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Is MAGA really stupid or do they just go along with Trump to protect "whiteness" in America?

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


You dodged the question, was it a right leaning supreme court or left leaning supreme court who repealed Roe vs Wade?  :umad:


I'll save you the trouble.. it was a conservative Supreme court that repealed Roe vs wade.


And how did we end up with a conservative leaning supreme court? 


 A Republican senate BLOCKED and stalled Obama's Supreme Court appointments in 2016 hoping that a GOP president would be elected and when a GOP president was elected and inaugurated in Jan 2017 they fast tracked all his supreme court nominations all the way through 2020.  Those supreme court appointees swore not to go after abortion rights. 


Then that right leaning supreme court then repealed roe vs wade just over a year later. 


Settled supreme court rulings that afford rights to all Americans are rarely if ever repealed.  Abortion rights was already a settled case for over 50 years. 


What the GOP senate did to block/stall Obama's appointments and then fast track the Republican President nominations only for those same Right leaning supreme court judges to now repeal already settled case law and remove rights.... Was unprecedented. 


You're blaming Democrats for the republicans unprecedented actions of blocking/stalling appointments, packing the court and then taking away the rights off Americans? Lmfao. 


The next democratic president that has large enough majority in the senate to have a law like this passed with make it happen. 


Currently there isn't enough of a majority in the senate to have that law passed. 

Nothing about Roe vs Wade had any constitutional merit, and thus it was expunged. It was correct to send it back to the states for dictation there, it was never a constitutionally backed right, it was never a right to begin with.


Regardless of opinion whether pro or anti abortion it had no business in existing through Supreme Court rule. It has to be through congressional approval.

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