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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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i am honestly liking alan wake so far. even if the voice acting sucks and the way it plays off like an episode of tv when you finish a chapter is annoying and breaks the action it really is the RE4 of this gen, even if it dosent hold a candle to re4 but still ALOT better than that pc gaming level excrament that was re5

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I'm almost halfway through Alan Wake.

Mediocre character models

Clumsy movement animations

Poor facial animations

Cheesey script

Painfully obvious narration that constantly steps on the atmosphere

Repetitive level design

Almost no enemy variety

No upgrade systems

Little weapon variety

Awkward and slow-paced cutscenes (characters will talk to thin air, voice clips will cut off other voice clips, or you'll have to follow a cripple through an entire trailer park)

Pointless driving sections

Jerky vehicle steering

Kameo pop-up book trees

I'm almost angry I paid $60 for this lackluster game. And it's such a poor shooter that it'll have no replability.

the level design is quite good actually. everything feels natural and well placed.
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Unless Wake takes some drastic turn into abysmal soon I think I'm going to enjoy it, just finished the first chapter last night. Even with it's linear game design Wake still manages to not feel like you're being pushed down a tunnel unlike a lot of other titles (TCHBR). But the HUD... I hate this shit, lmao. It's always up in your face and it takes up so much of the screen labeling some useless objective that I'll end up getting too anyway considering all I need to do is go forward. :]

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I'm almost halfway through Alan Wake.

Mediocre character models

Clumsy movement animations

Poor facial animations

Cheesey script

Painfully obvious narration that constantly steps on the atmosphere

Repetitive level design

Almost no enemy variety

No upgrade systems

Little weapon variety

Awkward and slow-paced cutscenes (characters will talk to thin air, voice clips will cut off other voice clips, or you'll have to follow a cripple through an entire trailer park)

Pointless driving sections

Jerky vehicle steering

Kameo pop-up book trees

I'm almost angry I paid $60 for this lackluster game. And it's such a poor shooter that it'll have no replability.

get trauma team

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Guest C.M.

I'm almost halfway through Alan Wake.

I'm almost angry I paid $60 for this lackluster game. And it's such a poor shooter that it'll have no replability.

i am honestly liking alan wake so far. even if the voice acting sucks and the way it plays off like an episode of tv when you finish a chapter is annoying and breaks the action

it really is the RE4 of this gen, even if it dosent hold a candle to re4 but still ALOT better than that pc gaming level excrament that was re5

Unless Wake takes some drastic turn into abysmal soon I think I'm going to enjoy it, just finished the first chapter last night. Even with it's linear game design Wake still manages to not feel like you're being pushed down a tunnel unlike a lot of other titles (TCHBR). But the HUD... I hate this shit, lmao. It's always up in your face and it takes up so much of the screen labeling some useless objective that I'll end up getting too anyway considering all I need to do is go forward. :]

let us know when you guys finish it. It'd be cool to have a good discussion on this game since there's so many conflicting opinions on it.

GD did you finish it?

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