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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

I finally finished Aegis Rim     I want my fucking 40 hours back. I can't believe how absolutely SHIT that ending was. I couldn't be more disappointed right now.   I was

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Fear put me in the gayest position of my life. One of my friends got me to play it over his with the lights off and wanted to hear my heartbeat by putting his head on my back as I played.

Me: :|

Why am I not surprised :ben:

Why, have you tried to pull that trick to get closer to your friends, splodey pants? :ben:
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Fear put me in the gayest position of my life. One of my friends got me to play it over his with the lights off and wanted to hear my heartbeat by putting his head on my back as I played.

Me: :|

Your friend is an outrageous human being.

Like, for reals. This game has some sick environments

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But that pic brings me to another point. Right after I took that, not after running like another 10 yards, bam. random level end lol. They were ridiculous with those checkpoints

lol i know I was like wtf?!

But that is one of the most amazing looking vistas of the gen.

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Lol i know right. But yeah, it has some really crazy locales. Each of these chapters is like completely different from the last. I'm curious to see how this place with all the vampires are gonna be. Im curious to see how the vamps look in this. BTW, fucking chupacabra. What an annoying little bastard

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Beat Dear Esther and finished up Shadow of the Colossus. My thoughts:

Dear Esther

Never played a game like this before, if you can even all it a game. You're essentially placed in this environment to walk through as you are told a story, broken up in fragments. It's a tale revolving around death of someone close to you delivered with a Lovecraftian style. It's all left very much left up to the player's interpretation. The writing is clever and the narrator's voice acting is awesome. The experience itself was worth it just for the sound design, music and visuals. It's one of if not THE most atmospheric game I've ever played. The sound of wind and sea you hear while traversing the island is perfect, i don't even know how they pulled it off. The environments, designed by one of the Mirror's Edge artists are incredible, especially the "crystal caves" you encounter about midway. And the music, wow. I literally got the chills 2 or 3 times while playing this game, something I can't remember ever happening in another game.

All that said, I have a hard time recommending it. You have to know what you're getting into. Like I said, there is no gameplay to this experience (you just walk around). It also costs $10 for about 1-2 hours of playtime, which doesn't bug me (cost of a movie), but it might bother some. But if you want to experience a game like no other and are looking for an amazing audio-visual experience, with a story you may enjoy, check it out.

Shadow of the Colossus

I'm super late on this one and I've sure it's been discussed to death so I'll keep this brief. One of the most unique games I've ever played and an instant classic in my books. Sound design and graphics hold up perfectly, the Colossi are breathtaking and the gameplay is simple but exhilarating. People made no exaggerations about the soundtrack being one of the best either. So good. That said there were definitely 2 or 3 Colossi that I didn't find fun to fight at all and that were borderline frustrating. The controls, while much better than 2001's Ico, definitely show their age after playing more modern "adventure platformers" like Tomb Raider Legend or Uncharted. Still, all and all, I loved it and can just imagine how fucking groundbreaking fighting the Colossi in 2005. In fact I don't think any game has been able to replicate the scale of those fights without quick time events.

Well I guess that wasn't brief lol. Closing thought, extra points for having a great story and a real fucking ending. I don't remember the last game I played that had an ending that lasted more than 5 mins and actually had a satisfying conclusion, save Portal 2.

Edited by -CM-
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I loved it and can just imagine how fucking groundbreaking fighting the Colossi in 2005. In fact I don't think any game has been able to replicate the scale of those fights without quick time events.

This is such a good point, and somewhat of a sad reality.
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$10 for 1-2 hours of gameplay wouldn't be bad if it weren't for the fact that the game was originally a source mod :]

Who gives a shit what engine it uses. Activison charges $60 for their biannual engine revamps.
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So CM you literally do nothing in DE? Just walk? No inventory, npcs, combat, choices?

Yup, you literally just walk. It's interactive storytelling basically.

$10 for 1-2 hours of gameplay wouldn't be bad if it weren't for the fact that the game was originally a source mod :]

make no mistake, the graphics are high quality. It doesn't feel "fan-made" or "moddish". Edited by -CM-
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