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The Official "What Are You Playing?" Thread (Post Screens)

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I can't get over how good me 1 is. The mako has grown on me :happysad: the missions feel quite solid. The writing is damn good, really explaining the characters' back stories and the universe, as a whole. And Ashley is a little sarcastic bitch..I love her. I just got liara on my crew. My favorite line is from wrex - "if we die, I'll kill you." I don't know why, but it made me lol. Perhaps, it's because it fits his character quite well.

yeah. That's right. :facep:
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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

The amount of shit going on in Control during fights is next level compared to anything else ive seen.   I also started playing Witcher 3 again. Damn this game is fucking awesome. It still l

since we are on the subject of boobs and a tiny waist, i found this lovely gif

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Kaidan is gone :( I killed wrex though :idid:

damnit GD :shake:

edit: actually fuck that nigga. Talking shit to the boss. Deserved to be wasted. :smoke:

Edited by -CM-
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My main issue is the framerate. Oh my god it's terrible in spots (360 version). I got used to the controls, so they don't bug me anymore. I'm glad I finally got to experience it.

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finished Mass Effect over the weekend, - there is a huge disconnect how 3 idiots saved the world, I get that Bioware are trying to tell a story but tech limitations prevent it from reaching the same levels of epicness. but moving from small 3 vs 10 battles in very secluded, limited almost claustrophobic spaces does not feel like saving the world. It almost feels silly that Shephard and 2 other idiots manage to save the world using pistols and rifles :| - Most of the Citadel quests are really lame, revolving around relics and all kinds of artifacts found in the rest of the planets. - I was expecting Bioware to fledge out the rest of the world, Krogan, Turians, Salarians, planets were really tiny. - The ending was rushed, those videos on the cerberus base were just silly, looked like crap, just make them audio logs. - Loading screens are garbage, we already discussed it in the OT. - I upgraded my weapons just before the Cerberus mission, there is no noticeable difference or motivation to keep buying new items. - The dialog in this game was weak, at the end I mostly skipped the conversation, pandering to the lonely geeks searching for virtual space booty was ridiculous. To be honest I think this is the weakest of the 3 games, I liked 2 better, then 1 had the best lore and story, 3 was just stupid.

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Also I started Kingdoms of Amalur, - Game feels like a single player MMO, the world is laid out in a way that resembles mmo's with semi open spaces connected with linear corridors, each space has a hub with all the vendors near each other. Most NPC's are really static with very little personality whose purpose is only to act as a checkpoint for the next phase of a determined quest. I got this strong vibe from those starting zones in WoW (Burning Crusade), actually I'd go as far to say that WoW has a more handcrafted world. - The combat is ok, the movement feels a little janky, but how the melee and magic works is competent, in a way it feels like an evolution of Fable 1, it requires to block and evade and the use of the appropiate tactic for enemies. I also forgot to mention, the enemies names are colored, and the color represents the level of diffculty (white-yellow-red-orange) like a fucking mmo :| - The story itself is somewhat interesting but I cant take it very seriously because the art design looks like WoW, some of the hubs or areas look very good, but when you are out in the world questing everything is very MMO like with enemies who patrol the world in a very specific fashion and respawning enemies. I am going to keep playing it to see how the game evolves from this point forward, but it feels very mechanical.

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I hadn't played a game in one sitting for as long as I did yesterday since Tony Hawk Underground...

It was BOREderlands co-op. Shit is addictive as fuck if you have people that know how to play and also want to blast through the game. We finished the main game and one of the DLC. Holy shit. I was fucking exhausted when we were done. No wonder people die playing WoW.

fucking asshole

ive been looking for someone to play with for over a year http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/sad.gif

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i started playing demon's souls, btw. is the whole game so dark and drab, with little-to-no music?

Yes lol. Time of day sort of depends on the area you go, and only so much of the game is above ground.

You can go virtually everywhere though. If you see it, you can go there and look where you once were. Really cohesive world design.

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Ey, -GD- ! How's it going with Demon's Souls?

i couldn't get into it the first time i played it. however, i will continue when i'm in the right mood for it.

Lol it was like that for me on my first time. I beat the first level then didn't feel like playing for about 3 months then one day I randomly started it up again and it just clicked, before I knew it I was hooked, lost lots of sleep the next few days :killzone: The whole game is dark and depressing, btw watch this video which shows a bunch of hidden items you can get at the beginning to get a head start

Use this site to get more info of virtually everything in the game http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/

Also try to use summons as much as possible.

Edited by Kid Icarus
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I think that's how most people began their Demon's Souls experience. I played through the first boss then I was like, "Well.......that was interesting." Then didn't touch it until I was bored like a month later. Thats when I fell in love wit that lil nigguh

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There's just a lot more to take in then Dark Souls, but once you get into the flow it's amazing, took me 3 months to realize this :killzone: After finals I'll co-op with you guys and show you all the good stuff :face:

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