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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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tried playing mafia 1 but deleted it off my hard drive after an hour. It hasn't aged well at all.

lol dang. There's a lot of games people have fond memories of but don't take into account how they aged. Like people recommend I play Deus Ex, but I doubt it's even playable for someone without the nostalgia.
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tried playing mafia 1 but deleted it off my hard drive after an hour. It hasn't aged well at all.

lol dang. There's a lot of games people have fond memories of but don't take into account how they aged. Like people recommend I play Deus Ex, but I doubt it's even playable for someone without the nostalgia.

i think its more about archaic design than actual gameplay mechanics. The first hour is nothing but driving half a dozen people from point A to point B, while using the worst marker/map system i've seen in a sandbox game.

and you're doing all this while theres a time limit. Simply awful.

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I've been thinking about trying Deus Ex, but FUCK that.

Diablo 2 is age proof. B)

Diablo 2 owns the hell out of MMOs. The only MMO I like is Guild Wars, but thats because the art style goes a long way.

And it's F2P. :corns:

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I've been thinking about trying Deus Ex, but FUCK that.

Diablo 2 is age proof. B)

Diablo 2 owns the hell out of MMOs. The only MMO I like is Guild Wars, but thats because the art style goes a long way.

And it's F2P. :corns:

Word B) You getting #2?

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Picked up Plants Vs Zombies (finally) on Friday and finished Limbo on Saturday, back to playing Peace Walker and PvZ whenever I have some downtime. :corns: Also started another playthrough of Uncharted 2, game still looks incredible. It's a nice treat for the eyes after spending time with Starcraft, Peace Walker, and XBLA games.

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Picked up Plants Vs Zombies (finally) on Friday and finished Limbo on Saturday, back to playing Peace Walker and PvZ whenever I have some downtime. :corns:

Also started another playthrough of Uncharted 2, game still looks incredible. It's a nice treat for the eyes after spending time with Starcraft, Peace Walker, and XBLA games.

yeah..i still get blown away by uncharted 2's visuals everytime i go back to it.
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I'm a little surprised you got such enjoyment out of Limbo TBH, it's not that the game is bad but even for a non-puzzle gamer like me the puzzles were really easy. Sure they were delivered in a unique way and I was a big fan of the lack of repetition but I mean there was only 1 that actually took me a while but even then it was simple.

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the puzzles were easy as hell. i just thought they were cool in execution. in this adhd gen, i welcome any kind of puzzle system. though i found braid and portal to have better ones, with machinarium being top dog.

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