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Is MAGA really stupid or do they just go along with Trump to protect "whiteness" in America?

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8 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

I work for a conglomerate in the construction industry and this is commonplace. This isn't some new or shocking revelation. Illegals are hired if they can produce documents whether fake or real and they like their legal counterparts are provided with benefits, that's the reality of this country.


They're clogging up every social system we have, you live in a fantasy land.


How stupid are you? First off so say whether fake or real.   If the documents are real then the person is not illegal you dumb cunt :danylol:



Second of all, for any job on the books your eligibility to be employed has to be verified. If your documents are fake you won't get hired dumbass. 


Yes some companies are in the business of hiring illegals, but they will get paid off the books in cash. 

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Cheney says he will support Trump - 2016   https://www.cnn.com/2016/05/06/politics/dick-cheney-donald-trump/index.html     Dick Chaney supported Trump from 2016 through 2024 a

12 hours ago, Goukosan said:


How stupid are you? First off so say whether fake or real.   If the documents are real then the person is not illegal you dumb cunt :danylol:



Second of all, for any job on the books your eligibility to be employed has to be verified. If your documents are fake you won't get hired dumbass. 


Yes some companies are in the business of hiring illegals, but they will get paid off the books in cash. 

You're a moron and you know nothing about hiring. Documents can be both fake and real. They have no social security numbers, birth certificates or green cards so they have forgeries made, however they can still get driver's licenses. You people think you're so smart but you're the dumbest fucking idiots on the planet.


Your eligibility absolutely does not have to be verified and you know literally nothing about the construction industry. Nothing. I literally manage 18 illegals who I know have fake documentation. Employers don't give a shit, they all have on the books checks and benefits. Thus fantasy of cash pay is exactly that, it's not real and you're ignorant beyond belief.


Get a clue dumbass.







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1 hour ago, DynamiteCop said:

You're a moron and you know nothing about hiring. Documents can be both fake and real. They have no social security numbers, birth certificates or green cards so they have forgeries made, however they can still get driver's licenses. You people think you're so smart but you're the dumbest fucking idiots on the planet.


Your eligibility absolutely does not have to be verified and you know literally nothing about the construction industry. Nothing. I literally manage 18 illegals who I know have fake documentation. Employers don't give a shit, they all have on the books checks and benefits. Thus fantasy of cash pay is exactly that, it's not real and you're ignorant beyond belief.


Get a clue dumbass.








Hey dipshit that's the company CHOOSING not to verify the paperwork so that they can hire illegals as I mentioned in my third and last paragraph. 


No illegal gets hired unless the company wants it to happen.  That company is in the business of hiring illegals. 


Farming, construction etc and any type of labor industry has that but again that's on the companies who choose to do that. 


But outside of those industries... any other industry and or any social service that actually verifies eligibility they won't be able to use. 

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On 2024-10-12 at 3:03 PM, DynamiteCop said:

Expensive hospital visits lol? They are mandated and required to provide care. These people don't pay shit. Also they are working illegally and being provided medical insurance.


Stop making excuses for a bunch of foreigners using up our resources. They have zero right to be here and should all be immediately deported. Zero exceptions.


This isn't racism you commie twat.

Do you just make shit up all of the time?  You do realize that most migrants come from countries that have universal health Care so they are all vaccinated you fucking moron.  In fact most countries that migrants come from have a higher vaccination percentage in the United States.  Look dude just admit you're racist, just admit you only have two brain cells and neither of them connect and move on.

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2 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

You're a moron and you know nothing about hiring. Documents can be both fake and real. They have no social security numbers, birth certificates or green cards so they have forgeries made, however they can still get driver's licenses. You people think you're so smart but you're the dumbest fucking idiots on the planet.


Your eligibility absolutely does not have to be verified and you know literally nothing about the construction industry. Nothing. I literally manage 18 illegals who I know have fake documentation. Employers don't give a shit, they all have on the books checks and benefits. Thus fantasy of cash pay is exactly that, it's not real and you're ignorant beyond belief.


Get a clue dumbass.







Lol why do all of you right wingers post links you obviously haven't seen read in order to prove a point? Nowhere in there is different they talk about federal entitlements for illegals. In fact, the article is blasting Trump and his immigration "policy". 


I swear to Godt you douchebags most Google questions and post links without even reading the meta index lol. It doesn't make sense otherwise. 


The home market totally needs more expensive homes. Trump's economy is awesome. 



Rhetoric or reality?
Trump hasn’t detailed how his proposed “whole of government” effort to remove up to 20 million people — far more than the undocumented population — would work, but he has made it central to his housing pitch. The Republican nominee claims mass deportations would free up homes for U.S. citizens and lower prices, though few economists agree. The idea has also drawn skepticism on logistical grounds, with some analysts saying its costs would be “astronomical.”



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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


Hey dipshit that's the company CHOOSING not to verify the paperwork so that they can hire illegals as I mentioned in my third and last paragraph. 


No illegal gets hired unless the company wants it to happen.  That company is in the business of hiring illegals. 


Farming, construction etc and any type of labor industry has that but again that's on the companies who choose to do that. 


But outside of those industries... any other industry and or any social service that actually verifies eligibility they won't be able to use. 

So you're walking back your retardation. Thanks. 


25 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol why do all of you right wingers post links you obviously haven't seen read in order to prove a point? Nowhere in there is different they talk about federal entitlements for illegals. In fact, the article is blasting Trump and his immigration "policy". 


I swear to Godt you douchebags most Google questions and post links without even reading the meta index lol. It doesn't make sense otherwise. 


The home market totally needs more expensive homes. Trump's economy is awesome. 



Rhetoric or reality?
Trump hasn’t detailed how his proposed “whole of government” effort to remove up to 20 million people — far more than the undocumented population — would work, but he has made it central to his housing pitch. The Republican nominee claims mass deportations would free up homes for U.S. citizens and lower prices, though few economists agree. The idea has also drawn skepticism on logistical grounds, with some analysts saying its costs would be “astronomical.”



The entire point in posting that was because of Gouk's delusions where he thinks illegals don't get hired, paid and receive benefits like the rest of us. He's dumb, you're dumb.

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42 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

So you're walking back your retardation. Thanks. 


The entire point in posting that was because of Gouk's delusions where he thinks illegals don't get hired, paid and receive benefits like the rest of us. He's dumb, you're dumb.


They don't. That link was about day laborers, especially through sub-contracting. Those people sure as hell don't receive benefits. No one ever said they don't get jobs...we've also stated many times they work and contribute. 


If anything that link proves our point more than yours. It confirms how vital immigrants both legal and illegal are to our economy and how ill conceive Trump's deportation platform is. 


How are you so dense? 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


They don't. That link was about day laborers, especially through sub-contracting. Those people sure as hell don't receive benefits. No one ever said they don't get jobs...we've also stated many times they work and contribute. 


If anything that link proves our point more than yours. It confirms how vital immigrants both legal and illegal are to our economy and how ill conceive Trump's deportation platform is. 


How are you so dense? 

Except they literally do, you're speaking with a construction manager for christ sakes belonging to a multibillion dollar conglomerate. I sign off on their checks, help register their benefits, take part in dictatating their salaries etc. 


I know exactly what is taking place because I am directly involved while the likes of you people choose to look in the other direction as if it's not happening.


Very few businesses dig into documentation, as long as it's presented and logged that is the beginning and end of it. We're not the arbiters of law enforcement. 


This is commonplace across basically the entire construction industry and in many, many industries outside of it. Unless you're union no one is playing detective, it's all at face value.


I understand exactly what they contribute, and they are hard workers. However that in no way, shape or form changes the situation. They're illegal aliens committing fraud, and working illegally in the United States. They're paid far beyond minimum wage equally to anyone else and have full benefit packages.


This is reality, and you can turn your nose up at it all day long, but guess what? You'd still be wrong, and peddling lies. You have no interest in being educated, you'd rather drown in your own self-righteous ignorance than admit this is taking place.


That's the key to being a Democrat, deny, deny, deny even when there's a smoking gun. None of you can ever admit to the problems in our society because that would require accountability.

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11 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

So you're walking back your retardation. Thanks. 


The entire point in posting that was because of Gouk's delusions where he thinks illegals don't get hired, paid and receive benefits like the rest of us. He's dumb, you're dumb.


Hey retard I didn't walk back shit.   Can your dumbass read and comprehend? 


The hard labor segment choosing to hire illegals =/= all industry hiring illegals.  That segment been hiring illegals since America became the united state's of America. 


But for you to act as if illegals are coming here and getting jobs in all areas outside of farming, construction etc is down right false. 



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Trump / MAGA is the logical outcome of the Democratic party fully shedding its New Deal legacy in favor of triangulating pro-corporate centrist Republicanism.


The majority of regular working people have no party to represent them, but Trump the charlatan at least makes superficial appeals to the regular person's needs. Even this stupid stunt over the weekend making fries at McDonalds is more tangible than anything Kamala Harris or Joe Biden offer.


You can't even make some moral appeal to anti-racism while defending a party that ALSO believes there's a serious migrant crisis on the southern border and every day backs to the hilt Israel erasing Palestine.

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4 hours ago, sugarhigh said:

Trump / MAGA is the logical outcome of the Democratic party fully shedding its New Deal legacy in favor of triangulating pro-corporate centrist Republicanism.


No one cared about the new green deal. It's something that has benfitted right wingers with its fear mongering potential but very few people would turn on a party over it not receiving full support. Not all Dems are progressive. 




The majority of regular working people have no party to represent them,


This is true but there's literally a working family party people can join. 



but Trump the charlatan at least makes superficial appeals to the regular person's needs. Even this stupid stunt over the weekend making fries at McDonalds is more tangible than anything Kamala Harris or Joe Biden offer.


 Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet. Any thing he does seems good to them. We just got out of 3 weeks of hearing about Kamala pandering because of her accents, but those same people really believe that Trump (an 80 year old lifelong millionaire) loved working a McDonald's drive thru. He never worked a real job for a reason. 



You can't even make some moral appeal to anti-racism while defending a party that ALSO believes there's a serious migrant crisis on the southern border and every day backs to the hilt Israel erasing Palestine.


Ah, yes you can. Obstinate leftist add nothing of value to society. 

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5 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


No one cared about the new green deal. It's something that has benfitted right wingers with its fear mongering potential but very few people would turn on a party over it not receiving full support. Not all Dems are progressive. 


This is true but there's literally a working family party people can join. 


 Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet. Any thing he does seems good to them. We just got out of 3 weeks of hearing about Kamala pandering because of her accents, but those same people really believe that Trump (an 80 year old lifelong millionaire) loved working a McDonald's drive thru. He never worked a real job for me and reason. 


Ah, yes you can. Obstinate leftist add nothing of value to society. 


I just don't think there's any point to your political views. What are you for? Are there no principled red lines you can't accept? Are you happy to have your presidential candidate glad handing with scum like Dick Cheney?


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2 hours ago, sugarhigh said:

I just don't think there's any point to your political views. What are you for? Are there no principled red lines you can't accept? Are you happy to have your presidential candidate glad handing with scum like Dick Cheney?



I'm realistic. In a nation of 300 million people there will be little universally accepted concepts. There has to be compromise. I believe in baseline rights and entitlements for all people that should be federally protected and observed over state law. 


We can not go carbon neutral in 30 years. and corporations have found legal loopholes to game carbon footprint measuring entirely anyway. 


If at its peak it's only helping the planet as a publicity stunt, it shouldn't be written into law. While I support environmental pursuits, we can't say shit like all electric cars in like 20 years. That's fucking absurd. Out of touch, and unrealistic. 


Regardless, I'm indifferent to the new green deal because I know there's a lot of good stuff in there but they went for the moon and gave the idiots easy sound bites because they pushed for too much, too soon. 



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As for the Dick Cheney endorsement, is it principled to no interest support the ticket because of her accepting it? It's cringe and sad she did.


I am tired of  Democrats bending over backwards for 'bipartisanship" with Republicans while the Republicans insult the Democrats, insult democratic voters, insult democratic cities, and boast about how much they plan to not be cooperative in the business to government. 


I think of it which party says the government is corrupt, stupid, incapable of fulfilling it's duties and obligations. How much Republicans claim to "love" this country while hating half of the people in it. 



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34 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I'm realistic. In a nation of 300 million people there will be little universally accepted concepts. There has to be compromise. I believe in baseline rights and entitlements for all people that should be federally protected and observed over state law. 


We can not go carbon neutral in 30 years. and corporations have found legal loopholes to game carbon footprint measuring entirely anyway. 


If at its peak it's only helping the planet as a publicity stunt, it shouldn't be written into law. While I support environmental pursuits, we can't say shit like all electric cars in like 20 years. That's fucking absurd. Out of touch, and unrealistic. 


Regardless, I'm indifferent to the new green deal because I know there's a lot of good stuff in there but they went for the moon and gave the idiots easy sound bites because they pushed for too much, too soon. 



we're progressively losing basic democratic rights. voting for democrats does not preserve our rights. voting for democrats paves the way for losing rights.


what you're calling "realistic" is just losing.

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5 hours ago, sugarhigh said:

Are you happy to have your presidential candidate glad handing with scum like Dick Cheney?



Cheney says he will support Trump - 2016





Dick Chaney supported Trump from 2016 through 2024 and Trump was happy for the support. Didn't hear a peep from you guys about the scum dick Chaney supporting Trump.  :umad:


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2 hours ago, sugarhigh said:

we're progressively losing basic democratic rights. voting for democrats does not preserve our rights. voting for democrats paves the way for losing rights.


what you're calling "realistic" is just losing.


What rights specifically have been lost that you're referring to? (not saying rights haven't been, just asking which ones are you referring to) 


And was a left leaning supreme court or a right leaning supreme court that abolished it? 

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


What rights specifically have been lost that you're referring to? (not saying rights haven't been, just asking which ones are you referring to) 


And was a left leaning supreme court or a right leaning supreme court that abolished it? 


Democrats could've passed a federal law at any point in the last 50 years guaranteeing abortion access. They never did, and for most of that time they tried to split the difference in an appeal to the Christian right.


Just as an example, the current senator from PA Bob Casey (D) spent most of his career calling himself pro Life:



Now he's running supposedly as a protector of abortion rights. They don't even hide how useless and cynical they are. And we are fools for continuing to buy into this con.





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21 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:


Democrats could've passed a federal law at any point in the last 50 years guaranteeing abortion access. They never did, and for most of that time they tried to split the difference in an appeal to the Christian right.


Just as an example, the current senator from PA Bob Casey (D) spent most of his career calling himself pro Life:



Now he's running supposedly as a protector of abortion rights. They don't even hide how useless and cynical they are. And we are fools for continuing to buy into this con.






You dodged the question, was it a right leaning supreme court or left leaning supreme court who repealed Roe vs Wade?  :umad:


I'll save you the trouble.. it was a conservative Supreme court that repealed Roe vs wade.


And how did we end up with a conservative leaning supreme court? 


 A Republican senate BLOCKED and stalled Obama's Supreme Court appointments in 2016 hoping that a GOP president would be elected and when a GOP president was elected and inaugurated in Jan 2017 they fast tracked all his supreme court nominations all the way through 2020.  Those supreme court appointees swore not to go after abortion rights. 


Then that right leaning supreme court then repealed roe vs wade just over a year later. 


Settled supreme court rulings that afford rights to all Americans are rarely if ever repealed.  Abortion rights was already a settled case for over 50 years. 


What the GOP senate did to block/stall Obama's appointments and then fast track the Republican President nominations only for those same Right leaning supreme court judges to now repeal already settled case law and remove rights.... Was unprecedented. 


You're blaming Democrats for the republicans unprecedented actions of blocking/stalling appointments, packing the court and then taking away the rights off Americans? Lmfao. 


The next democratic president that has large enough majority in the senate to have a law like this passed with make it happen. 


Currently there isn't enough of a majority in the senate to have that law passed. 

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38 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:


Democrats could've passed a federal law at any point in the last 50 years guaranteeing abortion access. They never did, and for most of that time they tried to split the difference in an appeal to the Christian right.


Just as an example, the current senator from PA Bob Casey (D) spent most of his career calling himself pro Life:



Now he's running supposedly as a protector of abortion rights. They don't even hide how useless and cynical they are. And we are fools for continuing to buy into this con.






You mean he put his personal views in his pocket and voted along the lines of his constituency, like he's supposed. What's the problem with this exactly? 

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