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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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I quit Deus EX after like 4 hours. Maybe ill go back to it when there is nothing else to play.

It's well made and pretty open ended. Too stealth oriented for my tastes but the game design is tight.
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heavy rain has potential but its boring the crap out of me so far.

if you are not into it after 2 or 3 hours, then it's not for you.

im still really early

at the part where ethan's wife breaks down at the police station after you lose shaun

so far the highlight has been the part where you investigate the crime scene as the FBI guy. hope theres more stuff like that

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heavy rain has potential but its boring the crap out of me so far.

if you are not into it after 2 or 3 hours, then it's not for you.

im still really early

at the part where ethan's wife breaks down at the police station after you lose shaun

so far the highlight has been the part where you investigate the crime scene as the FBI guy. hope theres more stuff like that

oh that's where it truly begins. give it another hour.
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hopefully i can finish it before my PS3 dies :ben:

that will just add to the game's intensity. Pretend your main character is not only in deep shit, but has cancer and can die at any moment. :smug: Edited by -CM-
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I finished Reach. The game irritates me badly because it's so good looking (colors and skyboxes) but the gameplay is so simplistic. No cover system, no dodge mechanice, can't hold on to my guns, can't upgrade my guns, only one special power at a time, can't hold on to special powers, enemies are sponges...none of those things would be an issue by themself but all of it together is blah.

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I finished Reach. The game irritates me badly because it's so good looking (colors and skyboxes) but the gameplay is so simplistic. No cover system, no dodge mechanice, can't hold on to my guns, can't upgrade my guns, only one special power at a time, can't hold on to special powers, enemies are sponges...none of those things would be an issue by themself but all of it together is blah.

To be fair cover systems and dodge mechanics aren't present or don't even work in most FPS anyways. I've never once thought Halo needed a cover system since it is not a stop and pop type shooter. You can actually evade enemy fire. To each their own I guess, but for me, Halo has the best combat in an FPS, tied with FEAR.|

Overall though Reach was a bit of a let down. The developers didn't really try anything new and the campaign wasn't very exciting, save the beach/space ship level.

Edited by -CM-
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I just like having choices when I play a shooter. I really liked Deus Ex because it had the RE4 briefcase full of guns to choose from, and all the special powers to play around with.

Well Deus Ex is barely a shooter. Halo is the most sandboxy FPS game out there, along side Crysis 1. It has the best AI of any FPS and no one fight ever plays out the same way upon a retry. But yeah, it's still an FPS so you're not going to get much choice in how you tackle missions. Edited by -CM-
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Halo MP is the worst. Floatfest for pre-pubescents. If that's the pinnacle of FPS in consoles. PC has nothing to fear.

You've most likely never played competitive Halo 1 and 2, Halo 2 being arguably the best online shooter last gen. Halo 3 and Reach are pretty garbage though, MP wise. Edited by -CM-
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Finished BF3 campaign and playing around with MP now. I need to invest some heavy hours into it. I haven't been regularly playing online FPSes in like two years and I'm getting slaughtered :D Also started playing Anno 2070 beta while I wait for review copy. It's absolutely glorious.

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Finished BF3 campaign and playing around with MP now. I need to invest some heavy hours into it. I haven't been regularly playing online FPSes in like two years and I'm getting slaughtered :D

Also started playing Anno 2070 beta while I wait for review copy. It's absolutely glorious.

what you are to pc gaming, i am to iOS. we both play the most obscure stuff lol.
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heavy rain has potential but its boring the crap out of me so far.

if you are not into it after 2 or 3 hours, then it's not for you.


I just looked at it like an interactive 6-8 hour movie, and it was a hell of a ride

same. i had a blast, even if the story had major plot holes.
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Halo MP is the worst. Floatfest for pre-pubescents. If that's the pinnacle of FPS in consoles. PC has nothing to fear.

You've most likely never played competitive Halo 1 and 2, Halo 2 being arguably the best online shooter last gen. Halo 3 and Reach are pretty garbage though, MP wise.

I really couldn't get into it. Halo 2 mp never felt like you had accuracy with your shots, the game gave you such a big enough window for hit detection it really didn't matter how frantically you were swinging around your gun, shooting at everything.

Maybe it's a set of gameplay rules players need to adhere and adapt to, I couldn't. It's fun to watch, but playing feels alien to me.

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