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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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The true definition of a genre defining game.

Shooters masquerading as RPG's? :ben:

At least it's original. ...wat, in what aspect

Name me one game like it :ben:

GeoW :ben:

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Honestly, 4 playthroughs? The middle part drags so bad I could never do that

Yeah, I don't think Imma make it through. Killzone 2 comes in tomorrow. Along with Blur. and FNR4. I can't waiiiiiiit. Really wanna try KZ2 like...now :excited:

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Lmao, 4? I played through it twice and just gave up on a 3rd. Tried playing the DLC and it was all garbage. :scared: I can't wait for something worthwhile to come out, been playing TF2 and a few rounds of BC2. TF OWNS THOUGH.

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Honestly, 4 playthroughs? The middle part drags so bad I could never do that

Yeah, I don't think Imma make it through. Killzone 2 comes in tomorrow. Along with Blur. and FNR4. I can't waiiiiiiit. Really wanna try KZ2 like...now :excited:

KZ2 is visually stunning and it has it's moments but the difficulty spike near the end of the game just killed it for me. The controls simply are not good enough to compensate for the difficulty they throw at you. What I mean is it's just not fun to play once you get to the end. It's more of a chore than a game. I'd give it a 7/10
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i tried to do as much as possible on my first playthrough of me2 so i wouldn't have to start a 2nd.

the game is just too repetitive and the small differences in story/dialogue aren't worth it.

Lol, ME2 is the best game ever made (behind Fallout 3). It's far from repetitive. No other game offers such a rich and believable universe. The gunfights are just as good as Gears of War and the story may be the best in gaming. If you don't like ME2 you just don't "get it". Bioware has created a masterpiece of gaming that will go down in history as legendary much like Chrono Trigger or FF7.
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Far from repetitive? Every missions practically starts and ends the same, the only difference is the location. :/ Grunts, Samaras, and Thanes missions are the only real refreshing ones.

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Far from repetitive? Every missions practically starts and ends the same, the only difference is the location. :/

Grunts, Samaras, and Thanes missions are the only real refreshing ones.

You're a galactic US marshal, you're gonna get in a few fire fights. The storyline is what makes the game great, not simply the shooting.
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I thought the story was pretty barebones. Gather supersoldiers -> destroy omega 4 and the individuals character ones weren't as good as DAO.

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What's DAO? I loved the individual storylines of each character in ME2. Really felt connected to all of them, and was compelled to use each and every one of them. I actually felt a little sting when Tali died on my play through. That's the sign of a great game my friends.

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Honestly, 4 playthroughs? The middle part drags so bad I could never do that

Yeah, I don't think Imma make it through. Killzone 2 comes in tomorrow. Along with Blur. and FNR4. I can't waiiiiiiit. Really wanna try KZ2 like...now :excited:

KZ2 is visually stunning and it has it's moments but the difficulty spike near the end of the game just killed it for me. The controls simply are not good enough to compensate for the difficulty they throw at you. What I mean is it's just not fun to play once you get to the end. It's more of a chore than a game. I'd give it a 7/10 lmfao that part at the end where there were like hundreds of helghast i fucking lobbed my controller. I could not aim fast enough to hit them. That game would have owned if it had good controls though.
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