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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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TPH - "If you liked game x you should kill yourself" Keep that shit out of this thread. FYI Dead Space is much more polished and entertaining than clunky games like InFamous.

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i liked infamous more than dead space. i got bored of ds about 3 hours in. though yeah infamous could've used a few more months of polishing.

Dead Space falls apart a few hours in once you become a bulldozer and death is no longer a possibility. It's still a great game though, you can tell the devs put a lot of work into it to make sure everything works smoothly. It's a clusterfuck of abilities but everything works great. The dismemberment gameplay was also original and was well implemented. The atmosphere in the first few chapters is really intense. Sound design is some of the best this generation.

InFamous is alright but it's held back by clunkiness and boring missions, like most sandbox games. I liked it at first but the ability progression was far too subtle and the powers got old much faster then I thought they would. InFamous isn't one of those games where you can spend hours dicking around; instead you're drudging through missions waiting for the odd awesome one.

As for Bioshock...a big letdown overall but when you compare it to other shooter campaigns this gen (KZ2, Halo3, PDZ, MP3, CoD4...) it actually ranks pretty high. Bioshock was in no means challenging but at least it wasn't just a string of cinematics and gave the player freedom (albeit limited) in how to play. That alone made it stand out. Again, the atmosphere when you arrive in Rapture (and for the majority of the game) is pretty impressive. Art design is amazing. Sound design is way above average.


DS - 8/10

InFamous - 7.5/10

BS - 7.5/10

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Sin and Punishment has an ownage OST as well, how far have you gotten? I got near the end before I stopped playing, they start throwing a ton of enemies at you. Shits like a shmup,.

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infamous's controls wouldn't be a problem if you didn't die so quickly. Time and time again i try to get into cover and cole decides to do a dive roll into open fire. :scared:

you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time.

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infamous's controls wouldn't be a problem if you didn't die so quickly. Time and time again i try to get into cover and cole decides to do a dive roll into open fire. :scared:

you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time.


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infamous's controls wouldn't be a problem if you didn't die so quickly. Time and time again i try to get into cover and cole decides to do a dive roll into open fire. :scared:

you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time.

Hard to absorb electricity when you're constantly getting stuck in knock down animations. 2 grenades thrown at you in rapid succession is pretty much instant death.
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Yeah, the game had plenty of faults, but the main gameplay made me not care about them so much and love the game. Hopefully the fix on some of the control problems and make it a lot more smooth in the next one.

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Yeah, the game had plenty of faults, but the main gameplay made me not care about them so much and love the game. Hopefully the fix on some of the control problems and make it a lot more smooth in the next one.

Infamous 2 needs a new engine, revamped platforming mechanics, bettermissions/side quests, less bugs and more safe"houses".
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i enjoyed the missions. much better than crackdown's or prototype's. though i would like a new engine that focuses less on foreground detail and more on draw distance and performance. though not as bland as crackdown's i like the platforming. though i wouldn't mind it being less sticky.

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infamous's controls wouldn't be a problem if you didn't die so quickly. Time and time again i try to get into cover and cole decides to do a dive roll into open fire. :scared:

you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time.

Hard to absorb electricity when you're constantly getting stuck in knock down animations. 2 grenades thrown at you in rapid succession is pretty much instant death.Are you playing on hard or something. Cole isn't superman so you have to fight smart even if he has electric powers. The game gives you more than enough control to handle any situation. I loved the combat.
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infamous's controls wouldn't be a problem if you didn't die so quickly. Time and time again i try to get into cover and cole decides to do a dive roll into open fire. :scared:

you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time.

Hard to absorb electricity when you're constantly getting stuck in knock down animations. 2 grenades thrown at you in rapid succession is pretty much instant death.Lol you can easily see the grenades being thrown at you and move out the way
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infamous's controls wouldn't be a problem if you didn't die so quickly. Time and time again i try to get into cover and cole decides to do a dive roll into open fire. :scared:

you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time.

Hard to absorb electricity when you're constantly getting stuck in knock down animations. 2 grenades thrown at you in rapid succession is pretty much instant death.Are you playing on hard or something. Cole isn't superman so you have to fight smart even if he has electric powers. The game gives you more than enough control to handle any situation. I loved the combat.

It's not a matter of playing smart. If you're up against 10+ enemies and one of them gets you with a rocket/grenade 90% of the time you'll die thanks to the long knockdown animations giving other enemies time to hurl more explosives your way. Same issue with lost planet. Hell, sometimes i land in a canal(2nd island) causing instant deaths thanks to the knock back. Sometimes the splash damage glitches and goes through brick walls as well.:S

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infamous's controls wouldn't be a problem if you didn't die so quickly. Time and time again i try to get into cover and cole decides to do a dive roll into open fire. :scared:

you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time.

Hard to absorb electricity when you're constantly getting stuck in knock down animations. 2 grenades thrown at you in rapid succession is pretty much instant death.Lol you can easily see the grenades being thrown at you and move out the way They're not always thrown in you field of vision and cole's evasive roll is useless thanks to the SD radius.
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