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So, about Russia paying off right wing pundits

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Chin just got fired for this and will be charged by the DOJ. 


Tim pool admits it's true but claims he was just a useful idiot and wants to be considred a victim. 


Dave Rubin admits it's true but claims he was just a useful idiot and wants to be considredt a victim. 


But we have our own two resident useful idiots in Cooke and DynamiteCop who were doing this for free all these years.. Still clinging to the notion that this is nothing... Lol




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Kinda makes you feel bad for the people here peddling Russian propaganda for free.

Cooke, Ramza, Mal-function and Bythre are in shambles 

Yay more Russia.  I just listened to a  interview with Jeffrey Sachs. Man we really did shit the bed. They wanted normal relations, to be a real democracy, and to be an ally. But guess who got in the

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2 hours ago, Substatic said:


This random interview in no way refutes the indictments or facts laid out in it, and is a total red-herring. Who in the living fuck would defend Tenet and it's propogandists after this information....


I'm now realizing that he does this shit on purpose. It can't keep be a coincidence (actually he's stupid enough) that he keeps posting links to shit that doesn't actually back up what he's claiming. Like it's some type of bluff. Cooke is a headcase. 

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18 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

@Cookeand @David Pwere the first two to come to mind since I know they get all of their opinions from right wing grifters b

I don't even watch/listen these guys content.


Also, Tim Pool is a little pathetic fag.

Edited by David P
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1 hour ago, David P said:

I don't even watch/listen these guys content.


Also, Tim Pool is a little pathetic fag.

That's how social media works. You think any of these people have connections, sources, or feet on the ground? As bad as Fox is, they still have some base level to operate at. 


You've posted videos by even bigger idiot grifters like JP so don't bother acting like you're not consolidating and believing the same garbage. 


Edited by Mr. Impossible
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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:

That's how social media works. You think any of these people have connections, sources, or feet on the ground? As bad as Fox is, they still have some base level to operate at. 


You've posted videos by even bigger idiot grifters like JP so don't bother acting like you're not consolidation and believing the same garbage. 


Yeah and all your leftist sources are a 100% non bias with no hidden agenda or investors with special interests.

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2 hours ago, David P said:

Yeah and all your leftist sources are a 100% non bias with no hidden agenda or investors with special interests.

You can be biased and still try to be as honest as possible. People on the right will say or defend almost anything. 

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There's an image of a 14 year old girl lying dead on a park bench while MISSING HER FUCKING HEAD due to a recent Russian missile strike yet people in the west will stilly gladly shill for Russia and act like they're on the right side. Scum of the earth. Seriously.

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On 2024-09-05 at 7:01 PM, DynamiteCop said:

Here we go, 2016 all over again lmao!


Russia, Russia, Russia!!!!

The newest peddler has arrived.

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16 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You can be biased and still try to be as honest as possible. People on the right will say or defend almost anything. 

I don't care for your extremely biased and childish black and white view of the world.

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15 hours ago, Twinblade said:

There's an image of a 14 year old girl lying dead on a park bench while MISSING HER FUCKING HEAD due to a recent Russian missile strike yet people in the west will stilly gladly shill for Russia and act like they're on the right side. Scum of the earth. Seriously.

Like you gave a shit and cried when the US bombed the fuck out of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc. 


Stop acting like you're better than anyone else. Being in favor of prolonging a war conflict with no solutions in sight doesn't make you the good guy or a peace loving person in any way. You're just a hypocrite. 

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16 minutes ago, David P said:

Like you gave a shit and cried when the US bombed the fuck out of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc. 


Stop acting like you're better than anyone else. Being in favor of prolonging a war conflict with no solutions in sight doesn't make you the good guy or a peace loving person in any way. You're just a hypocrite. 


It's amazing how the easily duped people like yourself and Cooke think supporting the sovereign nation that was invaded = supporting a war but somehow supporting the invaders lead by a murderous dictator = supporting peace. 



Edited by Goukosan
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Just now, Goukosan said:


It's amazing how the easily duped people like yourself and Cooke think supporting the sovereign nation that was invaded = supporting a war but somehow supporting the invaders lead by a murderous dictator = supporting peace. 



Your logic is flawed. I'm not supporting anyone. I am not enabling this conflict to prolong itself in any way by clamoring for a peace treaty. 

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Just now, David P said:

Your logic is flawed. I'm not supporting anyone. I am not enabling this conflict to prolong itself in any way by clamoring for a peace treaty. 


Please do tell how this idealistic peace treaty will occur when Putin said in no uncertain terms he doesn't want peace. 

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Just now, Goukosan said:


Please do tell how this idealistic peace treaty will occur when Putin said in no uncertain terms he doesn't want peace. 

Pretty obvious there won't be any peace with Zelensky being so delusional that he thinks he can regain all lost territories. Or bring Russia to the negation table with a bargaining chip by invading Russian territories like Kursk. 


Putin offered several chance at negotiations, also clearly stated peace conditions in the past, you have no idea what you're talking about. 


It's the Ukrainians leadership that refused to negotiate at every turn, and then hold peace talks without Russia in Switzerland, then reinstate their military goals. XD Zelensky would prefer to drag us all in world war 3 before he negotiate even just a ceasefire. 

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7 minutes ago, David P said:

Pretty obvious there won't be any peace with Zelensky being so delusional that he thinks he can regain all lost territories. Or bring Russia to the negation table with a bargaining chip by invading Russian territories like Kursk. 


Putin offered several chance at negotiations, also clearly stated peace conditions in the past, you have no idea what you're talking about. 


It's the Ukrainians leadership that refused to negotiate at every turn, and then hold peace talks without Russia in Switzerland, then reinstate their military goals. XD Zelensky would prefer to drag us all in world war 3 before he negotiate even just a ceasefire. 


So we circled back to what I just said. 


You're painting the sovereign nation who was invaded... as the one who is prolonging the war but you somehow see the invading dictator as the one who wants peace... It's truly amazing how you easily duped folks convinced yourself that makes any sense. :drake:


"Putin wants peace but he has no choice but to continue the invasion of a sovereign nation instead of you know.. Stopping the invasion in the name of peace....why wouldn't Ukraine just surrender to invaders, they defending themselves mean they're pushing for WW3"  :lemming:


Edited by Goukosan
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Just now, Goukosan said:


So we circled back to what I just said. 


You're painting the sovereign nation who by this way was invaded as the one who is prolonging the war and the invading dictator as the one who wants peace... It's truly amazing how you easily duped folks convinced yourself that makes any sense. :drake:


"Putin wants peace but he has no choice but to continue the invasion of a sovereign nation instead of you know.. Stopping the invasion in the name of peace"  :lemming:


You don't just pull your troops out of an active warzone without guarantees or treaties. What are you, five years old? 

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Putin can just stop if he wants to. :tear2:  - Brilliant Goukosan comeback




I still can't believe you just wrote this. So what about the enemy trying to retake their territories?


Is Putin supposed to abandon all of his gains? 


Are the sanctions imposed on Russia and it's allies going to suddenly end?


Next-time think before you post. Good god. Lmao.



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1 minute ago, David P said:

You don't just pull your troops out of an active warzone without guarantees or treaties. What are you, five years old? 


That active war zone is a sovereign nation that you invaded. Dip shit.  You have to twist logic in your mind to make Russia look like they actually want peace and the Crazy thing is you believe it too lmfao. 

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Just now, David P said:

Putin can just stop if he wants to. :tear2:  - Brilliant Goukosan comeback




I still can't believe you just wrote this. So what about the enemy trying to retake their territories?


Is Putin supposed to abandon all of his gains? 


Are the sanctions imposed on Russia and it's allies going to suddenly end?


Next-time think before you post. Good god. Lmao.




Once again you're proving my initial post about you trying to paint Ukraine as the one prolonging this and Russia as wanting peace.  :umad:



"The enemy  (Ukraine) trying to retake their own territory in their own sovereign nation.... How dare they defend themselves within their own nation" .. :lemming:


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1 hour ago, David P said:

You don't just pull your troops out of an active warzone without guarantees or treaties. What are you, five years old? 

Lol.. Oh boy. How Canada produced both you and Cooke needs to be studied. I guess I assumed Canadians weren't as stupid as Americans can get but I was obviously wrong. 


It could be a semantics issue for me, but it's llke you invade a country out of nowhere. Take over 1/4 of it, then propose a cease fire where you keep the territories. To call it a peace treat sounds not applicable. 

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