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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Guest C.M.

hey cm, did u ever play ratchet crack in time? it friggin owned hard!

nope and it's funny you say that. That was the other title I was thinking I had to catch up on but I wasn't sure if it was that much of a must play. I guess it is? B) Edited by -CM-
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hey cm, did u ever play ratchet crack in time? it friggin owned hard!

nope and it's funny you say that. That was the other title I was gonna mention in me having to "catch up on this gen" but I wasn't sure if it was that much of a must play. I guess it is? B) i friggin loved it....and this is coming from someone who thought TOD was good, but nothing special. the introduction of the hoverboots and time-based puzzles were cool elements. plus, i loved the mario galaxy-inspired mini-planets. the scale of some of the battles was quite impressive too. i was amazed by how much the engine was pushing, when you factor in all the enemies on screen, speed of boots, particle effects, location size....all at a smooth framerate. definitely a very under appreciated game.
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Guest C.M.

hey cm, did u ever play ratchet crack in time? it friggin owned hard!

nope and it's funny you say that. That was the other title I was gonna mention in me having to "catch up on this gen" but I wasn't sure if it was that much of a must play. I guess it is? B) i friggin loved it....and this is coming from someone who thought TOD was good, but nothing special. the introduction of the hoverboots and time-based puzzles were cool elements. plus, i loved the mario galaxy-inspired mini-planets. the scale of some of the battles was quite impressive too. i was amazed by how much the engine was pushing, when you factor in all the enemies on screen, speed of boots, particle effects, location size....all at a smooth framerate. definitely a very under appreciated game.I've never played a Ratchet game before. So it'll be that much better B)
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hey cm, did u ever play ratchet crack in time? it friggin owned hard!

nope and it's funny you say that. That was the other title I was gonna mention in me having to "catch up on this gen" but I wasn't sure if it was that much of a must play. I guess it is? B) i friggin loved it....and this is coming from someone who thought TOD was good, but nothing special. the introduction of the hoverboots and time-based puzzles were cool elements. plus, i loved the mario galaxy-inspired mini-planets. the scale of some of the battles was quite impressive too. i was amazed by how much the engine was pushing, when you factor in all the enemies on screen, speed of boots, particle effects, location size....all at a smooth framerate. definitely a very under appreciated game.I've never played a Ratchet game before. So it'll be that much better B)fuck....then you will love it!
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Guest C.M.

I played about 3 hours of Heavy Rain. This game is awesome. I have it set to french (which I understand) and it feels like I'm watching a foreign film. I like every character except for the douchebag FBI agent with his super sunglasses lol.

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Guest C.M.

played through the first act of mgs4 today

so far its a good experience, but I'm starting to find myself just blowing through the gameplay to get to the next cutscene

That's how I played it but it's because I didn't really care for the gameplay.
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I played about 3 hours of Heavy Rain. This game is awesome. I have it set to french (which I understand) and it feels like I'm watching a foreign film. I like every character except for the douchebag FBI agent with his super sunglasses lol.

I wish I had it set to french with english subs, the voice acting was AWFUL lol

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I played about 3 hours of Heavy Rain. This game is awesome. I have it set to french (which I understand) and it feels like I'm watching a foreign film. I like every character except for the douchebag FBI agent with his super sunglasses lol.

Awesome game, and I did the same thing with the language too lol.
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playing through Nier. It's kinda boring, if nothing cool happens soon, I'm gonna stop.

but teh music ;(saucerHBR

Hey don't look at me, I didn't like the game and quit before finishing it. :facep:

When does Nier pick up? I'm at the part where you're looking for the mom of the two kids who upgrade your weapons in the robotics factory. So far it's bland. Brown low-budget art direction, ugly main character with little personality, crude jumping mechanics, lots of simple fetch quests...

I just spent 15 minutes following a slow moving girl through the desert to a block puzzle temple where if you get hit you have to start each block puzzle over. I ridiculed the hell out of God of War for block puzzles like that. And before that I forced to have the girl give me a slow paced tour of her village where she showed me nothing of consequence. I'm not seeing it at all so far.

But I think you'll give me that its presentation is low budget (both in terms of art direction and graphics), the fetch quests are boring, fighting grunts gets monotonous fairly early on, the dungeons are rarely anything more than a series of empty rooms, the upgrade system doesn't have much depth, the environments lack personality, and the shops are rarely worth bothering with.



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I finally started Donkey Kong Country Returns last night and played through to the end of the fifth world. I outright hate the waggle. It's the worst use of it I can think of, and the game's design never requires it so Nintendo outright forced it on the player. But that aside, Retro is really talented at level design, sound, and using color. The game's also surprisingly challenging. It's probably the hardest game I've played this gen (haven't played SMB or VVVVVV).

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yeah, the waggle was easily the worst part of the game. Such a pointless addition that added absolutely nothing but needless frustration. wait until you came to the final boss, i never beat the game because of how handicapped the waggle makes you feel.

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