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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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darksiders does start off kind of retarded

doing those combat challenges to move the story forward kinda blew. It felt like filler that would have worked better as some kind of optional side quest or something.
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Playing SC2 has only been getting me more and more excited for Diablo 3, even now Diablo 2 still offers a great experience. :happysad:

I'd so pick up Diablo 2 right now if SCII wasn't out, if I didn't have like 5 games to catch up on and if we weren't heading into Fall. And if Diablo 2 didn't cost $30. :tard:
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Playing SC2 has only been getting me more and more excited for Diablo 3, even now Diablo 2 still offers a great experience. :happysad:

I'd so pick up Diablo 2 right now if SCII wasn't out, if I didn't have like 5 games to catch up on and if we weren't heading into Fall. And if Diablo 2 didn't cost $30. :tard: Lmao, I've purchased Diablo 2 enough times to warrant at least 1 act of piracy, so I did. Well that and the higher resolution mods would just get me kicked off of BNet so buying it would've been a waste. :mono:
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Playing through Alan Wake again, I'm about 1/4 into Chapter 4. The game is still pretty damn good. I definitely think they either need to fix or ditch the poltergeist objects though, they are a chore to "fight". I honestly can't think of a way to improve them though. In a potential sequel, they should play more with the idea of safe zones. That sections were you are running from light source to light source instead of simply using them as checkpoints.

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hey tb..is there a way to beat the conscripts in darksiders without having to slice and dodge over and over. those guys take too long to beat and are getting annoying,

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hey tb..is there a way to beat the conscripts in darksiders without having to slice and dodge over and over. those guys take too long to beat and are getting annoying,

not really, besides using one of the wrath techniques.

have you gotten the RB + X sword charge move yet? get it and then upgrade it as much as possible. its super quick and can easily stagger enemies. Its also a good way of making room if you ever get surrounded. probably the best move in the game imo.

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Playing SC2 has only been getting me more and more excited for Diablo 3, even now Diablo 2 still offers a great experience. :happysad:

I'd so pick up Diablo 2 right now if SCII wasn't out, if I didn't have like 5 games to catch up on and if we weren't heading into Fall. And if Diablo 2 didn't cost $30. :tard:

You can use my Blizzard account if you want.

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Playing through Alan Wake again, I'm about 1/4 into Chapter 4. The game is still pretty damn good. I definitely think they either need to fix or ditch the poltergeist objects though, they are a chore to "fight". I honestly can't think of a way to improve them though. In a potential sequel, they should play more with the idea of safe zones. That sections were you are running from light source to light source instead of simply using them as checkpoints.

Have you played "The Signal" yet? It's a much better Chapter than 6 is but it doesn't take the game anywhere storywise. It makes sense that it wasn't included in the final game because it would have made the ending a lot more "Lolwut?"
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Playing through Alan Wake again, I'm about 1/4 into Chapter 4. The game is still pretty damn good. I definitely think they either need to fix or ditch the poltergeist objects though, they are a chore to "fight". I honestly can't think of a way to improve them though. In a potential sequel, they should play more with the idea of safe zones. That sections were you are running from light source to light source instead of simply using them as checkpoints.

Have you played "The Signal" yet? It's a much better Chapter than 6 is but it doesn't take the game anywhere storywise. It makes sense that it wasn't included in the final game because it would have made the ending a lot more "Lolwut?"playing through the game and then playing The Signal. Disappointing that it doesn't add to the story though. Guess it's an excuse to try new mechanics. Fine by me though, it's free. :glad:
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