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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

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Oh, I forgot to mention, picked up Time Crisis Razing Storm and FINALLY I have a traditional on rails shooter I can use my sharpshooter with. Only played a bit of Time Crisis 4 (the arcade version is included on the disc) but it's pretty much Time Crisis and that's just fine by me. The one complaint as always is the mandatory crosshair on screen, which fair enough compensates for the slight off targeting that both the move and wiimote suffer from when pointed towards the borders of the screen, but at least with HotD:Overkill on Wii, you could turn it off and depend solely on your aim and a bit of luck from the motion sync.

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Been playing a bunch of classic strategy games lately and it's cool to see how well some hold up and how poorly others have aged: total annihilation and cnc are fantastic, even today.

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33 hours later and Zelda is done. Game was great at times and bad at others. Wouldn't have hurt if it was shorter.

heard it starts slow but does it end with slow too. I.E. fetch quest for last 1/3rd of game. Edited by Monkey Claus
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Yeah, it definitely starts slow which isn't that big of a deal. All Vinnys complaints (which is what I think you're basing this on) are entirely true. That last 1/3rd of the game is what really got to me had I not put in 20 hours I would've happily put it down. Still hate motion controls though and wish I could use a classic controller. Rage was a fun experience, stick to the campaign and just accept the horrible ending.

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Yeah, it definitely starts slow which isn't that big of a deal. All Vinnys complaints (which is what I think you're basing this on) are entirely true. That last 1/3rd of the game is what really got to me had I not put in 20 hours I would've happily put it down.

Still hate motion controls though and wish I could use a classic controller.

Rage was a fun experience, stick to the campaign and just accept the horrible ending.

yeah Vinny's comments are pretty much what Im basing it on. Game sounds good for people that are still in love with the series I guess, but doesn't sound like it's enough to bring back someone who got sick of it at TP.

And yeah, forced motion controls is really lame.

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At the end of the day it's a solid experience and one that I could recommend if you have a Wii. It's just, to me, Skyward Sword is the perfect example of why we don't need every game to be these 30 long epics. The game could trim a lot of fat IMO.

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At the end of the day it's a solid experience and one that I could recommend if you have a Wii. It's just, to me, Skyward Sword is the perfect example of why we don't need every game to be these 30 long epics. The game could trim a lot of fat IMO.

Oh man definitely. A lot of games seem to have that problem. Haven't played LA Noire but I've heard that one goes on way too long too.

But yeah, I've been trying to justify purchasing a Wii and probably would have if they knocked it out the park with this Zelda. But I'll just wait a year now. All I really wanna play is SMG2 lol.

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Yeah, LA Noire definitely overstayed its welcome as did Lords of Shadows, but whatever some people think length = value and that's not the case for me. Great 6-8 hour experiences > <3

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