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Sony is raising the price of PS5 in Japan

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It's obvious Mad is NOT happy lol

I don’t think he meant free to play games.  Think he meant regular games that are free to the consumer that subscribe to PSN+ and or gamepass.    Sony and MS are paying the publishers to put

42 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

Exchange rate?

Yeah, but that might explain keeping it the same price 4 years later, but not raising it.



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2 minutes ago, Remij said:

Yeah, but that might explain keeping it the same price 4 years later, but not raising it.



Isn’t the Yen tumbling a bit? Might explain the increase to cover those losses.

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28 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

Isn’t the Yen tumbling a bit? Might explain the increase to cover those losses.

Yes, but it's a 4 year old product that has gotten cheaper to produce over time.  Prices should have been dropped and the yen dropping should mean prices increased back to where they were.. aka stayed the same... not an actual increase 4 years later.  This is just crazy.


PRO price might be higher than expected as a premium product to claw back losses too.

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

You've seen the value of the Yen right? This increase literally basically keeps it at the same price value for Sony


I already responded to that multiple times in this very thread...


It's absolutely ridiculous that a product which is 4 years old, and should have dropped price by now... is actually increasing it's price over what it was when it originally launched..  As I already stated in this thread, I could understand the price having dropped, and then having to raise it back to what it originally was because the yen is shit... but this is an actual price increase on the product.


Want to cover your losses?  Raise the price of your subscription services.  Nobody buying your console means they're not buying into your subscription services either..  The console can lose money... they need people buying into the services and games.

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10 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

I think Sony might be doing this because they want to go PC already.


It's fascinating how stupid people utilize critical thinking. I'm genuinely curious how this makes sense to you. 

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19 minutes ago, Remij said:


I already responded to that multiple times in this very thread...


It's absolutely ridiculous that a product which is 4 years old, and should have dropped price by now... is actually increasing it's price over what it was when it originally launched..  As I already stated in this thread, I could understand the price having dropped, and then having to raise it back to what it originally was because the yen is shit... but this is an actual price increase on the product.


Want to cover your losses?  Raise the price of your subscription services.  Nobody buying your console means they're not buying into your subscription services either..  The console can lose money... they need people buying into the services and games.

That world doesn't exist anymore, look around you. Something being the same price as 3/4 years ago is equivalent to things getting price drops in the past. Inflation has destroyed all chances of price drops when keeping something at the same cost is already causing a drop in profits. Then you add the massive drop of value in Yen on top of that and it's the least surprising thing ever. Do a real value test on PS5 cost in Japan 4 years ago to today (prior to this increase) while factoring in inflation over those 4 years (since covid) and the drop of the value of the Yen. It would equal to a bigger drop in value then the actual old school price drops. 

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

That world doesn't exist anymore, look around you. Something being the same price as 3/4 years ago is equivalent to things getting price drops in the past. Inflation has destroyed all chances of price drops when keeping something at the same cost is already causing a drop in profits. Then you add the massive drop of value in Yen on top of that and it's the least surprising thing ever. Do a real value test on PS5 cost in Japan 4 years ago to today (prior to this increase) while factoring in inflation over those 4 years (since covid) and the drop of the value of the Yen. It would equal to a bigger drop in value then the actual old school price drops. 

Right, then the world where Sony sells 120M units also wont exist anymore.  And where's the Switch price increase?


The problem is that Sony CAN take a loss on hardware... they just don't want to anymore.  Which is fine... raise the prices all you want... but it's going to cost them more in the long run in Japan when you have Nintendo locked in and PC gaining ground every year.

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4 minutes ago, Remij said:

Right, then the world where Sony sells 120M units also wont exist anymore.  And where's the Switch price increase?

Ps5 prob won't sell 120M units.... not sure what that has to do with anything I said, never said it would. Literally just explaining to you what you missed since you asked. 


Switch is probably months away from getting fully replaced and in year 7 of it's life plus it's a major market for Nintendo where they make insane amounts through software/hardware plus saying 'what about X not doing it' doesn't negate anything. Can literally say that for any price increase from anyone ever. 


Feel free to keep thinking it's some super strange out of this world increase but that's the reason. Why do you think it's only Japan? 

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Ps5 prob won't sell 120M units.... not sure what that has to do with anything I said, never said it would. Literally just explaining to you what you missed since you asked. 


Switch is probably months away from getting fully replaced and in year 7 of it's life plus it's a major market for Nintendo where they make insane amounts through software/hardware plus saying 'what about X not doing it' doesn't negate anything. Can literally say that for any price increase from anyone ever. 


Feel free to keep thinking it's some super strange out of this world increase but that's the reason. Why do you think it's only Japan? 

I didn't miss anything dude... I know the situation with the yen... and I know how inflation works.  The thing you're missing is how ridiculous it is, regardless of the situation.  Playstation can take losses on hardware.. it's literally the means to the end of their entire business... you price people out of the point of entry, then you're losing far more.


Nintendo has been mulling a Switch price increase for literally over 2 years now... and they never did... hmm imagine that.  And yes, I'm well aware that Japan is a major market for Nintendo and apparently not for Sony... it's going to remain that way, clearly. :shrug: 


Never said it was super strange... I said it's ridiculous.  You can't name another gaming product ever that has cost more on retail shelves 4 years after it was brought to market.. and not just $50... but $100 more.. yea keep telling me that's not ridiculous. 

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

I didn't miss anything dude... I know the situation with the yen... and I know how inflation works.  The thing you're missing is how ridiculous it is, regardless of the situation.  Playstation can take losses on hardware.. it's literally the means to the end of their entire business... you price people out of the point of entry, then you're losing far more.


Nintendo has been mulling a Switch price increase for literally over 2 years now... and they never did... hmm imagine that.  And yes, I'm well aware that Japan is a major market for Nintendo and apparently not for Sony. :shrug: 


Never said it was super strange... I said it's ridiculous.  You can't name another gaming product ever that has cost more on retail shelves 4 years after it was brought to market.. and not just $50... but $100 more.. yea keep telling me that's not ridiculous. 

Sony haven't loss lead heavily on a console since PS3 and if you look at their financials back then you'd know why. Plus they simply don't need to anymore, they've even said this publicly during both launches (saying they are near profitable instantly).


and yup, Sony don't care about Japan much, haven't for a long time. Nintendo increasing Japan prices would be like Sony doing so in the US, won't happen.


As for can't name another gaming product to ever get a price increase...


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