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been playing quite a lot of games lately okamiden - finished it recently, was great monster tale - been playing this in short bursts, i like it but the excessive backtracking is annoying da2 - still playing it (about 30 hours in) i should be near the very end. deus ex - started playing this for the first time a few days ago, i can't believe its taken me this long to dive into it. really awesome game.

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played a good 6 hours of crysis 2. the game is gorgeous, but i got bored. i then checked out killzone 3. surprisingly, even with its dumb "gears of war bad" story and dialog, it actually owns. i like the pacing a lot. duck n' cover shooter one minute...stealth the next..mechs after..rail parts..etc. i also loved the alien world. i don't know how far i am, but i think i'm close to completing the snowy area. i hope i can finish it tonight so i can move on to deadspace 2. i have to say killzone 3 and crysis 2 have the best graphics for any console fps.

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I got Crysis2 in queue at the library. I dunno something about KZ2 turned me off. I quit about 4 hours in. Mech parts were cool and I liked the alien world, it just was impossible for me to care about the plot. The game is technically sound and polished it just lacks innovation and bells and whistles.

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I got Crysis2 in queue at the library. I dunno something about KZ2 turned me off. I quit about 4 hours in. Mech parts were cool and I liked the alien world, it just was impossible for me to care about the plot. The game is technically sound and polished it just lacks innovation and bells and whistles.

i didn't care much for kz2 either. but 3 is much better.
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i hated kz2 and the demo for 3 was pretty boring. maybe it was just a bad level.

what level was it? the beginning of killzone 3 felt like 2, but with better gameplay. i wasn't really taken by it until the mech part. then i really got into the alien/snow parts. i don't know how far i am, but i really like it. this coming from someone who was bored after the first hour of 2.
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I returned Killzone 3. I think I was at the end ( was fighting some massive spider creature). The game started well, but I got bored. I think I dislike FPSs now. The game was gorgeous though. I dare say it and crysis 2 are the best looking console FPSs. I'm now onto deadspace 2. I hope it's more eventful than the first. I also hope it mixes up the scenery more.

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I returned Killzone 3. I think I was at the end ( was fighting some massive spider creature). The game started well, but I got bored. I think I dislike FPSs now. The game was gorgeous though. I dare say it and crysis 2 are the best looking console FPSs. I'm now onto deadspace 2. I hope it's more eventful than the first. I also hope it mixes up the scenery more.

I guess ill just skip it altogether. i had to force myself to finish KZ2 and it sounds like i'd have to do the same thing with 3.

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I returned Killzone 3. I think I was at the end ( was fighting some massive spider creature). The game started well, but I got bored. I think I dislike FPSs now. The game was gorgeous though. I dare say it and crysis 2 are the best looking console FPSs. I'm now onto deadspace 2. I hope it's more eventful than the first. I also hope it mixes up the scenery more.

I guess ill just skip it altogether. i had to force myself to finish KZ2 and it sounds like i'd have to do the same thing with 3.

the highest point of kz3 for me was the alien planet. it looked cool and it focused more on stealth. i also dug the snow area. by the end of the game though, it felt like kz2. just waves of enemies in war torn areas. shit was putting me to sleep.

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Yeah, it took me ~a month and I don't play games nearly as slow as you do. :ben: I mean I beat DP in 18 hours and that took 3 or 4 days. Castlevania just wasn't interesting.

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If you can handle the budgetness and the pretty meh gameplay then yeah. It's 20 bucks and it offers some quirky ass characters and a pretty entertaining story with a nice twist. I can honestly say I enjoyed DP more than Castlevania. My girlfriend was even entertained by Deadly Premonition and she enjoyed watching me play through it where as she would make God of War jokes about Castlevania ;( Not that that means anything, just sayin. :ben:

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