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So, about Russia paying off right wing pundits

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Now stupid.  Both of us would have to be in a gun fight. 


I tell you I'm interested in a cease fire,  everytime we agree I break the cease fire and continue the gun fight. 


I circle back and I tell you I really want peace... But All you have to do is walk out with your hands up and drop your gun. "Don't worry I wouldn't shoot you" that other times I broke the cease fire I was lying.. This time I'm not. 


Is that a real peace offer? :umad:


You think this is the first time an invader ends up proposing ceasefire threaties or peace proposals? You sound surprised, dumbfounded?  :pavarotti:


Your analogy is dumb because he's not asking for Ukraine to be completely demilitarized.

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Kinda makes you feel bad for the people here peddling Russian propaganda for free.

Cooke, Ramza, Mal-function and Bythre are in shambles 

Yay more Russia.  I just listened to a  interview with Jeffrey Sachs. Man we really did shit the bed. They wanted normal relations, to be a real democracy, and to be an ally. But guess who got in the

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Just now, Mr. Impossible said:



You fucking retard, the reason we specifically said "good faith" is because we're well aware of the proposals that Putin made. Do you actually think this wasn't national news? You don't even have to be plugged in to know this. Sorry this made you feel informed or something. Lol 


The difference is the right wing news you consume framed a narrative to make Putin look as good as possible, so your bot brain processed this is the Ukraine's fault. To the point you get annoyed when people mention the fact that Russia invaded the Ukraine. 



Sure, huh, huh. All I said is he made peace proposals. They are actual peace proposals. And they won't get any more favourable while Russia is winning.


Keep telling yourself that? I'm annoyed that Goukosan doesn't have any more intelligent or tangible arguments more like. Mentioning ad nauseum that Russia invaded Ukraine isn't a very compelling argument when speaking about deeper things.


Rofl, I can never tell with you two, is it dishonesty or pure idiocy­? I won't take any chance, I'll just assume it's a strange mix of both.

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8 minutes ago, David P said:



Are all those attempts at peace proposals a ruse too, @Goukosan? :pavarotti:


None of this is legit?


Ok. :D







It would do you good to actually read the content of the links you post dip shit. 


That's the same link you posted earlier which states Putin turned down talks to start the war and since then has broken cease fires and made bad faith offers lmfao. 

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27 minutes ago, David P said:

Stop your semi incoherent rambling. Everything I stated is verifiable. Not my fault you guys don't like Putin peace proposals.


The point is that you guys probably didn't even know. And you come here trying to look like you are the smart one. :D Fuck off.


How can you claim this when you had no idea that Putin has not yet made a single good faith proposal? 


Why do you think I asked you to provide one? :umad:


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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


It would do you good to actually read the content of the links you post dip shit. 


That's the same link you posted earlier which states Putin turned down talks to start the war and since then has broken cease fires and made bad faith offers lmfao. 

It's two full of years of attempts at negotions or proposals with other countries acting like arbiters.


So it's all invalid and fake attempts to keep up a false pretence that gives 0 advantage to Russia. Got it.

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5 minutes ago, David P said:

It's two full of years of attempts at negotions or proposals with other countries acting like arbiters.


So it's all invalid and fake attempts to keep up a false pretence that gives 0 advantage to Russia. Got it.


Well you should READ YOUR ON LINK and see what it says doofus. 


Still can't name one single good faith proposal from Russia huh? :umad:



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Just now, Goukosan said:


How can you claim this when you had no idea that Putin has not yet made a single good faith proposal? 


Why do you think I asked you to provide one? :umad:


This is your opinion.


He's been asking mostly for the same things for the most part, eastern Ukraine which he has already partly captured, guarantee of no NATO membership, no nuclear weapons capabilities. It's somewhat sensible. It's not fair towards Ukraine but that's life.


The only thing that is truly bad faith about the proposal is that he knows the west and Zelensky will never accept it unless absolutely pushed to the brink of defeat.

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7 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Well you should READ YOUR ON LINK and see what it says doofus. 


Still can't name one single good faith proposal from Russia huh? :umad:



I didn't claim Russia made good faith proposals to Ukraine. I said they made peace proposals to Ukraine.


You'd never admit that anything out of Russia is of good faith anyway.


Was it in bad faith when they made the grains corridor accord too?

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18 hours ago, David P said:

I didn't claim Russia made good faith proposals to Ukraine. I said they made peace proposals to Ukraine.


You'd never admit that anything out of Russia is of good faith anyway.


Was it in bad faith when they made the grains corridor accord too?


And I asked you for good faith proposals and you responded with a link that you didn't read that was filled with all the bad faith proposals and also it outlined that Russia purposely did not want an agreement and chose to invade instead. 


Which is counter to your initial assertion that Ukraine was the one prolonging the war when in fact it's Russia by them refusing to come to the table with a real proposal.


Russia ignored the proposal that would have prevented this conflict and now they're not coming to the table in good faith.   Yet somehow in your eyes Russia isn't the one prolonging the conflict lmfao. 



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23 hours ago, Goukosan said:


And I asked you for good faith proposals and you responded with a link that you didn't read that was filled with all the bad faith proposals and also it outlined that Russia purposely did not want an agreement and chose to invade instead. 


Which is counter to your initial assertion that Ukraine was the one prolonging the war when in fact it's Russia by them refusing to come to the table with a real proposal.


Russia ignored the proposal that would have prevented this conflict and now they're not coming to the table in good faith.   Yet somehow in your eyes Russia isn't the one prolonging the conflict lmfao. 



I never made the point that Ukraine as a whole is purposefully prolonging the conflict, I said that was NATO like three times in this thread. I mean they did when they let Boris Johnson convince them not to sign a peace treaty in 2022 but beyond that, that's not a point I'm pushing forward whatsoever. You are obsessed with your own counter arguments and talking points. Somehow you assume what I think. 


I'm just saying Zelensky peace plans are delusional, they're equally of bad faith, taking back all Ukrainian territories, including Crimea? That's delusions of grandeur. Completely unachievable and a joke proposal for Russia. 


They're both prolonging the conflict. I said Russia has made several attempt at peace plans, that was my entire argument. Now that you think these plans are of bad faith is entirely irrelevant to the point I'm making, Russia did make peace plans, they're real attempts. I don't care how Goukosan on the internet interprets diplomacy exchanges. Lmao. 


I mean, how did this turn into: Russia is prolonging the conflict, not Ukraine! Every debate with you on Ukraine is a massive waste of my time that leads to the most infantile argumentations and caricature view of the world. It can all be summarized in a few word: ''Ukraine = good, Russia = bad.'' 


The epitome of your intellect. 

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52 minutes ago, David P said:

I never made the point that Ukraine as a whole is purposefully prolonging the conflict. 


Your own words betray you :umad:

On 2024-09-07 at 1:24 PM, David P said:

It's the Ukrainians leadership that refused to negotiate at every turn, and then hold peace talks without Russia in Switzerland, then reinstate their military goals. XD Zelensky would prefer to drag us all in world war 3 before he negotiate even just a ceasefire. 


In that very same post you go on to tout Putin as the ONLY one who isn't trying to prolong this but instead offer a peace deal. 


And now you're trying to weasel yourself out of that dumbass shit  you said after you realized you were actually clueless to the fact that Russia has been acting in bad faith all along. 


It was funny seeing you act all smug because you THOUGHT you actually were knowledgeable about something for once :kaz:

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8 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Your own words betray you :umad:


In that very same post you go on to tout Putin as the ONLY one who isn't trying to prolong this but instead offer a peace deal. 


And now you're trying to weasel yourself out of that dumbass shit  you said after you realized you were actually clueless to the fact that Russia has been acting in bad faith all along. 


It was funny seeing you act all smug because you THOUGHT you actually were knowledgeable about something for once :kaz:

Yes, Zelensky is not pushing peace plans out of good faith. I just said that. 


Zelensky =/= Ukraine as a whole.


Lol you're an ignoramus, with a IQ in the single digit, regurgitating establishment propaganda.

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18 minutes ago, David P said:

Yes, Zelensky is not pushing peace plans out of good faith. I just said that. 


Zelensky =/= Ukraine as a whole.


Lol you're an ignoramus, with a IQ in the single digit, regurgitating establishment propaganda.


Lmfao look at this simpleton projecting :kaz:


You dumbass posted links without reading it that contradicted your entire stance. It was pointed out that it said the opposite of what you thought. 


And what did you do... Post the same link AGAIN . "Maybe if I post it a second time without reading it the content of the link with Change" :lemming:


You just said you never claimed that Ukraine was trying to prolong the war... Now you're saying you only meant Zalinksy and not Ukraine lmfao.... How stupid are you, really?


Are the Ukrainian people or the Russian people the ones to broker peace deals between nations?  Of course not. 


It's obvious when we're talking about peace treaties and cease fires that we're talking about Russian and Ukraine leaders you dumb fuck.


But since you have a hard time grasping that let me include it so your slow ass can keep up.. K


Putin aka Russia has not come forth with any good faith peace proposals as your own link shows.  Not only that he turned down an already negotiated treaty at the last minute to launch the invasion. 


It all circles back to the first thing I said to you in this thread... It's hilarious that you're trying to paint Ukraine aka Zalinksy aka Ukraine leaders as the one who is trying to prolong this conflict when in fact it's Russia aka Putin who isn't interested in any good faith peace negotiations. 




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45 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


You dumbass posted links without reading it that contradicted your entire stance. It was pointed out that it said the opposite of what you thought. 


And what did you do... Post the same link AGAIN . "Maybe if I post it a second time without reading it the content of the link with Change" :lemming:

Nah, you're too dumb to comprehend that good faith peace proposals was your perogative. I said Russia made peace proposals, and you started crying not to post rumors or bloggers. Basically, unproven peace proposals. I went ahead and proved MY STATEMENT, I never cared if it's good faith or not, that wasn't my point. No one cares about your interpretation of the plans either.


Reposted it twice because you were obsessed over one of the peace proposal like that was the only one.


47 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

You just said you never claimed that Ukraine was trying to prolong the war... Now you're saying you only meant Zalinksy and not Ukraine lmfao.... How stupid are you, really?

Ukraine is not a hive mind. The populace, Gov officials and military members are not always in-line with Zelensky's vision.


My point is too suble for your rock bottom IQ.


Zelensky is not Ukraine, fact no 1.

Zelensky peace plans are bullshit that will never work, fact no 2.


49 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

It's obvious when we're talking about peace treaties and cease fires that we're talking about Russian and Ukraine leaders you dumb fuck.

Then you should specify Ukrainian leaderships. There's a clear distinction between both statements.


50 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Putin aka Russia has not come forth with any good faith peace proposals as your own link shows.  Not only that he turned down an already negotiated treaty at the last minute to launch the invasion. 

It's Ukraine who turned it down.


50 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

It all circles back to the first thing I said to you in this thread... It's hilarious that you're trying to paint Ukraine aka Zalinksy aka Ukraine leaders as the one who is trying to prolong this conflict when in fact it's Russia aka Putin who isn't interested in any good faith peace negotiations. 

Zelensky has in no way tried to make real attempt at peace ever since 2022, constantly pushes Russia redlines.


How is the man NOT prolonging the conflict when he's not doing anything that will ever lead to a peaceful diplomatic solution?


If Putin hasn't made good faith plans then Zelensky sure as fuck didn't either.


All this because you can't stand the idea that Zelensky is not actively looking for a possible peace solution the Russians would ever agree with. All this because you are butthurt that Ukraine isn't beyond criticism in it's decision making. Embarassing.

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9 minutes ago, David P said:

Nah, you're too dumb to comprehend that good faith peace proposals was your perogative. I said Russia made peace proposals


"You mistakenly assumed I wouldn't think like a right winger and argue in bad faith or just make up excuses. That's on you."



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