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Got to play Dragons Dogma, Tera, Lollipop Chainsaw, Dust, Super TIME Force, Guacamelee, Bit Runner, Super Commander, and Secret World over the weekend. Back to WoW now. :killzone:

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I won't be playing anything for months or close to a year probably, stuck in bumfuck nowhere Montenegro in the middle of endless mountains, imagine Rocky IV's training location without the snow (yet)

There are cheaper ways to torture yourself. Im pretty sure razor blades go for $1-$2.

There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it.   

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Game was awesome, playing it does way more justice than the trailers. Every time you die you're ghost is still in the game killing the same enemies you did prior, kinda like the SMB mechanic but it happens while you play and not after you finish.

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i gotta try super time force. as for sword and sorcery, i liked it at first. however, i found it to have some awful backtracking in the later half. warp points would have been nice. i loved the music and presentation though.

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question: i let the council die in mass effect 1, not directly, but by choosing sovereign instead of killing council or saving civilians (the civilians survived). will that affect mass effect 2 or 3 in any way?

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Guest Golem

question: i let the council die in mass effect 1, not directly, but by choosing sovereign instead of killing council or saving civilians (the civilians survived). will that affect mass effect 2 or 3 in any way?

yes but not in a huge way, although humans will have a bigger impact within the council and some people you talk to will think you're a major prick. Did you make Anderson councillor? I did but regret it because Anderson hated the job in 2
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question: i let the council die in mass effect 1, not directly, but by choosing sovereign instead of killing council or saving civilians (the civilians survived). will that affect mass effect 2 or 3 in any way?

yes but not in a huge way, although humans will have a bigger impact within the council and some people you talk to will think you're a major prick. Did you make Anderson councillor? I did but regret it because Anderson hated the job in 2ya. i did.
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I finally got my copy of Demon's Souls back from my cousin and boy am I thrilled. Decided to go a different direction with this playthoughs and settled on a faith build. Planning on bringing the pain with Blessed weapons & Lsom. :smoke:

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Just Cause 2 was a pretty interesting game, so much of it is really, really bad but the game manages to stay fun despite itself. - Repetitive missions - Mediocre gunplay and a tendency of having to search for ammo thanks to small magazines make for some pretty boring firefights - Really awful check-pointing; I thought developers figured out that having to repeat an uneventful 2-3 minute drive because you died at the destination was shitty game design? Yet all that garbage is worth it when you attach a car to a jet and use the car as a wrecking ball. :juggle:

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Just Cause 2 was a pretty interesting game, so much of it is really, really bad but the game manages to stay fun despite itself.

- Repetitive missions

- Mediocre gunplay and a tendency of having to search for ammo thanks to small magazines make for some pretty boring firefights

- Really awful check-pointing; I thought developers figured out that having to repeat an uneventful 2-3 minute drive because you died at the destination was shitty game design?

Yet all that garbage is worth it when you attach a car to a jet and use the car as a wrecking ball. :juggle:

that works if you're one of those "make your own fun" type of gamers. Whereas I'd get bored of that type of thing in 10 minutes lol.
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Just Cause 2 was a pretty interesting game, so much of it is really, really bad but the game manages to stay fun despite itself.

- Repetitive missions

- Mediocre gunplay and a tendency of having to search for ammo thanks to small magazines make for some pretty boring firefights

- Really awful check-pointing; I thought developers figured out that having to repeat an uneventful 2-3 minute drive because you died at the destination was shitty game design?

Yet all that garbage is worth it when you attach a car to a jet and use the car as a wrecking ball. :juggle:

that works if you're one of those "make your own fun" type of gamers. Whereas I'd get bored of that type of thing in 10 minutes lol.

I'm usually not, the structure of "go destroy shit to unlock the next mission" just breeds creativity.

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I can't break free of my mass effect addiction :| I'm replaying 2 and I don't want to stop. :| I beat 3 twice and then played the first. This may be my favorite franchise this gen :|

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