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Yeah, the environments and the sense of freedom they present (though limited) is real nice. A lot of corridor shooters just force you straight down a path so it's nice to have a break from all that.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Is it woods the whole way through? I'm playing on Hard and it's keepin' me on my toes combatwise.

Hated the Default control scheme though. Alternate B)

More games should follow DMC4s route and give players complete customization of controls.

nah the environments change up. But don't expect a snow level and fire level or some shit, the game stays realistic and every environments fits and makes sense.

yeah they did a great job mixing the areas up, while making them all feel like one cohesive world in the mountains.

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Is it woods the whole way through? I'm playing on Hard and it's keepin' me on my toes combatwise.

Hated the Default control scheme though. Alternate B)

More games should follow DMC4s route and give players complete customization of controls.

good choice playing it on hard, the combat is never really challenging or tense on the normal difficulty

yeah it was a bit too easy. maybe i should up the difficulty. perhaps i'll be interested in finishing it.

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the level design is quite good actually. everything feels natural and well placed.

I think it's repetitive. Moonlit forest with logs and logging equipment encampments. Every few minutes a group of the same grunts swarms you. Occasionally one grunt is bigger and has better stats than the other grunts but otherwise has the same AI and is killed the same way. There's little variety to the gunplay. If swarmed, use a flash grenade or flair, otherwise run and gun.

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Just playing some devil's advocate here (I love Max Payne), but wouldn't you agree that games like Max Payne are repetitive too?

the difference is...may payne had far better shooting, a much better story, and much better characters.

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Just playing some devil's advocate here (I love Max Payne), but wouldn't you agree that games like Max Payne are repetitive too?

I haven't played Max Payne. I'd argue that games like RE4 and RE5 aren't repetitive. There's a fair amount of enemy variety with different enemies requiring different approaches. There's a good amount of variety to the level designs both in terms of eye candy and layout. Some levels will be cramped and require close-range combat, some will be open and allow for ranged combat, others will mix verticle and horizontal structures so you're not just shooting in front of you. There's a fair amount of bosses with unique attributes. They have useful upgrade systems built around loot hoarding that encourages you to scour the environments.

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Guest C.M.

Just playing some devil's advocate here (I love Max Payne), but wouldn't you agree that games like Max Payne are repetitive too?

I haven't played Max Payne. I'd argue that games like RE4 and RE5 aren't repetitive. There's a fair amount of enemy variety with different enemies requiring different approaches. There's a good amount of variety to the level designs both in terms of eye candy and layout. Some levels will be cramped and require close-range combat, some will be open and allow for ranged combat, others will mix verticle and horizontal structures so you're not just shooting in front of you. There's a fair amount of bosses with unique attributes. They have useful upgrade systems built around loot hoarding that encourages you to scour the environments.

Oh I never felt like RE5 was repetitive. It has a nice mix of environments and the core gameplay is some of the best.

RE4's castle dragged on for me though.

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Guest C.M.

Just playing some devil's advocate here (I love Max Payne), but wouldn't you agree that games like Max Payne are repetitive too?

the difference is...may payne had far better shooting, a much better story, and much better characters.

I agree for the most part. But you see my point right? TPS are TPS, there's only so much Alan Wake can do to mix up the gameplay. I honestly thought the use of light for combat was brilliant though. The game shooting is just so safisfying, from the effect of the darkness burning off the enemies to the sound of the revolver.

But enough, will discuss all this when more people finish. :-*

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Guest C.M.

i think i am at the last scene in AW. please post a hidden yet spoiler free hint on how to beat him

use the flare gun? Who are you fighting?
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If I could change anything about AW, I'd change Wake's combat animations. I really don't like when you feel like you're controlling a sloppy drunk. I'd rather sacrifice realism for precision and have your character move like an android if that's the choice.

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Just playing some devil's advocate here (I love Max Payne), but wouldn't you agree that games like Max Payne are repetitive too?

I haven't played Max Payne. I'd argue that games like RE4 and RE5 aren't repetitive. There's a fair amount of enemy variety with different enemies requiring different approaches. There's a good amount of variety to the level designs both in terms of eye candy and layout. Some levels will be cramped and require close-range combat, some will be open and allow for ranged combat, others will mix verticle and horizontal structures so you're not just shooting in front of you. There's a fair amount of bosses with unique attributes. They have useful upgrade systems built around loot hoarding that encourages you to scour the environments.

Oh I never felt like RE5 was repetitive. It has a nice mix of environments and the core gameplay is some of the best.

RE4's castle dragged on for me though.

I agree about the castle. I thought RE4 was a few hours too long with the castle being the prime culprit.

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