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Final Fantasy 16 is an epic flop on Steam

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32 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

With the same retard logic, the PC version will do sub-100K this week and never go any higher. Selfowned retard :kaz:


Look at how mad he is that the game is flopping on PC. I told your retarded ass that the main home of FF games is Playstation. Most FF fans are on PlayStation and other than people double-dipping you’re not going to get any meaningful sales on PC. It will be way worse on ShitBox if they decide to port it to that dying platform. 


:cruise: Any way you look at it, Square Enix will continue to be Sony’s bitch because they rely on PS platform sales because you lemmings and to an extent hermits don’t buy their games. Their “multiplatform” strategy is ass and they know they are dead in the water without Sony. Cope harder bitch :drake:


The same retard that was trying to say FF flopped on PS5 last year after selling 3 million in a week is now hyping 10K players on Steam :mroff:

^jesus.. what the fuck kind of pent up emotional damage do you have :tom: 


FF16 DID flop on PS.  Deal with it :smug: 

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17 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

We really gonna act like 16K peak concurrent on Steam is good...?

It's horrible. SE no doubt expected more and PC aint looking like no lifesaver atm. 

We'll see what day and date releases do in the future.





The 2nd highest CCUs for a mainline SP FF game on Steam.  It's already doing better than FF7 Remake.  Nobody is here saying the game is doing amazingly... but it certainly isn't flopping like this epic backfire of a thread suggested :tom: 


And where do you guys get this idea that SquareEnix expects PC to be a life saver?  They know damn well what releasing first on a singular platform for decades does.  Has there ever been a day and date original FF game on PC?  Nope.. and that's exactly why the franchise hasn't grown substantially on PC.  If day and date releases don't change anything in the future, THEN you guys can claim it's PC gamers fault.  Meanwhile we can easily look to other studios and games like the Souls games from FROMSOFT and the Resident Evil games from Capcom to show how growth happens when you support the platform day 1.

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4 minutes ago, Remij said:

The 2nd highest CCUs for a mainline SP FF game on Steam.  It's already doing better than FF7 Remake.  Nobody is here saying the game is doing amazingly... but it certainly isn't flopping like this epic backfire of a thread suggested :tom: 

There really isn't many to compare to so 2nd highest isn't saying much. Anything outside of XV and Remake is irrelevant as a comparison.  


It's pretty bad. Remake was bad on PC too. 

If 3m in one week of sales is bad then this is bad. What would that translate to? Lucky to get 5-10% of PS5 sales life time and the 3m figure is from only 1 week. 

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12 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

There really isn't many to compare to so 2nd highest isn't saying much. Anything outside of XV and Remake is irrelevant as a comparison.  


It's pretty bad. Remake was bad on PC too. 

If 3m in one week of sales is bad then this is bad. What would that translate to? Lucky to get 5-10% of PS5 sales life time and the 3m figure is from only 1 week. 

Sales of the PS5 version dramatically dropped off after that 3M was announced.  The game was never reported on again and fell off the charts completely.  It's objectively a failure on PS5.  If you want to shit on the PC numbers to feel better about yourselves than go ahead..  No PC gamers ever said FF was going to do better on PC than it did on consoles..  The only things I've ever said has been that launching on PC day and date would get far more PC sales... and they have to do that if they want to grow the series on PC.  Literally look at any other Japanese series which changed from later releases to day and date on PC.  They have to build an audience for these games on the platform... it doesn't just happen all at once.


I don't know what SE's expectations are for the PC version.. but it's moot if the PS5 version already failed to meet their expectations.  That damage has already been done and they've got nothing to lose by releasing day and date on PC or other platforms as well.  The PC version just has to perform well enough to justify its own existence... which is a considerably lower bar at this point.

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3 minutes ago, Remij said:

Sales of the PS5 version dramatically dropped off after that 3M was announced.  The game was never reported on again and fell off the charts completely.  It's objectively a failure on PS5.  If you want to shit on the PC numbers to feel better about yourselves than go ahead..  No PC gamers ever said FF was going to do better on PC than it did on consoles..  The only things I've ever said has been that launching on PC day and date would get far more PC sales... and they have to do that if they want to grow the series on PC.  Literally look at any other Japanese series which changed from later releases to day and date on PC.  They have to build an audience for these games on the platform... it doesn't just happen all at once.


I don't know what SE's expectations are for the PC version.. but it's moot if the PS5 version already failed to meet their expectations.  That damage has already been done and they've got nothing to lose by releasing day and date on PC or other platforms as well.  The PC version just has to perform well enough to justify its own existence... which is a considerably lower bar at this point.

All I'm saying is for some consistency. Game can do shit on both PS5 and PC :shrug: Might just be a game problem. 

Already mentioned day and date release in my first post. Sometimes I feel you just like to argue to argues sake. 

This is not a good or impressive launch at all and yous completely shat on 3m in a week so just be a tad consistent. Obvs it's not a direct sales comparison or even close but they are both objectively poor for their respective situations.

Personally I thought 3m in a week on a console exclusive was a pretty decent launch but SE didn't (although they always have had ridiculous expectations). But that certainly means this is not. 

Does a couple hundred thousand units max on PC justify it's existence? I don't know. 


Either way I don't give af about sales on either. Like I said prior, only game I care about sales for is Astro and that is just cause I want more of it. 

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5 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

All I'm saying is for some consistency. Game can do shit on both PS5 and PC :shrug: Might just be a game problem. 

Already mentioned day and date release in my first post. Sometimes I feel you just like to argue to argues sake. 

This is not a good or impressive launch at all and yous completely shat on 3m in a week so just be a tad consistent. Obvs it's not a direct sales comparison or even close but they are both objectively poor for their respective situations.

Personally I thought 3m in a week on a console exclusive was a pretty decent launch but SE didn't (although they always have had ridiculous expectations). But that certainly means this is not. 

Does a couple hundred thousand units max on PC justify it's existence? I don't know. 


Either way I don't give af about sales on either. Like I said prior, only game I care about sales for is Astro and that is just cause I want more of it. 

Context matters bro..  3M for this game on PS was a failure.  Where the hell did I ever say that 16K was amazing?  Where did I say it was great or even good?  What I said was................................ it's not nearly as much of a failure as that dipshit Firetard posted in the OP with 28 ccus :drake: 


Why aren't any of you guys shitting on him for making this thread and posting those numbers like THAT was how badly the game was performing?  Some consistency sure would be nice eh? :drake: 


The game will easily sell more than a couple hundred thousand.  FF7 Remake has sold around 1M on Steam alone over time.  This will likely do better or similar.

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1 minute ago, Remij said:

Context matters bro..  3M for this game on PS was a failure.  Where the hell did I ever say that 16K was amazing?  Where did I say it was great or even good?  What I said was................................ it's not nearly as much of a failure as that dipshit Firetard posted in the OP with 28 ccus :drake: 


Why aren't any of you guys shitting on him for making this thread and posting those numbers like THAT was how badly the game was performing?  Some consistency sure would be nice eh? :drake: 

I made a post about the FFXVI sales in a thread about it. 16K concurrents is bad, it's especially bad if 3m in 1 week is bad. I also never said you said it was amazing or good. But you also didn't say it was bad....which is is since you are so adamant that 3M is a failure.


You guys like to bring FP up to me heaps but I don't ever support or shit on him. He does him and I do me. Anything I say, feel free to bring against me.

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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

I made a post about the FFXVI sales in a thread about it. 16K concurrents is bad, it's especially bad if 3m in 1 week is bad. I also never said you said it was amazing or good. But you also didn't say it was bad....which is is since you are so adamant that 3M is a failure.


You guys like to bring FP up to me heaps but I don't ever support or shit on him. He does him and I do me. Anything I say, feel free to bring against me.

lmfao you call me out for making stupid threads with too early to tell data... but don't say shit to him :drake: 


Wonder why you feel the need to let him do him but me doing me warrants arguments? :roll:  

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3 minutes ago, Remij said:

lmfao you call me out for making stupid threads with too early to tell data... but don't say shit to him :drake: 


Wonder why you feel the need to let him do him but me doing me warrants arguments? :roll:  

I called you out for using the worst sales metric available (UK physical) and comparing a physical game sales in 2024 to one in 2021. Turns out I was right to  :shrug:

and in either case you didn't take the L just like he isn't lol

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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

I called you out for using the worst sales metric available (UK physical) and comparing a physical game sales in 2024 to one in 2021. Turns out I was right to  :shrug:

and in either case you didn't take the L just like he isn't lol

Oh somehow posting a tweet that Chris Dring made about Astrobot's sales is "teh worst available" but Firetard screenshotting some schmuck on twitter posting a Steamdb screenshot of 28 players at the moment the game released is a-ok :drake: 


Dude, have some consistency for crying out loud.. it's embarrassing.  There was no L for me to take.. because I made the damn thread and used words like "seems like it might not be selling well" and "(?)", and "I hope it does solid in NA and Japan"....  and yet you felt the need to jump on me because you PS fuckheads can't seem to simply say, "oh yea physical is lower than expected, digital should make up for it though".   You can't simply accept a thread and the intention of it... without twisting it into "oh he's talking shit about PS"..   That's why I said I can never suck these game's dick enough to satisfy you guys... everything is an attack lmao.

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2 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

Lemij retard logic :kaz:




“3 million sales in 1 week is bad. 16K on Steam is amazing :lemming:




Never said it was amazing at all.  Never said it was good or great.  Lying sack of shit.  Have an honest argument for once dude.  


Bubu 28 playerz :lemming: 


Jesus christ dude, have some self respect :cruise: 

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2 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

Dynamiteretard swooping in to "save" his retarded buddy Lemi with even more retarded posting :cruise:


:rawf: If Square Enix is disappointed with 3 million sales in a week, how much more disappointed will they be with 16K CCU on Steam?




Your retarded ass didn't think before you posted this link. Then again, you never think, same way you came up with the idea of Switch falling off a cliff and the same way yo predicted the Series S and X potatoes would beat out PS5 this gen :luff:.




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2 minutes ago, Remij said:

Oh somehow posting a tweet that Chris Dring made about Astrobot's sales is "teh worst available" but Firetard screenshotting some schmuck on twitter posting a Steamdb screenshot of 28 players at the moment the game released is a-ok :drake: 


Dude, have some consistency for crying out loud.. it's embarrassing.  There was no L for me to take.. because I made the damn thread and used words like "seems like it might not be selling well" and "(?)", and "I hope it does solid in NA and Japan"....  and yet you felt the need to jump on me because you PS fuckheads can't seem to simply say, "oh yea physical is lower than expected, digital should make up for it though".   You can't simply accept a thread and the intention of it... without twisting it into "oh he's talking shit about PS"..   That's why I said I can never suck these game's dick enough to satisfy you guys... everything is an attack lmao.

There is a reason you have merry go rounds with everyone willing man. Jerry, Gouk, FP, me if I continue, anyone that will continue replying. Ever think it's a you issue? You never ever have flexibility like you think, you never cease a point, you will be stubborn on something forever. You are coming at me with 'buh buh FP', i don't care about FP lol Every time you see your argument makes no sense you bring up something else to me. 

Other way carry on here, my point is made. 

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11 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

There is a reason you have merry go rounds with everyone willing man. Jerry, Gouk, FP, me if I continue, anyone that will continue replying. Ever think it's a you issue? You never ever have flexibility like you think, you never cease a point, you will be stubborn on something forever. You are coming at me with 'buh buh FP', i don't care about FP lol Every time you see your argument makes no sense you bring up something else to me. 

Other way carry on here, my point is made. 

Bullshit dude.. lmao post with some consistency and then I wouldn't dismiss you and bring up your lack of it with other people to you :drake:


You guys are the type of guys to take a post or thread I made, and attempt to tell me what my intentions were with it... like fuck right off if you don't want to accept my answer.. lmao


You're literally on my case in this thread...........because I didn't say FF16s ccus was terrible... because I'm acting like they were great?  Lol please..




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