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Rayman keeps getting better the more time I sink into it. The speed trials are kindof a botch but I've managed to do every one and plan on doing all of them, the second round of bosses are awesome, reminds me of the grotesque scenes from Ren & Stimpy when I was younger. :glad:

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Finished Skyward Sword. For what it's worth, here's my rundown on it:

What it Does Differently: The sky contains the central town and small islands. There’s almost nothing to explore there. There are three main access points you parachute down into that lead to three surface regions that contain the dungeons. The surface regions are entirely comprised of environment puzzles you need to traverse in order to get to the dungeons. That’s the big one aside from the controls. The surface is one large puzzle box.

The new upgrade system is simple. There’re a few dozen different types of insects you can collect in the game world (exactly like Animal Crossing), and you need gems and insects to upgrade your tools and weapons. You can also buy assorted items like a medallion that increases the probability of finding gems.

Slow Start?: Yeah but significantly better than Twilight Princess.

Story: Almost non-existent and without tension. I can't recall a script that sabotages the tension of its plot so completely. Here's 75% of story: "Link, Zelda's safe and sound. We don't need you right now. Why don't you go upgrade your sword and do some training? We'll call you when we need you."

Characters: On par with Wind Waker. There’s no one as good as Midna (there’s a Biff from Back to the Future type character that a lot of people like), but the supporting cast is more numerous than it was in Twilight Princess.

Overworld (the Sky): Barren once again. There’s nothing worth voluntarily exploring. That was my second disappointment.

Dungeons: Strong point. What I really liked is that the dungeons were never convoluted or vague, and as a result they maintained a good pace. In terms of complexity, they fall squarely between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. In terms of dungeon and region themes, there should’ve been more originality/variety to them. One region is a desert region, and another is a volcano region. With only three regions, Nintendo shouldn’t have made two of them “heat” themed. Fortunately a region's theme doesn’t always determine what it's dungeons themes will be.

Bosses: Strong point. There’re two bosses that are excellent and I’d rank them among the best in the series.

Tools: Nothing new and clever.

Filler: Quite a bit but it’s spread out better than it was in Twilight Princess, which was heavily front-loaded with it. It’s also never quite as tedious as some of the filler was in Twilight Princess like collecting the tears. (There is tear collecting in Skyward Sword, but it’s handled much differently and better but I still would’ve left it out.) In particular, there’s too much backtracking through the surface regions. And with the game being around 35 hours long, there was no need for any of it beyond pleasing the shut-ins who want their adventure and role-play games to drag on endlessly.

Triforce Fetch Quest?: No but there’s a bad fetch quest where you have to collect pieces of a song that then allows you to open a dungeon (a really clever dungeon fortunately) that contains the Triforce. The fetch quest is also the only time I thought the clues were too vague.

Graphics: One of my favorite looking games of the gen. I love the way it looks.

Controls: Fun. I honestly have no idea why McShea struggled with them. I played the entire game lying down like a slob except for two boss fights where I sat up so I could stab with the sword along the z-axis better, and I rarely had an issue with them.

Verdict: Aside from the controls, it’s a very competent but safe Zelda with better pacing and variety than Twilight Princess. If you're tired of the Zelda formula, stay away. If you still like it, this is a solid Zelda game.

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finished infinity blade 2. the game was boss. much better than 2. i liked the 3 different ways of approaching weapon-based combat and i loved that the world had more paths to take. the gems made customizing items fun and gave extra depth. it's what the first should have been. however, if you hate constant grindfests, stay away.

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I couldn't finish God of War 3, ended up returning it. It just felt so stale and the mindless button mashing gets boring after a few hours.

Can't blame you. The story doesn't really get interesting either. What part did you get to? Edited by -CM-
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I couldn't finish God of War 3, ended up returning it. It just felt so stale and the mindless button mashing gets boring after a few hours.

I loved GoW3... beat it twice... of course the second time was with all the upgrades so I just breezed through it. Such amazing graphics and it's one of the best beat-em-ups ever.

about 13:40 into Zelda SS... game is still amazing. The puzzles are great and love the use of the new bug item.. also really like how getting to the temples are pretty much temples themselves.

3rd temple B)

Pretty cool getting there. Interesting use of the time mechanic.

Just beat the 3rd temple. 15 or 16 hours.... so far it's so amazing, I really can't see how GS bashed the controls or said it's not fresh.... starting to wonder if that jackass just played TP again :|

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Playing Link to the Past, final battle with Ganon and one arrow shot away from finishing him, I'm out of magic and in the dark. Seriously, where's the closest place on the map to find or buy magic?

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