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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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I like the PS3 version because the triggers for boosting around is better than the bumpers IMO. Can always DL the demos though It really boils down to controller preference. Bumpers for slide/reload or triggers.

Edited by Player 1
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cleo have you ever played a yakuza game before? if you liked binary domain's story and characters then you should definitely give one a try. in regards to vanquish, ill probably be picking it up soon since its pretty cheap now.

Edited by Twinblade
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Question about The Journey

How do you earn the trophy where the same player plays with you throughout most of the game? I had 8 random people join my game throughout my first playthrough. Do you simply have to get lucky?

as long as youve completed a full playthrough:

start up the snow level, wait for a partner, finish the game, youll get it.

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sort of, you'll definitely miss stuff if you don't. i don't remember if 4 had the same thing, but 3 came with recaps that basically summed up the entire story of the first 2 games.

i always wanted to play the yakuza games.
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still chiping away at mass effect, regarding me3 squadmates

is it just me or is it a bit underwhelming, I was expecting the return of favorites like Garrus and Tali, but there is really no one else that interesting, Vega is a joke and the prothean looks ok. I miss Thane ;(

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Guest Golem

Yeah the squad was pretty lame, it's a tough act to follow after the awesome diversity of 2. I actually didn't pick up Ashley, so I only had 6 with Javik. Javik's cool, but what an asshole.

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Guest Golem

To be fair, the only actual plot in ME2 was the squadmates and their stories.

People say this as some complaint, but whatever the stories were great, and the game played out more like a serial.
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Question about The Journey

How do you earn the trophy where the same player plays with you throughout most of the game? I had 8 random people join my game throughout my first playthrough. Do you simply have to get lucky?

as long as youve completed a full playthrough:

start up the snow level, wait for a partner, finish the game, youll get it.

Sweet! I'll try it out next week (so I can get that other trophy as well :meh: ) Thanks!
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Finally got 1000/1000 on SSX. Says a lot about the game when there's still 40+ drops I haven't even seen, I'll probably take a break from the game for awhile before I get gold in those events though. I've dumped probably 50-60 hours in to the game and enjoyed the majority of it, but becoming familiar with the mechanics has just led to disappointment in 'Trick It' events, which use to be my favourite events. This pic pretty much sums it up:

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The duplicate trick system isn't punishing enough when you can switch between two tricks for full points for the entirety of the run.

Race events are still a lot of fun, and I've really come around on some of the survival events. Not wanting to play every track as a trick high score event has really allowed me to enjoy the variety the game has to offer.

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