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tb, play toki tori next. fuck that game has some godly puzzles. i'm still on the "easy" campaign too :D

i can't find it on the interwebz :(

that's a damn shame. i got it for $2.99 on the iphone. best $2.99 i've spent this gen. :bow:

btw, i think i have a dl of it for wiiware that i got a while back. want it?

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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finished fable 3, it was enjoyable but the climax blew.

felt the same

according to the in game friend feed you must have made those $6,500,000 right? i wasn't even close to that sum, but i thought i had more time to gather money. But before i knew it they thrust me into the final battle with no warning and now everyone is dead ;(
Same thing happened to two people I know. One the event snuck up on him and he wasn't prepared at all. The other has a fair amount saved but it was on his person, the game wouldn't let him deposit once endgame started so he essentially had nothing. :D
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thanks gd :-*

finished fable 3, it was enjoyable but the climax blew.

felt the same

according to the in game friend feed you must have made those $6,500,000 right? i wasn't even close to that sum, but i thought i had more time to gather money. But before i knew it they thrust me into the final battle with no warning and now everyone is dead ;(
Same thing happened to two people I know. One the event snuck up on him and he wasn't prepared at all. The other has a fair amount saved but it was on his person, the game wouldn't let him deposit once endgame started so he essentially had nothing. :D

yeah it sucks. I spent a lot of time just going around buying a ton of homes/businesses because i thought it would pay off the end. One of the most satisfying parts of Fable 2 was finally earning enough to buy that big ass castle.

the series as a whole is getting progressively with each new installment. If i hadn't gotten 3 for $30 then i'd probably be even more disappointed.

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darksiders. though ratchet is a good 10+ hours, especially if you do the side missions. cit is easily the better of the 2 games. like i said, the beginning will feel like a rehash, but it comes into its own with the hoverboots and time-based puzzles. the scale of some of the battles is quite good too. one of the best action-adventure games i've played this gen.

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Which is longer?

Darksiders seems pretty long. I'm well past 10 hours (I'm taking my time doing a lot of exploring the hub worlds) and I've only beaten Tiamat the Giant Bat and the boss after her. Yeah, i just beat the bug like boss in the subway.

Can't wait until i get my horse.:smoke:

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Which is longer?

Darksiders seems pretty long. I'm well past 10 hours (I'm taking my time doing a lot of exploring the hub worlds) and I've only beaten Tiamat the Giant Bat and the boss after her. Yeah, i just beat the bug like boss in the subway.

Can't wait until i get my horse.:smoke:

Oh man the Horse owns hard. Wait till you face the next boss. I'm currently on the final boss before I deliver the fourth heart to Samael. This game owns too hard and is much better than Ratchet and Clank. I really dig Ratchet and clank too.
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Which is longer?

Darksiders seems pretty long. I'm well past 10 hours (I'm taking my time doing a lot of exploring the hub worlds) and I've only beaten Tiamat the Giant Bat and the boss after her. Yeah, i just beat the bug like boss in the subway.

Can't wait until i get my horse.:smoke:

Oh man the Horse owns hard. Wait till you face the next boss. I'm currently on the final boss before I deliver the fourth heart to Samael. This game owns too hard and is much better than Ratchet and Clank. I really dig Ratchet and clank too.

lol no

though the black throne in darksiders is awesome. best portal ripoff :bow:

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