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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Finished off Zeus in GoW3 but then got put into some dream sequence. I turned the game off and returned it. fuck it. Gonna start FF13 next week. In the meantime I'm going to put some more time into Demon's Souls and finish off mario and luigi 2.

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Finished off Zeus in GoW3 but then got put into some dream sequence. I turned the game off and returned it. fuck it.

Gonna start FF13 next week. In the meantime I'm going to put some more time into Demon's Souls and finish off mario and luigi 2.

im curious as to what your final verdict is on Bayonetta vs GoW3? :wonder:

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Finished off Zeus in GoW3 but then got put into some dream sequence. I turned the game off and returned it. fuck it.

Gonna start FF13 next week. In the meantime I'm going to put some more time into Demon's Souls and finish off mario and luigi 2.

im curious as to what your final verdict is on Bayonetta vs GoW3? :wonder:

I went in thinking GoW3 would rape Bayonetta a new asshole, the way these cows were talking, but I ended up really disappointed.

Maybe it's because I played GoW1 right before, but I honestly liked the first two games better, especially GoW2. Other than a few "wow" moments in the first and second act, gow3 was boring. The environments sucked, the enemies were all rehashed, and the game was easy and shallow. A few cool puzzles were in there, and I liked the weapons, but GoW2 is hands down a better game.

Bayonetta had tighter control, the combat is leagues ahead, and the game is more rewarding. There's more combos, more moves, more weapons, more enemies. It's hands down the better action title. Even with shit music, bad graphics, and annoying weeboo style, bayonetta was more fun. I felt good when I pulled off awesome combos and beat stages without dying. In GoW3 I felt like I had no real pull on the outcome and I didn't care. I just was waiting for the next crazy cinematic to watch, and they stopped midgame.

As an overall game, GoW3 is a serious contender to Bayonetta. Laugh at the cows who think it doesn't come close. but for an action game, Bayonetta > GoW3. It runs circles around it.

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lmao. this homo has been talking shit about gow3 for over a week and he just finished it? :D

your opinion = null and void

None of that shit in this thread plzAny criticism regarding GoW seriously bothers this guy.
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Much agreed on those GOW3 criticisms, the game was one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. I really went into expecting uncharted 2 like quality, but unfortunately, aside from poseidon and hades, the game was lackluster all around. the graphics can jump from seriously impressive to utterly last generation in HD at times, and the combat is so shallow and repetitive that i could barely get through the game. that dream sequence was really one of the worst ways to end a game as well. I can't stand how the gaming media still forces themselves to give titles like these a 9. You know those scores come purely from franchise name and brand loyalty and that alone, because every single GoW3 review tears the game to shreds on multiple occasions stating just what a catastrophic disappointment this is in regards to the last two games and the expectations everyone had. Overall, bayonetta is the game GoW3 wishes it could have been. It's completely black and white which is the better game, bayonetta by a mile. varied gameplay with interesting sections that break up the action, much better, deeper combat are the selling factors to these games. Because if anyone here thinks a bald headed guy with no shirt on is such an interesting character going through such an interesting story - you are sorely mistake, and i'm sorry but uneducated and unsophisticated as well. If you put this game on paper, its a 14 year old anti social kid's wet dream - and that my friends, simply isn't going to cut it for the hardcore, sophisticated gamer, especially not with the barebones combos and gameplay.

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On Disc 3 of FFXIII on Ch. 11, and it's really odd that they ramped up the difficulty of the mobs so rapidly and how I went from having to use between 900- 1000 CP for a sphere to now needing over 8000 PER. :|

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^ Shocking

i cant tell if that's fanboyism/flaming worthy of deletion. you tell me

He gave his honest opinion of two games he played. Are you going to delete every post that is negative towards a game in this thread?

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