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Damn, sunk in a good 4 1/2 hours into Deadly Premonition yesterday and played a good chunk of Castlevania. Think I'm enjoying DP more.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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p.n.03, transformers and singularity.

damn you must really be bored lol. gamefly keeps sending me stuff at the bottom of my queue.:meh: ahhhh..that makes sense now.
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I've never seen Twinpeaks, so I have no idea. It's not a game I'd recommend, wish it had higher production values and fixed some of these bogus ass problems.

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Well DP is definitely weird, incoherent, and at times thrilling. A lot of it is just silly, it's just the open world part of it is it's weakest link.

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Yah, I figured I'd let you know. I haven't even touched the side quests and I probably won't but I can't see this being shorter than 15-20.

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What's up guys, it's been a while lol. I bought Beyond Good and Evil HD on the XBLA and played a couple hours of that. I had the original on Xbox but I got stuck for whatever reason like 2/3's through and never went back to it. So I got this because I missed out on this gem and I want Ubi to make/finish the sequel. And I got say this game holds up really well. The graphics still look great cus of the awesome artstyle, good voice acting, tight controls. Like Twinblade said a couple pages back, this game has more soul than most of the games coming out today. Also been playing Marvel vs Cap 3 on the side. That game is hard as shit but i'm finally getting the hang of it.

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Guest Golem

So many games I want to be playing right now but barely get the time between work. Still early into Killzone 3, enjoying it so far. I play motorstorm pacific rift on breaks, before my ps3 died I was two races away from completing wreckreation now I'm trying to do it all again before I pick up apocalypse Any motorstorm fans here? It feels like people forget about that game.

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