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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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Haven't see the 360 version but the PC one looks real nice. Can't really comment on how it runs since I literally turned it on for 5 minutes. Was afraid of getting sucked in.

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SO far, its the exact same shit, just with better graphics. Not saying thats bad, the game OWNS so far. But people were probably expecting a bit more than a slightly dumbed down GOW2 with good graphics.


If you bash GoW3/think it's not worth a shot, you're a fucking moron. If you think it owns every game this gen, let alone every action game, you're stupid as fuck.

Bayonetta's mechanics are leagues better, although GoW3 overall is a better game IMO. I'd like to see cows try to explain why GoW has better combat, replay value, or challenge. Please.

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SO far, its the exact same shit, just with better graphics. Not saying thats bad, the game OWNS so far. But people were probably expecting a bit more than a slightly dumbed down GOW2 with good graphics.


If you bash GoW3/think it's not worth a shot, you're a fucking moron. If you think it owns every game this gen, let alone every action game, you're stupid as fuck.

Bayonetta's mechanics are leagues better, although GoW3 overall is a better game IMO. I'd like to see cows try to explain why GoW has better combat, replay value, or challenge. Please.

i agree that bayonetta has better combat. though everything else about it is awful. awful characters, visuals, music, and story. plus, at least gow3 mixes things up with the platforming and puzzles. its level design is also far superior. as for replay value..i enjoy playing excellent campaigns several times. though not everyone is like that, and those peeps should only rent gow 3.
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Yeah GoW3 is hands down a better experience, it's perfectly excusable that the combat is shallower.

But Cows calling the combat deep or > bayonetta need to STFU. Bayonetta's move list dwarfs Kratos'. With more weapons, on the fly weapon switching, dodge offsetting, and the unique abiltity to attach weapons to hands or feet, Bayonetta's combat doesn't get stale nearly as fast. You can tell who actually played with the combat and who just mashed thier way through.

But GoW3 is so polished and presented so well, it's a much better game overall. I don't think anyone denies this yet cows still think they should defend GoW3's weakest aspect.

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GOW's replayability comes from its excellent campaign. Its just so fucking good I want to replay it. :reggie: I just ran into this bug where your cant progress any further. Luckily i found an easy fix :glad:

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I personally don't find set-piece focused games all that replayable. Like I've only played Uncharted 2, Modern Warfare 2, etc. once and never felt the desire to go back to them.

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MindElitist bring his elitism into this thread. BTW GD, the GI review of 2033 seemed real positive. "Metro 2033’s greatest success is the consistency of its pacing. You’re constantly encountering new factions, discovering interesting new locations, or being tasked to do something you haven’t done before. With this stellar first effort, 4A Games has handily risen above its team’s past efforts in terms of approachability and fun, if not innovation. Metro 2033 is almost certainly destined to be a cult hit. If you enjoy single-player shooters, you owe it to yourself to get in on the (below-) ground floor."

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looking at the ugly ass Move in bhytre's sig, what's everyone's take on sony/msoft joining the motion bandwagon? i personally think it's geared to "me too" casual games that will not sway the masses to ditch the wii.

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Hate it. The idea of motion sensing is just not for me, if a controller option is always available I'll dig it. However, with some people taking that BUILD IT, PLAY IT concept that MediaMolecule tried to capitalize off of I think those games will benefit from MOVE.

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