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The Official "What Are You Playing?" Thread (Post Screens)

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lol this and galaxy 2 may be my goty.

Donkey Kong looks amazing too. hell yeah! it's going to be the big game at our family holiday parties (last year it was nsmb wii). year of the platformer!it looks so freaking good lol. They seem to have nailed everything. The jumping physics, controls, animations in general, animations when killing enemies, level variety, scripted events in levels, etc.

I said before I was disappointed Retro spent all this time making a DKC game but for the most part I take that back. It looks great. But I do hope their next game is more ambitious and fresh like Metroid Prime was.

i'm sure their next game will be some kind of action-adventure title. though i'm glad to see them try a different genre. i'm also glad they really mixed up the dkc formula. the gameplay looks sick, with far better level design.
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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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i'm in total love with super meat boy. this game is fucking crack!

haha nice, where are you? i'm at the boss in world 4. though he's a bit on the cheap side. so i decided to start beating the dark levels. on world 2 now. man they are a lot harder than the light ones. but fuck...this game has the best 2d platforming i've ever experienced. where are you???I think I actually stopped playing there. That boss is all trial and error, kinda BS.

that boss pissed me off

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Is anyone else playing Vanquish? The game is so godly. :bow: It has amazing set pieces yet it's not totally scripted unlike some other TPS i won't mention.

I want to try it but none of my local BBV has it :meh:
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The only thing stopping me from trying Super Meat Boy is the 360's dpad.

Oh and i suggest checking out the tutorial and playing on the hard difficulty in Vanquish.

the thumbstick works perfectly breh. In fact, it's probably better than using a Dpad.
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The only thing stopping me from trying Super Meat Boy is the 360's dpad.

Oh and i suggest checking out the tutorial and playing on the hard difficulty in Vanquish.

the thumbstick works perfectly breh. In fact, it's probably better than using a Dpad.I can't stand playing sidescrollers using a thumbstick, unless it was meant to be played that way.
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The only thing stopping me from trying Super Meat Boy is the 360's dpad.

Oh and i suggest checking out the tutorial and playing on the hard difficulty in Vanquish.

the thumbstick works perfectly breh. In fact, it's probably better than using a Dpad.I can't stand playing sidescrollers using a thumbstick, unless it was meant to be played that way.

dude, the game was designed around the thumbstick. I couldn't even imagine playing through some of the tougher levels with the d pad.

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The only thing stopping me from trying Super Meat Boy is the 360's dpad.

Oh and i suggest checking out the tutorial and playing on the hard difficulty in Vanquish.

the thumbstick works perfectly breh. In fact, it's probably better than using a Dpad.I can't stand playing sidescrollers using a thumbstick, unless it was meant to be played that way.

dude, the game was designed around the thumbstick. I couldn't even imagine playing through some of the tougher levels with the d pad.

How does it work?
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The only thing stopping me from trying Super Meat Boy is the 360's dpad.

Oh and i suggest checking out the tutorial and playing on the hard difficulty in Vanquish.

the thumbstick works perfectly breh. In fact, it's probably better than using a Dpad.I can't stand playing sidescrollers using a thumbstick, unless it was meant to be played that way.

dude, the game was designed around the thumbstick. I couldn't even imagine playing through some of the tougher levels with the d pad.


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