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Damn, STALKER owns.

I played it at launch when it was buggy as hell and still had a great time.

Tired to get into OL mod but I found it brutally difficult on realistic and just gave up, rather than lowering the difficulty :happysad:

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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Finally got around to playing Castlevania LoS and just beat it an hour ago. The ending was straight up stupid, Kojima definitely must've had something to do with that. As for the game itself, it was alright. The combat is pretty rough around the edges though, lots of dumb design decisions had me rolling my eyes. For starters, I don't like what they did with their counter attack system. To do a counter/parry in most games you have to block just before you are hit by an attack but this game doesn't use that same timing. You actually have to push block a lot sooner, I guess some would consider this a very generous window but it kept messing me up because I'm so use to waiting until I'm just about to get hit in order to trigger the counter/parry. It took up until chapter 8 or 9 before I finally reprogrammed myself to parry/counter as the enemy is beginning their attack. Some other things I don't like are really odd choices when it comes to invulnerability frames, hit stuns, attack signals, and the jump cancel. It is so annoying that the dodge doesn't give you invulnerability against the shock wave attacks and instead you have to jump to avoid them. I could overlook this but when you cancel into a jump you don't have invulnerability while you're rising in the air nor can you control your direction. Gabriel jumps straight up. Another problem with these shock wave attacks is that they all tend to be vertical attacks in design so even if you try to jump cancel to avoid them you'll still get hit because you're literally jumping right into the attack; unless of course you're attacking at long range but I tend to keep at close range so jump cancel to avoid the shock wave attacks was useless. The only effective method I found was to dodge then jump but that didn't seem to work all the time. To add on to the problems I have with the combat is also a problem that shows up in every other aspect of the game: the craptacular camera. There were way too many times in this game where the fixed camera angle was downright terrible because it seems MercurySteam is full of themselves and would rather give you a camera angle that shows off their 'pretty' graphics instead of giving you an angle that would actually be, oh, I don't know- HELPFUL. I'll leave the camera complaints to the combat side of things only though. Their are too many encounters in this game where the camera angle was pulled back too far so I really couldn't tell what exact attack an enemy was doing. The situation is made even worse because you're usually tasked with fighting mobs of enemies (who by the way can attack from off screen) and with the view pulled back so far and so many of them on screen (or off screen), it gets really annoying trying to keep track of everything especially when you can barely make out what it is they're doing to begin with. It's in these moments where I just start spamming the more ridiculous abilities/moves just to thin out the numbers as quickly as possible... which I found myself doing a lot in this game. Now let's throw in two more problems into that mess, those being the attack signals and hit stuns I mentioned earlier. Enemies in this game can bust out of hit stun at random so it's really important to know to always be ready to dodge. This is fine, the game wants to make sure you're not just mashing but you're actually paying attention. However, a lot of times an enemy will pop out of hit stun with an unblockable attack and these attacks come out fast. The only warning you have is a small glowing white orb like effect that the attack is unblockable. Would've been nice for these attacks to have an audio cue as well because this effect can be hard to recognize when there's so much enemies onscreen as well as the camera being too far back. I couldn't tell you how much times I got hit by one of these attacks simply because I didn't even see it coming or I thought it was a regular attack. Obviously, each time it happened it was fanfuckintastic. A final thing I'll touch on is the boss fights and several of the larger enemies you'll fight in the game. All of these encounters play out the same. Every single one of them. It basically boiled down to me doing nothing but hit and run tactics against them all. Hit twice, dodge, hit twice, dodge... etc. Look for that easily telegraphed attack that can be countered and use that to farm for focus then back to the hits and dodge. During the later half of the game these types of battles were happening frequently and I was getting bored. So yea, there are some other things I could touch on relating to combat and I haven't even discussed the other aspects of the game but this post is long enough as it is. Plus I'm hungry and I want to it.

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just beating some games, finished Black Ops, last 2 missions are garbage, and that set piece where you have to "get off the ledge" is annoying. started Star Ocean, so far its a good game, not a fan of jrpgs but this one stuck with me. sent back GoW3, love the combat but I hate the QTEs maybe next time. wanna start heavy rain today but i may just finish red Dead

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yakuza definitely has some things in common with shenmue, though it doesn't share anywhere near as many adventure elements. You usually aren't going around talking to people to find out where to go next or solving simple puzzles. It feels a lot like a open world brawler with a bunch of RPG elements.

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yakuza definitely has some things in common with shenmue, though it doesn't share anywhere near as many adventure elements. You usually aren't going around talking to people to find out where to go next or solving simple puzzles. It feels a lot like a open world brawler with a bunch of RPG elements.

eh i would hate it then. i
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