parties didn't support to the hilt.


As far as the middle class vs elitist split, the GOP has long made an electoral alliance between ruthless big capital, poor workers, soldiers and farmers.  The Democrats have long been the party of the urban educated middle class and major banking interests.


It might hit a little different lately with the rise of gig workers and the crazy precarity of staying in the middle class. But I don't think the electoral coalitions have radically changed.

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