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Finished up all the FONV DLC packs. Giving Dark Souls another run through. I got Infamous 2, Batman AC, Skyrim, Ass Greed Rev, Dragon Age 2 and Uncharted 3 all here waiting to be played but my TV is messing up (greenish hue) It's an old HDTV model so I'm a call to see if it can still be repaired and if not then time to upgrade. But I don't want to play anything new till then.

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

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Dead Space 2 I'm up to Chapter 5. The story is going nowhere, the environments don't have personality, and the monsters still aren't disturbing at all. The only thing holding up the game so far is the shooting, but it's not like the level design excels. How many times is going to use the trick where you have to wait for an elevator and suddenly a swarm of monsters attack? I really like Dead Space's mechanics, but the dev teams needs to hire a writer who can at least give the scripts some decent pacing, and who knows horror is extremely visual so you need to mix up the environments and monsters otherwise monotony sets in and the spell breaks.

Edited by Saucer
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Dat Bastion. Its ok so far....overated as hell though

Yeah I don't see what's so amazing about it.

its a solid game but thats it. i bet most people wouldn't even care for it if Greg K hadn't been involved in its development.

Why the fuck would anyone here give a shit about Greg k
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80 hours into Skyrim. Already starting to feel a lil' stale now. I think I'll finish up the Stormcloaks and Thieves Guild as my last side quests

"already". 80 hours breh. :ben:
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80 hours into Skyrim. Already starting to feel a lil' stale now. I think I'll finish up the Stormcloaks and Thieves Guild as my last side quests

"already". 80 hours breh. :ben:

Lol, people for some reason hold Skyrim to a completely different standard. In a gen where we're constantly complaining about devs giving us half-assed 6 hour campaigns, people are complaining about getting tired of Skyrim after 80+ hours. :ben:
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I finished Dead Space 2 last night and I came close to liking it but in the end I didn't. The story's almost non-existent, it loves beating dead horses ("Isaac, something broke again. You'll have to take the long way around again. Watch out for the twenty jumpscares coming up."), whenever it introduces a new game mechanic it does a bad job of indicating what you're supposed to do (the scene where you have to guide the needle into your eye, for one), and at times the combat becomes too trial-and-error with fast moving enemeis spawning out of thin air behind Isaac as he's being rushed from the front--hard is fine, cheap isn't. And even though the production values were really good, the environments rarely create a true sense of place. It reminds me of a 2D Castlevania where the game has a set of environmental objects and they're haphazardly pasted together. You never feel like you're in an actual castle in a Castlevania game. You feel like you're a tangle of castle-themed gibberish. With Dead Space, I feel like I'm in a tangle of industrial spaceship gibberish. Blahblahblah

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generations was only 4 hours long :| glad i only paid $10 for it.

that said i barely did any of the challenges, will definitely go back for those.

Sonic is a fast game to be honest. You can finish the originals on the genesis in an hour or so each.

But yeah, it could have used some extra levels or some dlc besides the casino night pinball.

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generations was only 4 hours long :| glad i only paid $10 for it.

that said i barely did any of the challenges, will definitely go back for those.

Sonic is a fast game to be honest. You can finish the originals on the genesis in an hour or so each.

But yeah, it could have used some extra levels or some dlc besides the casino night pinball.

i just remember colors being a lot longer.

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